


AsiaNet 63100 (0062)

【バンガロール(インド)2016年1月14日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】







*grassroots innovation(草の根イノベーション)運動の採用継続とAikido提供














Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162








(注)為替レート:AUD/USD - 0.73、Euro/USD - 1.09、GBP/USD - 1.48


*石油・天然ガスの最新情報管理コンサルティング・サービスの有力プロバイダーであるNoah Consulting, LLCの買収を完了











▽Zero Distanceを通じたGrassroots Innovation(草の根イノベーション)を提供

すべてのプロジェクトでイノベーションを進め、すべての従業員がイノベーターになる力を付けるインフォシスのプログラムZero Distanceは、Q3でも成長を続けた。Q3末までにインフォシスのデリバリー組織の90%は、既存プロジェクトで何らかのイノベーションを達成し、作業指示書の目標を超えた。多くのクライアント調査で認められたように、同組織のイノベーションの割合は向上し、Zero Distanceは同社の最もインパクトのある魅力的な運動として従業員に対する意識調査で認められた。

TNTのService Delivery部門長のマシュー・ペギー氏は「われわれがインフォシスと提携してから12カ月、同社は一貫して対応し、期待を超えた。当社の複雑なアプリケーションに721以上のアプリをシームレスに移行する作業は、8カ国にわたり5500回のSMEセッションを通じインフォシスの手で行われ、提携関係の堅固な基盤の確立への支援となった。その後、Zero Distanceイニシアチブの一環として、インフォシスはTNTに付加価値を提供するため数え切れない機会を積極的に見つけてくれた。例えば、メッセージング・アプリに基づく当社のメーンフレームをモニターするために作成した非侵襲的オートメーションは、インシデントの早期探知と自動解明を可能にし、より高度なビジネスの安定性を与えた。双方向の視覚ダッシュボードの作成に基づき数多くの追加的な開発も進んでおり、それによってさらなるサービス向上と業務効率を進めることができる。われわれはインフォシスとの提携関係が当社事業にさらなる価値を提供するよう支援してくれると確信している」と語った。


当社はあらゆる業界で当社のAikidoサービスを引き続き採用する。なぜなら、クライアントは自らのIT領域の秩序を乱さず(Ki)、新しいプラットフォームと技術を活用して新しい機会を開き(Ai)、Design Thinkingの能力を使って大きな問題解決の方法を見いだす(Do)ために当社の支援を望んでいるからである。

ノルウェーのDNB Bankは、アプリケーションの領域を変革するために当社を選択した。当社はAiKiDoを適用し、ノレッジベースの秩序を乱さないリニューアルを活用してDNB Bankのすべてのデータクラスター、データウエアハウジング・サービス、法令順守リポート、ERP機能を進化させる。当社はIT運用およびデータ処理の効率を向上させ、同銀行のデータクラスターにおいてDesign Thinkingを開発イニシアチブに提供する。

コメルツ銀行は複数年にわたるアプリケーション管理プログラムのために当社を選択し、銀行のポストトレード・ユーティリティーを開発し、Design Thinkingの原則とAiKiDoの枠組みを活用し、アプリケーション・アーキテクチャーを簡略化し、プロセスを標準化し向上させ、コスト効率を増進した。

▽Infosys Information Platform(IIP)は現時点で200件の契約を上回り、30件で製造中

ATPのマリー・シュワルツベルク上級副社長(IT・デジタルメディア担当)は「インフォシスがわれわれの提携にもたらした技術リーダーシップをうれしく思う。インフォシスが同社のオープンデータ分析プラットフォーム、すなわちInfosys Information Platform(IIP)を使ってBarclays World Tourファイナルで示したことは、テニスがファンやスポーツにとってはるかにエキサイティングであることを実証した。適時にゲーム展望の提供支援をする適切な考察を見つけるために大量のデータを分析することはATPにとって初めての経験だった。われわれはこのようなエキサイティングなイニシアチブをインフォシスとともに数多く開発し、すべての人がテニスの経験を考え直すことに寄与したい」と語った。

