Debtors Anonymous、借入金に苦しむ人々に希望を与える

Debtors Anonymous

Debtors Anonymous、借入金に苦しむ人々に希望を与える

AsiaNet 63975 (0409)

【ニーダム(米マサチューセッツ州)2016年4月4日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


ほとんどの人は人生のさまざまな時点でお金を借りる。ただ住宅や車など担保の裏付けのない無担保債務は、一部の人には中毒性で、生活を成り立たなくさせる。Debtors Anonymous(D.A.、デターズ・アノニマス)は、自身と身近な人の人生に障害となる借入金依存症の人々に希望を与えている。


D.A.のプログラムはAlcoholics Anonymous(アルコホーリクス・アノニマス)の12段階の原則に基づき、数千人の人々が借入金依存症から抜け出し、幸せで明るく充実した人生に向けた新しい生き方を見つけ出すことを助けてきた。



▽Debtors Anonymousについて

Debtors Anonymousは3つの目的を持つ非営利団体。それはメンバーが無担保借り入れをやめ、その経験を新しい参加者と共有し、ほかの債務者に手を差し伸べること。借入金依存症は自営業者や企業オーナーにもおよんでいる。そうした人は特定の必要性に対処するBusiness Debtors Anonymousのミーティングが利用できる。

D.Aについての詳しい情報の入手と、あなたの地域でのミーティング開催の有無を調べるには、D.A.のウェブサイト( )にアクセスするか、1-781-453-2743まで電話を。

ソース:Debtors Anonymous

Debtors Anonymous Offers Hope for People Struggling with Debt


NEEDHAM, Mass., Apr. 4, 2016 /PR Newswire=KYODO JBN/ --

- Fellowship to celebrate 40th anniversary worldwide

Most people incur debt at various points in their lives. For some, unsecured

debt-debt not secured by some form of collateral such as a house or car-becomes

an addictive and unmanageable part of their lives. Debtors Anonymous (D.A.)

offers hope for people whose use of unsecured debt causes problems and

suffering in their lives and the lives of others.

Such debting can cripple and ruin someone's life. For the compulsive debtor,

debt is like alcohol for the alcoholic, food for the compulsive eater, and

gambling for the compulsive gambler.

Based upon the Twelve-Step principles of Alcoholics Anonymous, the D.A. program

has helped thousands find a new way of living that offers recovery from

compulsive debting and hope for a healthier, happier, more prosperous life.

Forty years ago this April, a handful of debtors began meeting in New York

City. Together, they found a solution to the pressures of compulsive debting.

Since then, the Fellowship of D.A. has grown to some 500 registered meetings


On April 15, 2016, members worldwide will celebrate the founding and growth of

the Fellowship. Festivities will range from small group meetings and

international phone meetings to large gatherings for hundreds of debtors.

About Debtors Anonymous

Debtors Anonymous is a non-profit organization whose members have a threefold

purpose: to stop incurring unsecured debt, to share their experience with the

newcomer, and to reach out to other debtors. Compulsive debting can also affect

those who are self-employed or business owners. For them, Business Debtors

Anonymous meetings are available to address their specific needs.

For more information about D.A. or to find out if there is a meeting in your

area, visit the D.A. website at, or call


SOURCE:  Debtors Anonymous




