嘉会国際病院とBrigham and Women's Hospitalが上海に女性健康研究センターを共同開発

Partners HealthCare International

嘉会国際病院とBrigham and Women's Hospitalが上海に女性健康研究センターを共同開発

AsiaNet 61439(1015)


*嘉会国際病院とPartners HealthCareの長期協力提携関係を拡張する了解覚書に調印

嘉会国際病院(JIH)(http://www.jiahui.com )、Partners HealthCare International(R)(PHI)(http://www.partners.org/international )、Brigham and Women's Hospital(BWH)(http://brighamandwomens.org )は10日、JIHとPHIの長期協力提携関係を拡張してJIHに中核となる女性健康研究センター(Women's Health Center of Excellence)を開発することを含めると発表した。7月にJIH、BWH、PHIは産科、婦人科、体外受精計画の開発、それに新生児ICU、総合的な女性の健康を含む女性の健康問題についての話し合いを開始する了解覚書(MOU)に調印した。JIHは新たな女性健康研究センターで女性全体の健康に集中する総合サービスの完全実行を想定している。

    Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150805/255965

    Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150805/256364LOGO

Partners HealthCareの創立メンバーであるBWHには世界で最も先進的な女性健康センターの1つ(http://brighamandwomens.org/Departments_and_Services/excellence/womenshealth.aspx )があり、女性の健康、性、ジェンダーに基づく違いに関する知識の発見、普及、統合にコミットし、この知識をケアの提供に適用し、女性の健康研究と臨床ケアの次世代の臨床医、科学者を養成している。


Brigham and Women's Hospitalのエリザベス・G・ネーベル社長(http://brighamandwomens.org/About_BWH/publicaffairs/aboutbwh/LeadershipBios/Nabel.aspx )は「世界市民としてわれわれは世界中の人々のために臨床、科学、教育面の専門知識を共有できる意義のある提携関係を形成することにコミットしている。中国で女性の健康と福利を改善するために嘉会国際病院との協力に期待している」と述べている。

女性の健康に対するBWHのアプローチは多くの部門にわたっており、診断からケアと情報へのアクセスの調整まで特定の病気に女性が必要とするすべてのリソースをめぐって組織されている。伝統的な産科、婦人科、乳がん、婦人科がんに加えてBWHの女性健康研究センター(http://brighamandwomens.org/Departments_and_Services/excellence/womenshealth.aspx )は心臓学、神経学、骨と関節の疾患、肺がんと肺疾患、精神の健康を含む他の科目との統合がユニークである。

Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women's Health and Gender Biology(http://brighamandwomens.org/Departments_and_Services/womenshealth/ConnorsCenter/default.aspx )の執行理事でハーバード・メディカル・スクールの医学教授であるポーラ・A・ジョンソン博士は「多くの異なる病気のリスク、罹患率、兆候で男性と女性の間の相違があること、治療に対する反応、結果も性によって異なることは知られている。これは特に心臓血管疾患、肺がん、うつ病、アルツハイマー病など女性に最も多いいくつかの病気で事実である。BWHでわれわれは女性の健康とジェンダー生物学に関連する問題についての地元および世界の理解を高め、女性では病気がどのように違っているのかについての理解を深め、質の高い患者中心のケアを生涯にわたって女性に提供することにコミットしている」と語っている。

ゲCEOは「世界的に認められたリーダーであり、女性の健康を革新しているBrigham and Women's Hospitalと協力する機会に興奮している。Brigham and Women's Hospitalで得られる専門知識は女性が現在中国で提供されている健康ケアサービスのレベルを引き上げるだけでなく変革するプログラムをわれわれが開発するのを助けるだろう」と述べている。

PHIのギルバート・H・マッジ社長兼CEOは「これはJIHとの5年間の提携関係の新たな重要なマイルストーンである。最新の発展に加え、上海におけるわれわれの努力にはマサチューセッツ総合病院、Newton-Wellesley Hospital、North Shore Medical Centerを含むほかのパートナーメンバー病院からの重要な貢献も含まれている」と語っている。