▽Infosys Automation Platform(IAP)は121件の契約を上回り、47件が製造中

ProximusのOperation Team Manager(販売・発注担当)であるエリック・ケイメス氏は「IAPは当社がドメイン発注において複数の複雑なプラットフォーム上、例えばOracle、Unix、さまざまなGUIで、大量のデータ処理を自動化することに役立つ。これは作業を大幅に軽減することに役立つとともに、従来のスクリプト作成に比べ短時間でプロダクション問題があった場合に膨大な訂正を行うことにも役立っている。Proximusにとって、追加費用なしで100万ユーロの節約ができたことを実感した。また、顧客に対しより優れたサービスを提供する上でも寄与しており、当社のKPIおよび政策決定タイムラインを向上させた。インフォシス・チームがこのアイデアを思いつき、Proximusと協力して、それを実装してくれたことを高く評価している」と語った。


北米の大手貨物鉄道BNSF RailwayはインフォシスのPanayaが持つ深いインパクト分析能力を活用して、同社のミッションクリティカルなSAPプラットフォームの週ごとの発表において、リスクベースのテスト、自動化されたテスト結果撮影、テストの加速化を導入した。



現時点で151件以上のDesign Thinking契約がクライアントと成約し、6万9000人以上の雇員がDesign Thinkingでトレーニングを受けた。

AimiaのInternational Coalitionsのジャンピエール・リップス社長は「インフォシスはDesign Thinkingを使用した市場戦略およびロードマップでAimiaを支援してくれた。Design Thinkingは強力な効率的メソッドで、ほんの3日間でさまざまな部門で働くチームに集中的思考をもたらした。このアプローチによってAimiaは市場および顧客のコアニーズを判断できるようになるとともに、当社チームはその心を開き、あらかじめ決められたアイデアを押し付けるのではなく、創造的なソリューションを考えるようになった。われわれはその他のイニシアチブでもこのメソドロジーを活用していきたい」と語った。


Corporate Citizen of the Year Award' at the Economic Times (ET) Awards 2015を受賞

ガートナーの2015年11月のMQ for Application Testing Services Worldwideでリーダーに指名された(注)

HfS Research IoT Services Blueprint Report 2015で「Winner's Circle」の仲間入りをした

Everest Group調査でデジタル戦略の最も今日性があるブランドの1つに選ばれた

Worldwide PLM Strategic Consulting 2015でIDCによってリーダーに選ばれた

Finacle Mobile Bankingソリューションが「The Forrester Wave(TM):Mobile Banking Solutions, Q4 2015」リポートの中でForrester Reseach, Inc.によってリーダーに指名された



取締役会は1月14日、プニタ・クマール・シンハ(Punita Kumar Sinha)博士をIndependent Directorに即時発効で任命した。

キャロル・M・ブラウナー(Carol M. Browner)氏は2015年11月23日付で取締役を辞任した。取締役会は同氏が取締役として提供したサービスに対し深い感謝の意を記録した。

取締役会はジェフリー・S・レーマン(Jeffrey S. Lehman)教授を同社のIndependent Directorに4月14日付で任命することを提言した。任期は2年間で、2018年4月13日まで同役職を務め、ローテーションで辞任する義務はない。レーマン教授のIndependent Directorとしての現在の任期は2016年4月13日に満了する。この任命は株主の承認を必要とする。


今四半期、インフォシスは企業の社会的責任(CSR)のために27億ルピーを計上し、この大半は同社慈善事業部門のInfosys Foundation(インフォシス財団)を通じて出資される。

第3四半期に、Infosys Foundation USAは幾つかの新規資金提供を行い、米国のすべての公立学校においてComputer Science Educationおよびプログラミングへのアクセスを拡大、これによって学生、とりわけ女性と過小評価されているマイノリティーの人々が将来の労働力に必要とされるデジタル技術を取得するために平等な利用機会を得ることができる。Computer Science Education Week 2015を祝って、財団は米国の非営利団体に5つの新規資金提供を行い、10以上のコンピューターサイエンス・ブートキャンプを開催した。

Infosys Science Foundation(ISF)は2015年11月13日、エンジニアリング・コンピューターサイエンス、ヒューマニティー、生命科学、数理科学、物理学、社会学のInfosys Prize 2015の6部門における優勝者を発表した。

▽インフォシス社(Infosys Ltd.)について


年間売上高92億米ドル、19万3000人余りを雇用しているインフォシス(NYSE:INFY)がいかにして企業の変革を支援するとともに、価値を生み出す新たな手段を創出しているかはウェブサイトhttp://www.infosys.com を参照。


