Laccure(R) Pessaryが生活の質の低下による隠れた健康問題である細菌性膣炎を抱える女性のニーズに対応

Laccure AB

Laccure(R) Pessaryが生活の質の低下による隠れた健康問題である細菌性膣炎を抱える女性のニーズに対応

AsiaNet 61960


新たな非処方箋薬のLaccure(R) Pessaryは、毎年3億人の女性が菌性膣炎(BV)を抱え、満たされていないニーズに対応した、効果的、安全で使いやすい画期的な女性のための健康製品です。

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10月4日~9日にカナダのバンクーバーで開催される世界産婦人科学会( )に参加する最高経営責任者(CEO)のジャネット・ロバートソン (Jeanette Robertsson) 博士は「Laccure(R) PessaryはOTC市場でかなりの商業的可能性を示しており、発売される準備ができています。我々は女性のニーズを満たしているケアと治療を提供していることを保証するために、効率的な事業化のためのリソースとなるパートナーを見つけることを目指しています」と述べました。

細菌性膣炎は、妊娠可能年齢の女性で最も一般的な膣感染症です。現在、使いやすい、低頻度で投与することができる、効果的かつ安全な製品が不足しています。 BVは膣内細菌叢の不均衡を特徴とし、膣の酸性度の低下、顕著な悪臭のするおりもの、通常の乳酸菌の成長の阻害などの症状があります。頻繁な再発が一般的です。

Laccure(R) Pessaryは膣内の高いpHを低下させるために、数日間にわたって乳酸を放出する独自の物質に基づいて、特許を取得した新製品です。開発作業は、挿入しやすく、非常に効果的な、使いやすい非スミア製品を生み出すことに焦点を当てています。


( ). 

Laccure(R) PessaryはBVを治療するために一度また、再発を防止するために月に一度だけ投与する必要がある、CEマーキング付のクラスIIa 医療機器です。現在、EU / EES国の市場で導入する準備ができています。

Laccure ABはP.U.L.S.のプロジェクト会社です。

( )および( )をご参照ください。

ソース:Laccure AB


Laccure(R) Pessary Meets the Needs of Women Suffering From Bacterial Vaginosis, a Hidden Health Problem With Reduced Quality of Life


HELSINGBORG, Sweden, Oct. 1, 2015 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --

The new non-prescription product Laccure(R) Pessary is a breakthrough women's

health product that is effective, safe and user-friendly, addressing the unmet

needs of the 300 million women suffering from bacterial vaginosis (BV) every




Results from a web-based survey of 2,660 women in the US, UK and Germany show

that BV, with an odorous vaginal discharge as the most pronounced symptom, is a

common and hidden health problem affecting daily life, often connected with

embarrassment, guilt and humiliation. 56% of the women had recurring problems,

once or several times a year, and 24% did not seek any treatment. The

product-related improvements most often wished for were less frequent

administration and smear-free products.

"Laccure(R) Pessary represents a considerable commercial potential in the OTC

market and is ready to be launched. We are aiming to find a partner with

resources for efficient commercialisation to ensure that women are offered care

and treatment that meets their needs," says Dr Jeanette Robertsson, CEO,

participant at the XXI FIGO World Congress of Gynaecology and Obstetrics,

October 4 - 9 in Vancouver, Canada (

Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common vaginal infection in women of

childbearing age. Today, there is a lack of effective and safe products that

are also user-friendly and can be dosed with low frequency. BV is an imbalance

in the vaginal bacterial flora, resulting in a lack of vaginal acidity,

discharge with a pronounced foul odour and inhibition of normal lactobacilli

growth. Frequent recurrences are common.  

Laccure(R) Pessary is a new, patented product based on a proprietary substance

that releases lactic acid over several days in order to decrease the elevated

vaginal pH. The developmental work has focused on creating a user-friendly,

non-smear product that is easy to insert and highly effective. This has been

demonstrated in clinical studies in which 80% of the women were free of their

BV after a single dose



Laccure(R) Pessary is CE-marked as a Class IIa medical device that only needs

to be administered once to treat BV and once a month to prevent recurrence. It

is now ready for market introduction in the EU/EES countries.

Laccure AB is a project company within P.U.L.S. and

Source: Laccure AB