提案されている女性健康研究センターはPartners HealthCareのメンバー機関との協力の2番目のものである。昨年10月、マサチューセッツ総合病院がんセンター(MGHCC)はJIH、PHIと中国の乳がん患者とその家族の必要に対応するMGHCCの患者集中多診療科目アプローチに沿った乳がん研究センターを共同開発する了解覚書(MOU)に調印した。

▽嘉会国際病院(Jiahui International Hospital)について




▽Partners HealthCare Internationalについて

Partners HealthCare International(PHI)は、米国で1997年に設立された非営利の大手健康ケアシステムの1つであるPartners HealthCareの世界部門である。PHIは高品質の健康ケアを提供する世界的なクライアント収容応力を拡大することを目指し、コラボレーション、パートナーシップを通じてPartners HealthCareの使命を世界中で進めることに専念している。Partners HealthCareは、ハーバード・メディカル・スクールの2つの最も歴史が古く最大規模の総合教育病院であるハーバード大学のBrigham and Women's Hospitalとマサチューセッツ総合病院によって1994年に創設され、コミュニティーおよび専門病院、医療補助(MA)ケア組織、医師ネットワーク、コミュニティー健康センター、ホームケア、その他健康ケア事業体などが含まれる。Partners HealthCareのトップ5病院は健康ケアシステムの一部を構成し、そのすべてが2014-2015のU.Sニューズ・アンド・ワールド・リポート誌から業績を評価されている。PHIに関する情報と中国、インド、日本、中東における同社の健康ケアシステム能力の波及とともにそれ以遠の国際市場に対するコミットメントは、www.partners.org/internationaを参照。

▽Brigham and Women's Hospitalについて

Brigham and Women's Hospital(BWH)(http://www.brighamandwomens.org )は、ハーバード・メディカル・スクールに属する793床非営利教育病院であり、Partners HealthCare (http://www.partners.org )の創設メンバーである。BWHは年間外来患者が420万人を超え、ほぼ4万6000人の入院患者を受け入れ、ほぼ1万6000人余りを雇用しているBrighamの医療上の優位は1832年にさかのぼり、今日は臨床ケアにおける豊かな歴史は、患者ケア、質の向上(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/about_bwh/quality/default.aspx )、患者の安全性イニシアチブ(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/about_bwh/quality/safe_care.aspx )に加え、研究(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/research/about/default.aspx )、イノベーション(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/Departments_and_Services/innovativecare/default.aspx )、コミュニティー活動(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/About_BWH/communityprograms/default..aspx )、次世代健康ケア・プロフェッショナル教育・訓練(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/Departments_and_Services/medicine/medical_, community engagement )への献身において全国的リーダーシップを併せ持つ。Brigham Research Institute(BRI)(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/research/default.aspx )で行われる調査と発見を通じて、BWHはヒトの疾患に関する基礎、臨床、トランスレーショナル・リサーチの国際リーダーであり、1000人余りの治験責任医師、著名なバイオメディカル科学者、教授団はほぼ6億ドルの資金で支えられている。BWHは過去25年の間、独立系病院の中で米国立衛生研究所(NIH)の研究資金給付で2位にランクされている。BWHは一貫して医療の限界を押し上げる努力を続けており、その中には2009年の顔の部分的移植、2011年の全国初となる顔の全面移植(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/About_BWH/publicaffairs/news/facetransplant/default.aspx?sub=0 )の実施による移植に関するレガシーの向上が含まれる。BWHはまた、画期的な疫学集団研究の発祥の場でもあり、その中は看護師(http://www.channing.harvard.edu/nhs )と医師(http://phs.bwh.harvard.edu )の健康研究、女性の健康イニシアチブ(http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/whi )、さらには主要な心血管臨床研究集団の1つであるTIMI Study Groupなどが含まれる。さらに詳しい情報、資料、ソーシャルメディアへのフォローはBWHのオンライン・ニューズルーム(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/about_bwh/publicaffairs/default.aspx )を参照。

ポーラ・ジョンソン博士(Dr. Paula Johnson)あるいはギルバート・マッジ博士(Dr. Gilbert Mudge)とのインタビュー希望者は以下まで。

Dorian Zhou

Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai, China)


Stephanie Adams

Partners HealthCare International


+1-617-535-647 (U.S.)