Investor Relations

Sandeep Mahindroo

+91 80 3980 1018


Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India

+91 80 4156 3373


Pilar Elvira Wolfsteller

+1 510 944 4596


Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

                                 (Dollars in millions except equity share data)

                                         December 31, 2015        March 31, 2015


Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents                      4,455                   4,859

Available-for-sale financial assets               68                     140

Trade receivables                              1,641                   1,554

Unbilled revenue                                 450                     455

Prepayments and other current assets             747                     527

Derivative financial instruments                   8                      16

Total current assets                            7,369                  7,551

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment                   1,517                  1,460

Goodwill                                          560                    495

Intangible assets                                 157                    102

Investment in Associates                           16                     15

Available-for-sale financial assets               255                    215

Deferred income tax assets                         78                     85

Income tax assets                                 718                    654

Other non-current assets                          101                     38

Total non-current assets                        3,402                  3,064

Total assets                                   10,771                 10,615


Current liabilities

Trade payables                                     20                    22

Derivative Financial Instruments                    1                    -

Current income tax liabilities                    448                   451

Client deposits                                     5                     4

Unearned revenue                                  211                   168

Employee benefit obligations                      192                   171

Provisions                                         73                    77

Other current liabilities                         980                   927

Total current liabilities                       1,930                 1,820

Non-current liabilities

Deferred income tax liabilities                    40                    25

Other non-current liabilities                      24                     8

Total liabilities                               1,994                 1,853


Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

(1,200,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

and outstanding 2,285,619,380 (1,142,805,132), net

of 11,325,284 (5,667,200) treasury shares as of

December 31, 2015 (March 31, 2015), respectively   199                   109

Share premium                                      570                   659

Retained earnings                               10,550                10,090

Other reserves                                      -                     -

Other components of equity                      (2,542)               (2,096)

Total equity attributable to equity holders of the

company                                           8,777                8,762

Non-controlling interests                            -                   -

Total equity                                      8,777                8,762

Total liabilities and equity                     10,771               10,615

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of

Comprehensive Income   

                    (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)

                             Three months Three months  Nine months  Nine months

                                   ended        ended        ended        ended

                             December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31,

                                   2015         2014         2015         2014

Revenues                           2,407        2,218        7,055        6,552

Cost of sales                      1,512        1,360        4,435        4,057

Gross profit                         895          858        2,620        2,495

Operating expenses:

Selling and marketing expenses       130          124          388          362

Administrative expenses              166          142          482          430

Total operating expenses             296          266          870          792

Operating profit                     599          592        1,750        1,703

Other income, net                    121          136          362          419

Share in associate's profit / (loss    -            -            -            -

Profit before income taxes          720          728        2,112        2,122

Income tax expense                  196          206          593          607

Net profit                          524          522        1,519        1,515

Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be

reclassified to profit or loss:

Re-measurement of the net defined

benefit liability/(asset)            1          (2)          (1)          (6)

Items that may be reclassified

subsequently to profit or loss:

Fair value changes on

available-for-sale financial asse     1            8           3           16

Exchange differences on

translation of foreign operations    (69)        (169)       (448)        (428)

Total other comprehensive income,

net of tax                           (67)        (163)       (446)        (418)

Total comprehensive income           457          359        1,073        1,097

Profit attributable to:

Owners of the company                  524        522        1,519        1,515

Non-controlling interests             -            -            -            -

                                       524        522        1,519        1,515

Total comprehensive income

attributable to:

Owners of the company                  457        359        1,073        1,097

Non-controlling interests              -            -          -            -

                                       457        359        1,073        1,097

Earnings per equity share

Basic ($)                             0.23         0.23       0.66         0.66

Diluted ($)                           0.23         0.23       0.66         0.66

Weighted average equity shares

used in computing earnings per

equity share

Basic                     2,285,619,380 2,285,610,264 2,285,614,573 2,285,610,264

Diluted                   2,285,732,052 2,285,654,792 2,285,715,960 2,285,630,846



2.当社の業務メトリックスに関する概況報告書はwww.infosys.com からダウンロードすることができる。


IFRS-INR Press Release:


ファクトシート: http://multivu.prnewswire.com/prnehost/Q3-2016-fact-sheet.pdf


Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2015


BANGALORE, Jan. 14 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

Infosys (NYSE: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended December 31, 2015

