
DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH


AsiaNet 61544 (1063)

【ケープタウン(南アフリカ)2015年8月24日PRN=共同通信JBN】コンサルティング会社のフロスト&サリバン(Frost & Sullivan)はドイツ最大のバイオメトリクス認証メーカーDERMALOGとそのカスタム化されたアフリカ向けソリューション、製品に対し「2015 African Biometrics Company of the Year Award(2015年最優秀アフリカ・バイオメトリクス企業賞)」を贈った。DERMALOGはナイジェリアの大規模な銀行用装置で特に成功している。

クロスレファレンス:写真はAP Images(http://www.apimages.com )および

http://www.presseportal.de/nr/8896 で入手可能

南アフリカの経済ハブ、ケープタウンで20日夕、ドイツのバイオメトリクス認証メーカーDERMALOGは2015 African Biometrics Company of the Year Awardを授与された。この賞はハンブルクに本社を置く同社のアフリカ20カ国における卓越した業績に対して贈られた。DERMALOGはこれによってアフリカの有力なバイオメトリクス認証企業になった。



一方、DERMALOGのバイオメトリック認証装置はナイジェリアで1800万人の顧客の登録に成功した。これまで1日約1万の二重認証、複数登録が回避されており、この装置の信頼性のおかげで金融部門の詐欺、マネーロンダリングが防止されている。DERMALOG ABIS(自動バイオメトリック認証システム)は二重あるいは多重認証の取得を試みた100万人以上を検知している。参加各行はDERMALOG指紋スキャナーとソフトウエアを利用、すべての取引で顧客は登録の場にいなければならないため、認証は顧客に確実に適合すると保証することができる。


ドイツのハンブルクに本社を置くDERMALOG Identification Systemsはドイツ最大のバイオメトリクス製造会社であり、世界で有力なバイオメトリクス認証企業の1つである。エンジニア、コンピューター科学者が継続的に新しい革新的な製品を開発している。製品ポートフォリオはバイオメトリック国境監視、バイオメトリックIDカードから新しい「フィンガーログイン」「フィンガーペイメント」ソリューションに及んでいる。DERMALOGの主要市場はドイツ、欧州のほか、アフリカ、アジア、中南米、中東が含まれている。


DERMALOGは銀行のほか、安全度の低いPINに代わるDERMALOG製の指紋技術ATMを1000台以上世界に提供しているWincor NixdorfなどのATMメーカーにもソリューションを提供している。

詳しい情報はhttp://www.dermalog.com へ。


DERMALOG Identification Systems

Media Relations

Jon Augestad

Mittelweg 120

20148 Hamburg


Tel.: +49(40)413227-0

Fax: +49(40)413227-89

E-mail: Jon.Augestad@dermalog.com


ソース:DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH

Frost & Sullivan Honors DERMALOG with Biometrics Prize for Achievements in Africa


CAPE TOWN, South Africa, Aug. 24, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   The consulting company Frost & Sullivan has awarded Germany's largest

biometrics manufacturer DERMALOG and its customized solutions and products for

Africa with the "2015 African Biometrics Company of the Year Award". DERMALOG

is particularly successful with a large bank installation in Nigeria.  

   -Cross reference: Picture is available at AP Images

(http://www.apimages.com) and http://www.presseportal.de/nr/8896 -

   On Thursday evening, in South Africa's economic hub, the German biometrics

manufacturer DERMALOG was honored with the "2015 African Biometrics Company of

the Year Award". The prize was awarded to the Hamburg-based company for its

outstanding achievements in twenty African countries. DERMALOG has thus become

the leading biometrics company in Africa.

   A key reason for the award is also the innovative portfolio of fingerprint

scanners and biometric systems from DERMALOG. In countries such as Angola,

Ghana, Tanzania, and Zambia, it contributes sustainably and decisively to

solving local challenges such as identity theft, corruption, demography, and

migration as well as the economic development of these countries.

   In Nigeria, DERMALOG currently cooperates with the Central Bank and 23 other

banks in a major project in which all bank customers in the country are

registered via DERMALOG biometrics. Customers receive a bank verification

number with which all of their transactions can be completed securely and

reliably via fingerprint. In 2013, DERMALOG won an international tender from

the Nigerian Central Bank for the 50-million-dollar project.

   Meanwhile, the biometric installation from DERMALOG has successfully

registered over 18 million customers in Nigeria. So far, approximately 10,000

double identities and multiple registrations have been averted every day,

thereby preventing fraud and money laundering in the financial sector thanks to

the reliability of the installation. The DERMALOG ABIS (Automated Biometric

Identification System) has detected over one million individuals attempting to

obtain double or multiple identities. Using DERMALOG fingerprint scanners and

software, all participating banks can ensure that for all transactions, the

identity reliably matches the customer because the customer must always be

physically present for the registration.

   The Hamburg-based biometrics innovation leader is continuing to build on its

success in the West African country. In the near future, registered bank

customers will also be able to withdraw cash from ATMs and pay at cash machines

using their fingerprints.

   DERMALOG Identification Systems, which is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany,

is the largest German biometrics manufacturer and one of the world's leading

companies for biometric identification. Engineers and computer scientists are

continually developing new and innovative products. The product portfolio

ranges from biometric border control to biometric ID cards to new "FingerLogin"

and "FingerPayment" solutions. In addition to Germany and Europe, the major

markets of DERMALOG include Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

   In Germany, DERMALOG has supplied over 20,000 fingerprint scanners to

registration offices and immigration authorities. Fingerprints are thus stored

in new passports, ID cards, and residence permits. DERMALOG has meanwhile

delivered an additional 150,000 fingerprint scanners to over 70 countries.

Large ABIS (Automated Biometric Identification System) installations from

DERMALOG have been delivered to more than 130 governmental customers worldwide.

   DERMALOG also provides solutions to banks and ATM manufacturers such as

Wincor Nixdorf, which has provided worldwide more than 1,000 ATMs with

fingerprint technology from DERMALOG, thereby replacing the less secure PIN.

   For more information, please visit: http://www.dermalog.com.

   Press contact:

   DERMALOG Identification Systems

   Media Relations

   Jon Augestad

   Mittelweg 120

   20148 Hamburg


   Tel.: +49(40)413227-0

   Fax: +49(40)413227-89

   E-mail: Jon.Augestad@dermalog.com


   SOURCE: DERMALOG Identification Systems GmbH




