TCL Corporationが2015年上半期に売上高、純益とも大幅増を達成

TCL Corporation

TCL Corporationが2015年上半期に売上高、純益とも大幅増を達成

AsiaNet 61517 (1050)


*TCL Corporationの変革努力は成果を上げている

TCL Corporationが8月発表した2015年中間決算報告によると、同社は売上高、純益とも確実な成長を遂げた。TCLの2015年上半期売上高は前年比6.6%増の466億8400万人民元(約73億米ドル)を計上した。純益は20億8900万元(約3億2700万ドル)となった。経常外利益と損失を除く純益は、前年同期より73.68%増の16億2000万元(約2億5300万ドル)だった、この中には上場会社の株主に帰属する前年比120.35%に上る純益12億700万元(約1億8900万ドル)が含まれる。


純益の大きな増加は主として、通信事業と金融・投資企業であるChina Star Optoelectronics Technology(CSOT:華星光電)からの利益に起因する。2015年上半期にCSOTは、競争力を維持する手段として製品の効率から焦点を移す戦略を実施した結果、着実な成長を保持した。CSOTは2015年上半期に81億6700万元(約13億ドル)の販売収益、12億4000万元(約1億9400万ドル)の純益を達成した。CSOTはその優良な競争力のおかげで、報告期間中に1171万個のLCDパネルを販売し、その主要製品は引き続きバイヤーから有利な反応を得ている。超高精細LCDパネルは前年比25%増加した。CSOTは生産能力利用度(稼働率)、総合製品歩留、主要な営業・財務指標の意味で9連続四半期で世界を先行する立場を維持した。CSOTのt2、t3工場が生産を開始したことで、TCLはLCD業界チェーンを改善し、全体的な競争力を強化した。

TCLの通信業務は一定の優位を保持する部門であり、2015年上半期に急速な成長を維持した。TCL Communication Technologyは該当報告期間中に前年比8.88%増となる105億3000万元(約16億ドル)の販売収益、3億5800万元(約5600万ドル)の純益を上げた。世界のスマートフォン市場における成長鈍化と競争激化にもかかわらず、TCL Communication Technologyは、TCLおよびALCATELブランド双方の市場影響力を強化する動きの中で、製品ミックスの革新を進め、改善することによって市場シェアを拡大し続けた。同社は2015年上半期に前年比16.3%増となる3484万台のモバイルフォンを販売し、スマートフォンは38.86%増の2088万ユニットを売り上げた。IDCおよび社内データによると、同社は2015年第2四半期にモバイル市場のシェアが世界第6位に上がった。さらに、TCL Communication Technologyは、モバイル・スマート機器領域でイノベーションを切り開く計画である。これはスマート機器、クラウドプラットフォーム、インターネットサービスを一体化するオープンなスマート・エコシステムを確立し、モバイル・アプリケーションとサービスを提供してそのエコシステムに迅速に付加価値を付けることで実現する。

TCL Multimedia Electronicsは2015年上半期に121億7100万元(約19億米ドル)を売り上げた。同期の純益は1億900万元(約1700万ドル)で、これには営業利益8500万元(約1330万ドル)が含まれるが、前年同期から1億4400万元(約2250万ドル)の改善である。同社は、2015年上半期に有効であることが証明された各種統合戦略・措置を導入することによって、営業効率を向上させて事業発展を加速した。同社製LCDテレビの平均価格は前年比4.2%増加した。スマートテレビの販売比率は65.2%に上昇し、4Kテレビの比率も13.8%に上がった。同社は6月、中国の曲面ディスプレー搭載テレビ市場で24%を占有した。TCL Multimedia Electronicsは引き続き、オンライン・オフライン業務を統合して販路を増やし、eコマース部門の販売比率を14.1%に伸ばした。

製品事業の堅実な発展に加えて、TCLのサービス事業も急成長を経験した。、GoLiveやインターネット、モバイルアプリのプラットフォームもすべて堅調だった。業界エコシステム全般のGoLiveとの提携は、2015年上半期に順調に進展した。GoLiveは中国の上流部門で国家新聞出版広電総局が所有する唯一のテクノロジー・プラットフォーム、China Research Institute of Film Science & Technologyと戦略的な提携にこぎつけた。提携の取り決めの下、同社はテレビ、映画館チェーンの独占的なトライアル免許を取得した。同社はまた、下流部門で大手スマートテレビ販売数社と協定を結んだ。8月のアクティブユーザー数は200万を超えた。



Marta Chen


ソース:TCL Corporation

TCL Corporation Reports Net Profit of 2.089 Billion Yuan for H1 2015


SHENZHEN, China, Aug. 19, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

The company's transformation effort has paid off

According to TCL Corporation's 2015 Interim Report released in August, the

company achieved steady growth in both revenue and net profit. TCL booked

revenue of 46.684 billion yuan (approx. US$7.3 billion) in the first half of

2015, up 6.6% year-on-year. Net profit stood at 2.089 billion yuan (approx.

