
OIA Global


AsiaNet 61627 (1093)

【ポートランド(米オレゴン州)2015年8月31日PRN=共同通信JBN】世界的な物流、梱包、材料調達サービス・プロバイダーのOIA Global(http://www.oiaglobal.com/en/ )とグリーン製品設計企業のDitto Sustainable Brand Solutions(http://www.dittobrandsolutions.com/home/ )はこのほど、「Garments on Ditto(Dittoで運ぶ衣類)」という名の革新的な輸送・小売システムを作り出す共同マーケティング契約を発表した。このブレークスルーは、衣服をハンガーにかけたまま輸送する一般に「Garments on Hanger(GOH)」と呼ばれる手段をはるかに効率良くするよう考案されたもので、これを利用すれば小売業者が現在、ゴミとして埋め立て廃棄している何十億もの使い捨ての新品プラスチック製ハンガーの代わりになる。OIA執行副社長で事業開発担当のスティーブ・エイカー氏は「Garments on Dittoプログラムを使えば、小売業者は輸送や倉庫保管のコストを最高20%削減でき、持続性の面でも大きな進歩を達成できる」と述べた。

Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121113/LA11679LOGO


DittoとOIAの「Garments on Ditto」プログラムは9月1日開始される。

▽OIA Globalについて

1988年の創業以来、OIAは顧客に世界的な物流、材料調達、および梱包のソリューションを独自に組み合わせて提供する年商10億ドルのサプライチェーンのリーダーに育った。OIAは60強の自社事務所に1000人を超えるプロフェッショナルを擁し、さらに世界25カ国以上にプレゼンスを持ち、世界中のサプライチェーンを極大化する革新的なソリューションを考案している。OIAは100年以上も潜在力の高い中堅企業に資金提供し、運営してきた経験を持ち、米インディアナ州インディアナポリスに本拠を持つ家族企業LDI, Ltd.の1部門である。詳しい情報はウェブサイト(www.oiaglobal.com、www.ldiltd.com)を参照。問い合わせはJerry Levy, Director of Marketing & Communications, OIA Global+1.503.736.5900へ。


米カリフォルニア州オークランドのDitto Brand Solutionsはデザイン性が高く、持続可能な小売ディスプレーを考案、設計、製造している。同社の「Ditto Ecological Display」は効率性、強度、美的感覚、マーケティング力で世界的に知られている。詳しい情報はウェブサイト(www.dittobrandsolutions.com)を参照。問い合わせはGary Barker, CEO, Ditto Sustainable Brand Solutions, +1.510.261.7343へ。

ソース:OIA Global

OIA Global and Ditto Sustainable Brand Solutions Launch a Breakthrough Retail and Sustainability Logistics Program


PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 31, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

OIA Global (http://www.oiaglobal.com/en/ ), a provider of worldwide logistics,

packaging, and materials sourcing and Ditto Sustainable Brand Solutions

(http://www.dittobrandsolutions.com/home/ ), a green product design company,

have announced a joint marketing agreement creating an innovative program for

shipping and retailing called Garments on Ditto. This breakthrough is

engineered to make shipping on hangers, commonly known as "Garments on Hanger"

(GOH) far more efficient and will allow retailers to replace the billions of

one-use, virgin plastic hangers now going into landfills every year. Steve

Akre, OIA's EVP of Business Development said "retailers can reduce shipping and

warehousing costs up to 20% and achieve significant sustainability advances

using the Garments on Ditto program."

Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20121113/LA11679LOGO

The key component to the program is the Ditto hanger, made from 100% recycled

paper fiberboard. The hanger is extremely durable and has marketing and retail

benefits not possible with plastic hangers. Gary Barker, Ditto's founder and

CEO noted, "People think plastic store hangers are used repeatedly but once the

garment is sold, there's no reuse." Studies show that 85% of retail plastic

hangers are thrown out resulting in a staggering 34 billion hangers going into

landfills annually. "With the single use plastic hanger actually costing almost

10 cents more per garment to ship, sell, and dispose of, retailers are paying a

premium to send tons of plastic to our landfills," Barker noted.

The Ditto and OIA "Garments on Ditto" program launches on September 1st.

About OIA Global: Since its founding in 1988, OIA has grown into a $1 billion

supply chain leader delivering clients a unique combination of global

logistics, materials sourcing, and packaging solutions. With over 1000

professionals, in 60+ owned offices and a worldwide presence in over 25

countries, OIA designs innovative solutions that optimize supply chains around

the world. OIA is a part of Indianapolis-based LDI, Ltd., a family office with

more than a century of experience funding and operating high-potential,

middle-market companies. For more information please visit www.oiaglobal.com

and www.ldiltd.com. Contact Jerry Levy, Director of Marketing & Communications,

OIA Global +1.503.736.5900

About Ditto: Ditto Brand Solutions, Oakland, CA conceives, engineers and

produces highly-designed, sustainable retail displays. The Ditto Ecological

Display is known the world over for its efficiencies, strength, beauty, and

marketing power. For more information, please visit

www.dittobrandsolutions.com. Contact Gary Barker, CEO, Ditto Sustainable Brand

Solutions, +1.510.261.7343





