「発達の見えないハンドブレーキ」弱視と取り組むProject Oversight構想発足

Vision for a Nation; Adlens

「発達の見えないハンドブレーキ」弱視と取り組むProject Oversight構想発足

AsiaNet 62044(1292)

【ニューヨーク2015年10月5日PR Newswire=共同通信JBN】


世界で25億人が悩んでいる弱視の問題に取り組む世界的構想、Project Oversightが5日発足した。発案者であるジェームス・チェン氏は英国の慈善団体Vision for a Nation財団と革新的な光学会社Adlensの背後にいる慈善家で、世界の最も偉大な思想家たちに対しともに1つの単純な問題「世界のすべての人はどうすれば見えるようになるか」に答えようと呼び掛けている。


Project Oversight来年挑戦し、世界が視力矯正へのアクセスを持てるやり方を再思考し、設計するよう一般に呼び掛ける。最も有望なアイデアを示した3人またはグループがそのアイデアを現実化するために10万ドルのシード資金を与えられる。最終的にこれらのアイデアは世界に対する贈り物として贈られる。それは世界最大の目のケアのソリューションをすでにこの開発分野で活動している多くの優れた組織に提供される。




「Project Oversightはあらゆるリーダー、あらゆる眼科医、あらゆるイノベーター、ドリーマー、ツイッターに対する呼び掛けである。最高の技術を今日の最も偉大な医療行為と融合させよう。最も輝かしい、最も大胆なアイデアと仕事を結合させることで世界のすべての人を見えるようにするのを助けるソリューションを生み出すことができる。参加を期待する」

Vision For a Nationはこの秋に提案の受け付けを開始し、優勝者を来年の早春に発表する。最終報告は2016年の世界視力デーに世界に提示される。詳しい情報はproject-oversight.orgへ。

▽Vision for a Nationについて

2011年に英国イングランド・ロンドンで慈善家、投資家のジェームス・チェン氏が設立したVision for a Nation(www.visionforanation.net )は慈善活動に極めて集中した英国の団体で大きなビジョンを持つ。同財団は出身や収入のレベルに関わりなく、すべての人は目のケアと手ごろな価格の眼鏡にアクセスできるべきだと信じている。世界で25億人は目がよく見えない。Vision for a Nationはこれを変えるために努力している。この種類では初のプログラムで同財団はルワンダ政府が第一線眼科ケアと手ごろな価格の眼鏡を提供するため国内各地の全ヘルスセンターで看護師を訓練するのを助けている。


2005年に英国イングランド・オックスフォードで慈善家、投資家のジェームス・チェン氏が共同創立したAdlens(www.adlens.com )は焦点調整可能なアイウエアの世界リーダーである。同社の高度に熟練したエンジニアチーム、アイケア専門家、設計者は完全に新しいカテゴリーのアイウエアを開発している。

ソース:Vision for a Nation; Adlens



HL Strategic Solutions

Kathrine Dela

New York

Phone: +1-646-460-8917;


Vision for a Nation Foundation


Email: contact@vfanf.org

Project Oversight Launched to Tackle Poor Vision, the Unseen Handbrake on Development


NEW YORK, Oct. 5, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

      -- Global initiative to bring together the world's leading thinkers to

                     tackle the issue of poor eyesight

   Project Oversight - a new global initiative to tackle the problem of poor

vision affecting 2.5 billion people around the world - was launched today. Its

architect, James Chen, the philanthropist behind UK charity Vision for a Nation

Foundation and the innovative optical enterprise Adlens, calls upon the world's

greatest thinkers to join together to answer one simple question: "How can

everybody in the world see?"

   Poor vision affects 2.5 billion people in the world. With no means of

correcting it, they face huge barriers to personal development, education,

family life and a shorter life expectancy. To address this "handbrake on

development," James Chen and his team have made a global invitation to help

them find the greatest solutions to deliver eye care quickly. The world has

seen incredible technological advancements over the past fifty years. Now is

the moment to harness it.

   Project Oversight will be running a challenge over the next year which will

invite the public to reimagine and design the way the world can have access to

vision correction. The three individuals or groups with the most promising

ideas will each be rewarded with a $100,000 seed grant to turn their ideas into

a reality. Ultimately, these ideas will be presented as a gift to the world: to

pass the world's greatest eye care solutions on to the many great organizations

already working in the development field.

   James Chen said, "Poor vision represents a significant handbrake on

development for 2.5 billion people. And the loss in economic productivity

associated with poor vision is estimated to be as much as $3 trillion globally.

   "I have seen the global community come together over the past week and

create something incredible: the Sustainable Development Goals. I believe that

they can truly make the world a better place. However it is only by acting now

to address eyesight that we can help the Goals to truly reach their full


   "Now is the moment to act. The way we deliver vision correction has barely

changed since the 19th Century. Yet we have gone from the telephone to the

smartphone, from the horse and carriage to the car, from quill to tablet.

   "Project Oversight is a call to every leader, every eye care practitioner,

every innovator, dreamer and tweeter. Let's fuse the best technologies with the

greatest practices of today. By bringing the brightest and boldest ideas and

working together, we can create solutions to help everybody in the world to

see. Join us."

   Vision for a Nation will begin accepting proposals later this fall and

announce the winners by early next spring. The final report will be presented

to the world on World Sight Day 2016. For more information visit


   About Vision for a Nation

   Founded in 2011 in London, England by philanthropist and investor James

Chen, Vision for a Nation (www.visionforanation.net) is a very focused UK

charity with a big vision. We believe that everyone, no matter where they come

from or level of income, should be able to access eye care and affordable

glasses. Two and a half billion people around the world cannot see properly.

Vision for a Nation is working to change this. In the first program of its kind

we are helping the Government of Rwanda to train nurses in every health center

across the country to provide front-line eye care and affordable glasses.

   About Adlens

   Co-founded in 2005 in Oxford, England by philanthropist and investor James

Chen, Adlens (www.adlens.com) is the global leader in adjustable focus

eyewear.  Its highly skilled team of engineers, eyecare professionals and

designers has developed a completely new category of eyewear.

    SOURCE: Vision for a Nation; Adlens

   CONTACT: Press Enquiries:

            HL Strategic Solutions

            Kathrine Dela

            New York

            Phone: +1-646-460-8917;

            Other Enquiries:

            Vision for a Nation Foundation


            Email: contact@vfanf.org




