


AsiaNet 64661

メキシコシティー(メキシコ)、2016年6月3日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

新しい科学的声明、「25までに25の心臓:地球、地域の心臓血管病と脳卒中による早すぎる死を減らす目標の達成」(http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/early/2016/05/06/CIR.0000000000000395.full.pdf+html ) は、すでに世界中で死因の第1位であり、地球規模で8630億米ドル近い損失となっている心臓血管病(CVD)による早すぎる死は、世界中の医療従事者や政策立案者が危険因子に『積極的に対処』しなければ、今後10年間で女性で30%、男性は34%増加しうると警告しました。

米国心臓協会(http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/ ) と世界心臓連合(http://www.world-heart-federation.org/ ) との共同声明では、30歳から70歳のCVDによる早すぎる死に関するグローバルデータを調査しました。CVDは毎年600万人近くの早すぎる死の原因になっていますが、2025年までには800万人近くまで増加する可能性があります。







しかしながら調査では、血圧、喫煙、肥満、糖尿病の危険因子に関するWHOの「25 by 25」(2025年までに25%削減)の目標を達成すれば、全世界でのCVDによる早すぎる死亡率は減速、あるいは覆ることさえありうると分かりました。


この調査報告書は、世界心臓連合が年2回開催する心臓病学・心臓血管の健康に関する世界会議(http://www.world-heart-federation.org/wcc-2016/ ) (6月4日~7日メキシコシティー)に先立ってAHA(米国心臓協会)の雑誌、サーキュレーション(Circulation: http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/early/2016/05/06/CIR.0000000000000395.full.pdf+html ) に掲載されたものです。




CVD Deaths to Rise by a Third in Less Than 10 Years


MEXICO CITY, June 3, 2016 / PRNewswire=KYODO JBN /--

    A new scientific statement - "The Heart of 25 by 25: achieving the goal of

reducing global and regional premature deaths from cardiovascular diseases and

stroke" [For more information please contact: +44(0)203-861-3820 /

wcc2016@grayling.com]- has warned that premature deaths from cardiovascular

disease (CVD), already the number one cause of death around the world with a

global cost of nearly US $863bn, could rise by up to 30% in women and 34% in

men in the next decade if risk factors are not "aggressively addressed" by

health practitioners and policymakers worldwide.

    The joint statement from the American Heart Association

[http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/ ] and World Heart Federation

[http://www.world-heart-federation.org/ ] studied global data on premature

deaths from CVD in 30-70 year olds. It found that CVD is responsible for almost

6 million premature deaths per year, but this could rise to nearly 8 million by

2025. Regionally:

    - Latin America and the Caribbean - 22% increase in women and 24%

increase    in men

    - South Asia - 43% increase in women and 56% increase in men

    Sub-Saharan Africa - 48% increase in women and 52% increase in men

    - Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia - 26% increase in women and

16%     increase in men

    - Middle East and North Africa - 32% increase in women and 35% increase in


    However, the research found that global rates of premature CVD deaths could

be slowed and even reversed in some regions if the WHO '25 by 25' risk factor

targets for blood pressure, smoking, obesity and diabetes are achieved.

    To help health leaders enact practices to meet these targets and protect

their populations from premature cardiovascular deaths the study makes several

recommendations, including smoke free laws, higher tobacco product taxes and

stricter advertising rules, decreasing sodium levels in packaged foods, more

public awareness campaigns and funding drug therapy and counselling for people

who have previously had, or are at high risk of having, a heart attack or


    This study is published in the AHA's journal Circulation [


ahead of the World Heart Federation's biannual World Congress of Cardiology and

Cardiovascular Health [http://www.world-heart-federation.org/wcc-2016/ ] in

Mexico City, 4-7 June.

    Professor David Wood, President-Elect of the World Heart Federation and

co-author of the study, said: "The conclusions of this study are clear: to stop

people dying prematurely from cardiovascular disease we need both the political

will and a firm commitment from health leaders to put in place progressive

strategies right now."

SOURCE: World Heart Federation