BANGALORE, January 14, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

Q3 sequential revenue growth at 0.6% in USD terms and 1.1% in constant currency

Q3 yoy revenue growth at 8.5% in USD terms and 12.5% in constant currency

FY 16 revenue guidance increased to 12.8%-13.2% in constant currency and

8.9%-9.3% in USD terms on Dec 31st, 2015 exchange rates

Volume growth at 3.1% quarter on quarter

Attrition declined to 13.4% on standalone basis  

Continued adoption of grassroots innovation and Aikido offerings

Financial Highlights:  

Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

for the quarter ended December 31, 2015

Quarter ended December 31, 2015

Revenues were $ 2,407 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2015

QoQ growth was 0.6% in reported terms; 1.1% in constant currency terms

YoY growth was 8.5% in reported terms; 12.5% in constant currency terms  

Operating profit was $ 599 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2015

QoQ growth was (1.8%)

YoY growth was 1.2%

Net profit was $ 524 million for the quarter ended December 31, 2015

QoQ growth was 0.9%

YoY growth was 0.4%

Earnings per share (EPS) was $ 0.23 for the quarter ended December 31, 2015

QoQ growth was 0.9%

YoY growth was 0.4%

Liquid assets including cash and cash equivalents, available-for-sale financial

assets and government bonds were $4,765 million as on December 31, 2015 as

compared to $4,894 million as on September 30, 2015

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130122/589162 )

"We are starting to see creative confidence blossoming within Infosys - David

Kelley's beautiful idea that innovation is not specific to one department but

is an ability within all of us, waiting to unleash our full creative potential.

We are seeing Infoscions becoming innovators, bringing innovation and client

value to each individual project. This confidence can only come from a culture

of learning and empowerment, and this is the kind of company we are endeavoring

to create," said Dr. Vishal Sikka, CEO and MD. "Alongside grassroots

innovation, we continue to see growing adoption of our Aikido services,

bringing the power of intelligent systems, automation and software to amplify

the skills and imaginations of our people. This combination helped us deliver

encouraging results despite the traditional seasonality of the quarter and the

additional headwinds, and will strengthen the execution of our strategy towards

consistent profitable growth."

"The healthy volume growth this quarter has been encouraging. The lesser

working days and our investments into additional trainees resulted in softer

pricing and utilization for the quarter," said U B Pravin Rao, President & COO.

"Our continued focus on employee engagement is paying dividends resulting in

lower attrition. We continue to simplify our policies and enable greater

agility within the company, with the goal of boosting our productivity."

"We have been able to navigate the quarter, better than our earlier

expectations," said M.D. Ranganath, CFO. "We will continue to focus on

enhancing operational efficiency through multiple levers in the coming



The Company's outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2016,

under IFRS is as follows:

Revenue guidance increased to 12.8%-13.2% in constant currency;

Revenue guidance increased to 8.9%-9.3% in USD terms based on the exchange

rates as of Dec 31st, 2015*

*Conversion: AUD/USD - 0.73; Euro/USD - 1.09; GBP/USD - 1.48

Investments and Acquisitions:  

Completed the acquisition of Noah Consulting, LLC, a leading provider of

advanced information management consulting services for the oil and gas


Invested in WHOOP, an early stage company that offers a performance

optimization system for elite professional sports teams, and invested in

CloudEndure, a startup that provides Cloud Migration and Cloud-based Disaster

Recovery (DR) software.

Business Highlights:  

We continue to see a great opportunity to rethink the notion of services -

bringing the best of human potential together with software and platforms, to

drive the digital transformation of the world around us.

Investing in Artificial Intelligence

In December, we announced our participation in OpenAI, a non-profit

organization dedicated to developing and advancing Artificial Intelligence,

bringing the best AI talent in the world together in the interest of all of

us.  This initiative adds an important new dimension to our ongoing efforts in


Increasing the Depth of Client Relationships

In Q3, we strengthened relationships with key clients, including renewing

existing large scale contracts, opening new accounts and signing four large


ALSTOM, a global leader in rail transport, selected us for next-generation

services in application engineering, development and maintenance, in addition

to product lifecycle management to reduce IT costs, improve user experience,

and increase the efficiency of the product design process.

MRJ90, the flagship aircraft of the Mitsubishi Aircraft Corporation, Japan

(MITAC) recently completed its maiden test flight. We helped MITAC in the

mechanical design of fuselage structures, delivered continuous improvements

through automation, and reduced both the cost and cycle time.