US$327 million). Excluding non-recurring gains and losses, net profit was 1.620

billion yuan (approx. US$253 million), a rise of 73.68% from a year earlier,

including a net profit of 1.207 billion yuan (approx. US$189 million)

attributable to the shareholders of the listed companies, surging 120.35%


Despite a weak global economy and decreased market demand, TCL achieved solid

growth in revenue and net profit for the first half of 2015, demonstrating the

company's advantages in vertical integration of the industry chains as well as

excellent performance in terms of production capacity.

The significant increase in net profit was mainly attributable to China Star

Optoelectronics Technology (CSOT), the communication business as well as the

financial and investment businesses. During the first half of 2015, CSOT

maintained steady growth as a result of implementing a strategy of shifting the

focus from efficiency to products as a means of preserving competitiveness.

CSOT achieved sales revenue of 8.167 billion yuan (approx. US$1.3 billion) and

net profit of 1.240 billion yuan (approx. US$194 million) in the first half of

2015. Thanks to its leading competitive edge, CSOT sold 11.71 million LCD

panels during the reporting period, as its main products continue to get

positive reviews from buyers. Sales of ultra HD LCD panels increased 25%

year-on-year. CSOT has maintained the leading position across the globe for

nine successive quarters in terms of capacity utilization rate, integrated

product yield and major operating and financial indicators. With CSOT's t2 and

t3 plants being put into production, TCL has improved its LCD industry chain

and enhanced its overall competitiveness.

TCL's communication business, a sector in which TCL has certain advantages,

maintained rapid growth in the first half of 2015. TCL Communication Technology

achieved sales revenue of 10.53 billion yuan (approx. US$1.6 billion), up 8.88%

year-on-year, and net profit of 358 million yuan (approx. US$56 million) during

the reporting period. Despite slower growth and fiercer competition across

global smartphone markets, TCL Communication Technology continued to expand

market share by innovating and improving its product mix in a move to enhance

the impact of both the TCL and ALCATEL brands. The company sold 34.84 million

mobile phones in the first half of 2015, up 16.3% year-on-year, with smartphone

sales soaring 38.86% to 20.88 million units. According to IDC as well as the

company's own data, the company moved up to sixth place globally in terms of

mobile phone market share in the second quarter of 2015. Additionally, TCL

Communication Technology plans to explore innovation in the universe of mobile

smart devices by establishing an open smart ecosystem that brings together

smart devices, the cloud platform and internet services, and then quickly add

value to the ecosystem by providing mobile applications and services.

TCL Multimedia Electronics generated sales revenue of 12.171 billion yuan

(approx. US$1.9 billion) in the first half of 2015. Net profit was 109 million

yuan (approx. US$17.0 million) during the reporting period, including operating

profit of 85 million yuan (approx. US$13.3 million), an improvement of 144

million yuan (approx. US$22.5 million) from a year earlier. The company

improved operational efficiency and accelerated business development by putting

in place a variety of integration strategies and measures that have proven

effective in the first half of 2015. The average price for the company's LCD

TVs in China climbed 4.2% year-on-year. The proportions of sales attributable

to smart TVs increased to 65.2% while the proportion for 4K TVs moved up 13.8%.

Curved TV sales reached 30,083 units. In June, the company held a 24% share of

China's curved TV market. TCL Multimedia Electronics continued integrating

online and offline operations and added to the number of sales channels,

increasing the proportion of sales attributable to e-commerce channels to


In addition to the steady development of the product businesses, TCL's service

businesses also experienced rapid growth., GoLive as well as both the

internet and the mobile app platforms all performed well. GoLive's partnerships

across the industry ecosystem moved ahead successfully in the first half of

2015. GoLive reached a strategic partnership with China Research Institute of

Film Science & Technology, the sole technology platform owned by the State

Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television of China, in

the upstream sector. Under the terms of the deal the company obtained the

exclusive trial license for TV and film theatre chains. The company also signed

agreements with several major smart TV vendors in the downstream sector. The

number of users activated in August exceeded 2 million.

The Finance Services Business Division and the Investment & Venture Business

also reported strong performance. The Finance Services Business Division

recorded net profit of 327 million yuan (approx. US$51.1 million) in the first

half of 2015, while the Investment & Venture Business achieved net profit of

215 million yuan (approx. US$33.6 million) in the same period. The rapid yet

steady growth of the two divisions bodes well for them becoming important

profit sources for TCL in the future.


Marta Chen


SOURCE:  TCL Corporation




