
シンハーパーク(Singha Park)


AsiaNet 63945 (0402)

【バンコク2016年3月31日インフォクエスト=共同通信JBN】熱気球がゆったりと朝の空に昇り、新鮮な大気が肌をなで、ヒリヒリする冒険気分をもたらすロマンチックセンセーション-。これがタイ・チェンライのバレンタインデー・シンハーパーク国際気球フェスタ(Valentine's Day Singha Park International Balloon Fiesta)にビジターを引きつける精神、魔法、自由感覚である。

チェンライからわずか12キロのシンハーパーク(Singha Park)は毎年、約100万人のビジターが訪れ、バイクトレイル、風変わりな動物、レストランがタイ最大級の農業観光地に魅力を加えている。

壮観な熱気球イベントは4日間にわたる楽しい祭典で、日々の気球競技会や気球数十機によるセンセーショナルなナイトショー、Balloon Magic Night Glowを盛り込んでいる。













チェンライの2017年バレンタインデー・シンハーパーク国際気球フェスタに関する詳しい情報はwww.facebook.com/SinghaparkChiangrai を参照。

ソース:Singha Park




Romance Awaits for Valentine's Day 2017 at Singha Park International Balloon Fiesta in Chiang Rai, Thailand


BANGKOK, Thailand, Mar. 31, InfoQuest=KYODO JBN

The romantic sensation of hot air balloons rising serenely into the morning

skies, fresh air caressing the skin, creating a tingling sense of adventure;

this is the spirit, the magic and the sense of freedom that draws visitors to

the Valentine's Day Singha Park International Balloon Fiesta, in Chiang Rai,


Singha Park, just 12 kilometers from Chiang Rai, draws some one million

visitors each year; bicycle trails, exotic animals and restaurants add to the

attractions of one of Thailand's largest agro-tourism destinations.

The spectacular hot air balloon event is a fun-loving festival held over four

days, combining daily balloon competitions and sensational nightly Balloon

Magic Night Glow, a show created by dozens of balloons.

Capturing the romance and beauty of the International Balloon Fiesta is at the

heart of the photo contest that was held at the 2016 edition of the event, as

seen in the winning images in the various prize camera categories: DSLR

category (winner: Natnakorn Pattanapaiboonpon), Mirrorless category (winner:

Panya Apinyanurak), Smartphone category (winner: Korkiat Jumpa) and Drone

category (winner: Phudinan Singkhamfu).

No matter the type of camera, they all captured the excitement and beauty of

the 2016 event, which saw some 30 brightly decorated hot air balloons ascending

into the clear blue sky, casting shadows across the 3,000 acre Singha Park's

rolling hills, and tea and fruit plantations.

Among festivities are food and drink stalls, booths offering games and prizes,

and romantic music concerts that appeal to the young and the young-at-heart.

"The event here is extremely well organized," said David Griffiths, 67, a

commercial hot air balloon pilot from Nottingham, U.K. "I was drawn to the 2016

event by the chance to fly in Thailand and this beautiful place. Everything

goes like clockwork, everything works all the time."

The balloon event is considered one of the largest in South East Asia, with

participants from 14 countries, including the United Kingdom, the United

States, Switzerland, Brazil, China and Japan.

French tourist, Ines Vasseur, 27, commented how much she enjoyed the festival.

"The park, the view, the balloons, everything is so beautiful and I'm happy to

be here."

At the event on Valentines' Day in 2016, some 20 couples were invited to attend

a special wedding ceremony sponsored by the Park, to fly in a balloon,

celebrating their special and memorable moments.

For 30-year old newlywed Rattana Chaichana, the experience of flying in a

balloon on her wedding day will be with her forever. "I was thrilled by this

once-in-a-life time opportunity," Rattana said excitedly. "It was my first time

to be so high above the ground and so close to the sky with the love of my

life. It is one of the most precious moments that I will proudly tell my

children and grandchildren about."

To find out more about the 2017 Chiang Rai Valentine's Day Singha Park

International Balloon Fiesta, visit www.facebook.com/SinghaparkChiangrai

SOURCE: Singha Park

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