Mercedes Benz Research and Development Center, India, has partnered with us to

run their complete datacenter and network operations support in 15 countries

across the APAC region, increasing agility and automation and reducing cost of


Delivering Grassroots Innovation through Zero Distance

Zero Distance, our program to drive innovation in every project, empowering all

employees to be innovators, continued to grow in Q3. By the end of Q3, 90% of

our delivery organization had done something innovative in an existing project,

beyond the statement of work.  As recognized in many client surveys the

innovation quotient of the organization has improved and zero distance has been

recognized in employee surveys as the most impactful and engaging movement in

the company.

Matthew Pegge, Head of Service Delivery, TNT, said, "In the 12 months since we

partnered with Infosys, they have consistently met or exceeded expectations. A

seamless transition of over 721 applications in our complex application

landscape, delivered by Infosys across 8 countries through more than 5500 SME

sessions has helped establish a solid foundation for the partnership. Then as

part of their Zero Distance initiative, Infosys pro-actively identified

numerous opportunities to deliver additional value to TNT. For example, the

non-invasive automation created for monitoring our mainframe based messaging

app is enabling earlier detection and automated resolution of incidents - thus

giving higher business stability. There are a number of additional developments

in progress based around creating an 'interactive visibility dashboard' which

will provide the business with greater insight to enable them to drive further

service improvements and operational efficiencies. We are confident that our

partnership with Infosys will help us deliver even more value for our business."

Driving Innovation through Aikido Service Offerings

We are seeing continued adoption of our Aikido service offerings across all

industries, as clients look to us to help renew their IT landscapes

non-disruptively (Ki); leverage new platforms and technologies to open new

opportunities (Ai); and bring the power of Design Thinking to find the great

problems to solve (Do).

DNB Bank of Norway selected us to transform their application landscape.

Applying AiKiDo, we will leverage knowledge-based non-disruptive renewal to

evolve DNB Bank's entire data cluster, data warehousing services, regulatory

reporting, and ERP functions. We will improve efficiencies in IT operations and

data processing, and apply Design Thinking to development initiatives in the

bank's data cluster.

Commerzbank chose us for a multi-year application management program to develop

a post trade utility for the bank, leveraging principles of Design Thinking and

the AiKiDo framework to simplify application architecture, standardize and

improve processes, and drive cost efficiency.

Infosys Information Platform (IIP) surpassed 200 engagements to date, with 30

in production.

Murray Swartzberg, Sr. VP IT and Digital Media, ATP, said, "We're delighted

with the technology leadership that Infosys has brought to our partnership.

What Infosys demonstrated at the Barclays World Tour finals using their open

data analytics platform - Infosys Information Platform (IIP) - made tennis so

much more exciting for our fans and sport. Analyzing such huge volumes of data

to find the right insights that helped deliver in-time foresight into the game

was a first for ATP. We look forward to developing many such exciting

initiatives, along with Infosys, to help reimagine the experience of tennis for

us all."

Infosys Automation Platform (IAP) surpassed 121 engagements with 47 in


Eric Keimes, Operations Team Manager (Selling & Ordering), Proximus said, "IAP

helped us to automate bulk processing of data over multiple complex platforms

in the ordering domain eg: Oracle, Unix, different GUI's. This has helped us

reduce significant effort, it has also helped us perform massive corrections in

cases of production issues in a shorter time compared to traditional scripting.

We have realized a saving of EUR 1 million with no additional cost to Proximus. It

has helped us in better servicing towards our customers, improving our KPI's

and resolution timeliness. I appreciate the Infosys team to have come up with

this idea and collaborating with Proximus to have it implemented."

Panaya, Skava & Edge software products continue to see strong adoption.

BNSF Railway, a leading North American freight railroad, leveraged Infosys

Panaya's deep impact analysis capabilities to adopt risk-based testing,

automated test evidence capture and test acceleration during weekly releases

for its mission-critical SAP platform.

Skava is seeing strong traction with clients across geographies, with a record

Black Friday holiday weekend- traffic and m-commerce sales through the platform

were up by 50% from last year.

The EdgeVerve business sustained momentum with 24 wins and 25 go-lives for both

the Finacle and Edge suite of solutions across various markets.

