
Libyan Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Company (LPTIC)


AsiaNet 61553 (1071)

【ドバイ(アラブ首長国連邦)、アルバイダ(リビア)、バレッタ(マルタ)2015年8月24日PRN=共同通信JBN】リビアの大手郵便・通信・情報技術企業Libyan Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Company(LPTIC、または同社)は、24日、サハラ以南で営業活動を展開するリビア所有のモバイル・固定回線ネットワーク・オペレーティング企業数社の株式保有を戦略的に統合すると発表した。


また、アフリカ西部および東部に事業の戦略的拡大を進めるLPTICにとっては、その国際的な事業展開を拡大することが可能になる。資産はこれまで、Libyan Investment Authority(リビア投資庁)の投資ポートフォリオの一部として管理されていた。Libyan Investment Authority評議員会はLPTIC資産の戦略的統合への支持を確認した。

リビア暫定政府公布の指示を受けて発効したアフリカの通信資産ポートフォリオの統合には、これまでLAP GreenNが管理していたコートジボワール、南スーダン、ウガンダの資産が含まれる。リビアの有力な通信・情報技術企業LPTICのアフリカ資産を統合することによって、この資産はLPTICのリーダーシップからの支援を受ける恩恵に浴すことになる。LPTICは優れた実績と強力な経営陣を擁するとともに、LPTICポートフォリオの内部で融通される専門的技術と成長機会の統合でも利益を得る。







Libyan Investment Authority(LIA)のハッサン・ブーハディ会長は「LIAは価値と収益を生み出す最適な手段であることをリビア国民に保証する責任を負っている。主要な通信資産を1つの経営陣の下に統合することによって、LIAがリビア国民およびアフリカ持ち株会社にとって適切と考える投資のシナジー効果と新規機会を生み出すことになる。これらの資産は成長するにつれ、次の段階の発展を監督し潜在的可能性を発揮するために、より集中した通信・情報技術企業になることを必要とするライフサイクルの時点に差し掛かった。LPTICはアフリカにあるリビアの通信資産の転換を管理するには最適であり、LPTIC経営陣はすべての株主、とりわけリビア国民の価値を実現する能力がある企業であると全幅の信頼を置いている」と語った。


▽LPTIC - http://www.lptic.net について

Libyan Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Company(LPTIC)はリビアのICTセクター開発目的とリビアおよび海外の通信インフラストラクチャーへの投資のために設立された国営の持ち株会社である。同社は国内外に投資グループを擁している。LPTICのビジョンは、現代的で多様性のある通信、情報技術、郵便サービスのプロバイダーとしての地位を確立し、蓄積した重要サービスを通じて知識集約型経済の発展を支援し、世界クラスのサービス提供によって顧客満足度を向上させることにある。

LPTICは、モバイルオペレーターのLibyana and Al-Madar、Libya Telecom and Technology(LTT)、Aljeel、International Telecommunications Company、Hatef Libyaの主要通信企業と、不動産投資企業Alboniyaを保有している。



James MacFarlane


Adrian Flook

+44-7768-608-396 / +44-20-3540-6456

ソース:Libyan Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Company (LPTIC)

LPTIC Secures Libya's Key African Telecommunications Investments


DUBAI, UAE, AL-BAYDA, Libya and VALLETTA, Malta, Aug. 24, 2015 / PRN=KYODO JBN / --

- Libyan Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Company (LPTIC or

the "Company")

LPTIC, Libya's leading postal, telecommunications and information technology

company, today announces the strategic consolidation of several Libyan owned

shareholdings in mobile and fixed-line network operating companies in

sub-Saharan Africa.

This restructuring will enable LPTIC, which through its subsidiaries has over

15,000 employees, to safeguard and stabilise important African

telecommunications investments through the implementation of a renewed

management strategy drawing on the skills, procurement and funding synergies of

a wider group business.

The restructuring further expands LPTIC's international footprint as it

strategically extends its operations into West and East Africa.  The assets

were previously managed as part of the much wider investment portfolio of the

Libyan Investment Authority, whose board of trustees has confirmed their

support for the strategic consolidation of these assets within LPTIC.