We have had more than 151 Design Thinking engagements with clients to date, and

more than 69,000 employees have been trained in Design Thinking.

Jan-Pieter Lips, President, International Coalitions, Aimia, said, "Infosys

helped Aimia with a market strategy and roadmap leveraging Design Thinking. It

was a powerful and effective method to bring convergent thinking across our

cross functional team in just three days. The approach helped Aimia to evaluate

the core needs of a market and its consumers and helped open the minds of our

team to think of creative solutions rather than pushing predetermined ideas. We

look forward to leveraging this methodology in other initiatives."

Awards and Recognition:  

Awarded the 'Corporate Citizen of the Year Award' at the Economic Times (ET)

Awards 2015.

Positioned as a Leader in Gartner's November 2015 MQ for Application Testing

Services Worldwide.*

Inducted into the 'Winner's Circle' in the HfS Research IoT Services Blueprint

Report 2015.

Named one of the most relevant brands for digital strategy in Everest Group


Named as a Leader by IDC in its Worldwide PLM Strategic Consulting 2015 report

Finacle Mobile Banking solution named a leader by Forrester Research, Inc. in

'The Forrester Wave(TM) Mobile Banking Solutions, Q4 2015' report.

*Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its

research publications, and does not advise technology users to select only

those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research

publications consist of the opinions of Gartner's research organization and

should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all

warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to this research, including any

warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Board Changes:

On January 14, 2016, the Board appointed Dr. Punita Kumar Sinha as an

Independent Director with immediate effect

Ms. Carol M. Browner resigned as Member of the Board effective November 23,

2015. The Board placed on record its deep sense of appreciation for the

services rendered by her during her tenure as a Director

The Board recommended the reappointment of Prof. Jeffrey S. Lehman, Independent

Director of the Company for a term of two years with effect from April 14, 2016

to hold office upto April 13, 2018, and not be liable to retire by rotation.

Prof. Lehman's current term of office as an Independent Director expires on

April 13, 2016. The appointment is subject to the approval of the shareholder

Beyond Business:

For this fiscal, Infosys has pledged `270 crore towards Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) that is primarily being carried out through the Infosys

Foundation, its philanthropic arm.

In Q3, continuing on its mission, Infosys Foundation USA awarded several new

grants that broaden access to Computer Science Education and coding across all

US public schools so that students - especially women and those belonging to

under-represented minorities - have equal access to acquire the digital skills

needed by the workforce of tomorrow. To celebrate the Computer Science

Education Week 2015, the Foundation awarded five new grants to non-profits

across America and hosted 10+ computer science boot camps.  

On November 13, 2015, The Infosys Science Foundation (ISF) announced the

winners of the Infosys Prize 2015 across six categories: Engineering and

Computer Science, Humanities, Life Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Physical

Sciences and Social Sciences.

About Infosys Ltd:

Infosys is a global leader in consulting, technology, outsourcing and

next-generation services. We enable clients, in more than 50 countries, to stay

a step ahead of emerging business trends and outperform the competition. We

help them transform and thrive in a changing world by co-creating breakthrough

solutions that combine strategic insights and execution excellence.

Visit www.infosys.com to see how Infosys (NYSE: INFY), with US$ 9.2 billion in

LTM revenues and 193,000+ employees, is helping enterprises renew themselves

while also creating new avenues to generate value.

Safe Harbor  

Certain statements in this press release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations

intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities

Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration,

restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to

manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key

focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our

ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions,

liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in

which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of

governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts,

legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and

unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions

affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating

results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange

Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year

ended March 31, 2015. These filings are available at www.sec.gov. Infosys may,

from time to time, make additional written and oral forward-looking statements,

including statements contained in the company's filings with the Securities and

Exchange Commission and our reports to shareholders. In addition, please note

that the date of this press release is January 14, 2016, and any

forward-looking statements contained herein are based on assumptions that we

believe to be reasonable as of this date. The company does not undertake to

update any forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time by or

on behalf of the company unless it is required by law.


Investor Relations

Sandeep Mahindroo

+91 80 3980 1018


Media Relations

Sarah Vanita Gideon, India

+91 80 4156 3373


Pilar Elvira Wolfsteller

+1 510 944 4596


Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Balance Sheets as of

                                 (Dollars in millions except equity share data)

                                         December 31, 2015        March 31, 2015


Current assets

Cash and cash equivalents                      4,455                   4,859

Available-for-sale financial assets               68                     140

Trade receivables                              1,641                   1,554

Unbilled revenue                                 450                     455

Prepayments and other current assets             747                     527

Derivative financial instruments                   8                      16

Total current assets                            7,369                  7,551

Non-current assets

Property, plant and equipment                   1,517                  1,460

Goodwill                                          560                    495

Intangible assets                                 157                    102

Investment in Associates                           16                     15

Available-for-sale financial assets               255                    215

Deferred income tax assets                         78                     85

Income tax assets                                 718                    654

Other non-current assets                          101                     38

Total non-current assets                        3,402                  3,064

Total assets                                   10,771                 10,615


Current liabilities

Trade payables                                     20                    22

Derivative Financial Instruments                    1                    -

Current income tax liabilities                    448                   451

Client deposits                                     5                     4

Unearned revenue                                  211                   168

Employee benefit obligations                      192                   171

Provisions                                         73                    77

Other current liabilities                         980                   927

Total current liabilities                       1,930                 1,820

Non-current liabilities

Deferred income tax liabilities                    40                    25

Other non-current liabilities                      24                     8

Total liabilities                               1,994                 1,853


Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value 2,400,000,000

(1,200,000,000) equity shares authorized, issued

and outstanding 2,285,619,380 (1,142,805,132), net

of 11,325,284 (5,667,200) treasury shares as of

December 31, 2015 (March 31, 2015), respectively   199                   109

Share premium                                      570                   659

Retained earnings                               10,550                10,090

Other reserves                                      -                     -

Other components of equity                      (2,542)               (2,096)

Total equity attributable to equity holders of the

company                                           8,777                8,762

Non-controlling interests                            -                   -

Total equity                                      8,777                8,762

Total liabilities and equity                     10,771               10,615

Infosys Limited and subsidiaries  

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Statements of

Comprehensive Income   

                    (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)

                             Three months Three months  Nine months  Nine months

                                   ended        ended        ended        ended

                             December 31, December 31, December 31, December 31,

                                   2015         2014         2015         2014

Revenues                           2,407        2,218        7,055        6,552

Cost of sales                      1,512        1,360        4,435        4,057

Gross profit                         895          858        2,620        2,495

Operating expenses:

Selling and marketing expenses       130          124          388          362

Administrative expenses              166          142          482          430

Total operating expenses             296          266          870          792

Operating profit                     599          592        1,750        1,703

Other income, net                    121          136          362          419

Share in associate's profit / (loss    -            -            -            -

Profit before income taxes          720          728        2,112        2,122

Income tax expense                  196          206          593          607

Net profit                          524          522        1,519        1,515

Other comprehensive income

Items that will not be

reclassified to profit or loss:

Re-measurement of the net defined

benefit liability/(asset)            1          (2)          (1)          (6)

Items that may be reclassified

subsequently to profit or loss:

Fair value changes on

available-for-sale financial asse     1            8           3           16

Exchange differences on

translation of foreign operations    (69)        (169)       (448)        (428)

Total other comprehensive income,

net of tax                           (67)        (163)       (446)        (418)

Total comprehensive income           457          359        1,073        1,097

Profit attributable to:

Owners of the company                  524        522        1,519        1,515

Non-controlling interests             -            -            -            -

                                       524        522        1,519        1,515

Total comprehensive income

attributable to:

Owners of the company                  457        359        1,073        1,097

Non-controlling interests              -            -          -            -

                                       457        359        1,073        1,097

Earnings per equity share

Basic ($)                             0.23         0.23       0.66         0.66

Diluted ($)                           0.23         0.23       0.66         0.66

Weighted average equity shares

used in computing earnings per

equity share

Basic                     2,285,619,380 2,285,610,264 2,285,614,573 2,285,610,264

Diluted                   2,285,732,052 2,285,654,792 2,285,715,960 2,285,630,846



1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated interim Balance sheets and Condensed

Consolidated interim Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months

and nine months ended December 31, 2015 have been taken on record at the Board

meeting held on January 14, 2016  

2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from www.infosys.com

3. Previous period share count and EPS has been restated due to issue of bonus

shares in Jun-15

IFRS-INR Press Release:


Fact Sheet: http://multivu.prnewswire.com/prnehost/Q3-2016-fact-sheet.pdf

SOURCE: Infosys