The consolidation of the African telecommunications asset portfolio, which took

effect following a directive issued by the interim Government of Libya,

involves the aggregation of assets in Cote d'Ivoire, South Sudan and Uganda,

previously managed by LAP GreenN. Consolidating the African interests within

Libya's primary telecommunications and information technology company will

allow them to benefit by having access and support from LPTIC's leadership,

which has a first rate track record and strong management team, as well as gain

from the consolidation of expertise and growth opportunities offered within the

LPTIC portfolio.

LPTIC has played a prominent role in the broader restructuring of the

telecommunications sector in Libya, making it more efficient, competitive and

open to foreign direct investment. The LPTIC management team will now focus on

securing, optimising and transforming the broader African asset portfolio,

drawing on its skills and expertise to bring benefits to its new assets. The

African assets will be able to gain from LPTIC's extensive knowledge transfer

capabilities, the provision of critical skills as well as develop local talent,

which will help the assets to build capacity in each respective country.

As outlined in a recent World Economic Forum report, the development and reform

of telecommunications and information technology is very often critical to

improved economic development. Across Africa, there exists significant market

opportunities for the delivery of vital world-class telecommunications and

information technology services and capabilities.

LPTIC has already begun to play a significant role in transforming Libya into a

knowledge based economy, bringing with it both social and economic benefits,

and demonstrating the market leading capabilities of the company. The

integration of the African telecommunications assets, under LPTIC management,

provides LPTIC with access to new, rapidly developing, growth markets.

Furthermore, it provides a platform from which it can leverage its

well-established presence and technical expertise to enhance services as well

as enable the assets to reach their full potential, and in turn play a vital

role in supporting economic development in these countries.

LPTIC Chairman, Faisal Gergab commented: "I believe that our talented LPTIC

management team will enable us to provide enhanced services in key markets and

to bring with it significant benefits to our customers. Our priority is to

ensure that the asset base is operating effectively and sustainably. Once we

have achieved this we will look to explore new opportunities for growth and

demonstrate our value to both the Libyan economy as well as other growing

economies in the region.

"We see this as an important opportunity to optimise these exciting African

assets and work together with our new stakeholders to capitalise on the

opportunity before us, by providing important services, skills and technology


"We look forward to bringing in such a diverse talented pool of employees, who

will play an important role in driving the success of LPTIC across all markets

going forward."

Hassan Bouhadi, Chairman of the Libyan Investment Authority said:

"The LIA has a responsibility to the Libyan people to ensure that it has the

best means to deliver value and revenue. This consolidation of key

telecommunication assets under one management team creates synergies and new

opportunities for investment which the LIA believes are right for the Libyan

people and the African holdings. As these assets have developed, they have now

reached a point in their life cycle that will require a more focused

telecommunications and information technology company to oversee the next stage

of development and unlock their full potential. We believe that LPTIC is best

qualified to manage the transformation of Libya's telecommunications assets in

Africa, and I have every confidence in the team's ability to realise value for

all stakeholders and in particular the Libyan people."

Notes to Editors

About LPTIC - http://www.lptic.net

Libyan Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Company ("LPTIC") is

a sovereign holding company that was established for the purpose of developing

the ICT sector in Libya and investing in telecommunications infrastructure in

Libya and abroad. The company owns a group of investments inside and outside

the country.  LPTIC's vision is to continue establishing itself as a modern and

diversified telecommunications, information technology and postal services

provider supporting the development of a knowledge-based economy through the

provision of critical services, as well as driving customer satisfaction by

delivering world-class services.

LPTIC owns major telecommunications companies including: the mobile operators

Libyana and Al-Madar, Libya Telecom and Technology  (LTT), Aljeel,

International Telecommunications Company, Hatef Libya and the real estate

investment company Alboniya

These companies play a significant role in the development of the ICT sector in

Libya where they operate to provide the largest possible number of citizens and

enterprises with fixed, mobile and internet services.

Media Contacts:

James MacFarlane +44-7545-818-908

Adrian Flook +44-7768-608-396 / +44-20-3540-6456

Source: Libyan Post, Telecommunications and Information Technology Company