Lori J. Schroth,

Brigham and Women's Hospital


ソース:Partners HealthCare International

Jiahui International Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital to Co-Develop Women's Health Center of Excellence in Shanghai


BOSTON, Aug. 10, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   - Memorandum of Understanding signed, which extends the long-term,

collaborative partnership between Jiahui International Hospital and Partners


   Today, Jiahui International Hospital (JIH) (http://www.jiahui.com), Partners

HealthCare International(R)(PHI) (http://www.partners.org/international) and

Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) (http://brighamandwomens.org) announced the

extension of a long-term collaborative partnership between JIH and PHI to

include the development of a women's health center of excellence at JIH. In

July, JIH, BWH and PHI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that

initiated discussions about a women's health affiliation, which includes the

development of obstetric, gynecology, and in vitro fertilization programs, as

well as a neonatal ICU and integrated women's health. JIH envisions a full

complement of integrated services focused on the health of the whole woman at

the new women's health center of excellence.

   Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150805/255965

   Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150805/256364LOGO

   BWH, a founding member of Partners HealthCare, has one of the most advanced

women's health centers (


) in the world, which is committed to the discovery, dissemination, and

integration of knowledge on women's health and sex and gender-based

differences; applying this knowledge to the delivery of care; and developing

the next generation of clinicians and scientists in women's health research and

clinical care.

   "We aim to redefine and redesign health care for women in China, offering a

full range of care that tailors to their needs at different stages of life,"

said Feng Ge, Chief Executive Officer of Jiahui International Hospital.

"Chinese women today value convenience, clinical quality, and a patient-centric

experience. Many are looking for a high-caliber healthcare provider partner who

not only empowers them to live a healthy lifestyle and seek preventive care,

but someone who is also capable of handling both normal and complex cases that

require the close collaboration of multiple medical subspecialties."

   "As global citizens, we are committed to forging meaningful partnerships

that allow us to share our clinical, scientific and teaching expertise for the

benefit of people around the world," said Elizabeth G. Nabel, MD (


), president of Brigham and Women's Healthcare. "We look forward to working

with Jiahui International Hospital to improve the health and well-being of

women in China."

   BWH's approach to women's health is multidisciplinary, organized around all

of the resources that a woman may require for a specific condition, from

diagnosis to coordination of care and accessibility of information. In addition

to the traditional fields of obstetrics, gynecology, and breast and

gynecological cancers, the Women's Health Center of Excellence (


) at BWH is unique in its integration with other specialties, including

collaborative clinical, research and educational programs in cardiology,

neurology, bone and joint diseases, lung cancer and pulmonary disease, and

mental health.

   "We know that there are differences between men and women in the risk,

prevalence and manifestation of many different diseases, and that the response

to treatment and the outcomes also differ by sex. This is especially true in

some of the most prevalent diseases in women such as cardiovascular disease,

lung cancer, depression and Alzheimer's disease," said Paula A. Johnson, MD,

Executive Director of the Mary Horrigan Connors Center for Women's Health and

Gender Biology (


) and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. "At BWH, we are

committed to building local and global awareness of issues related to women's

health and gender biology, to deepening our understanding of how disease

differs in women, and to delivering high-quality, patient-centered care to

women across their lifetime."

   "We are excited to have the opportunity to work with Brigham and Women's

Hospital, a world recognized leader and innovator in women's health. The

expertise available at Brigham and Women's will help us develop a program that

will not only elevate, but transform the level of health care services that

women are currently offered in China," said Ge.

   "This marks yet another important milestone in our 5-year partnership with

JIH. In addition to this newest development, our efforts in Shanghai have also

included important contributions from other Partners member hospitals,

including, Massachusetts General Hospital, Newton-Wellesley Hospital, and North

Shore Medical Center," said Dr. Gilbert H. Mudge, President and CEO of PHI.

   The proposed Women's Health Center of Excellence is the second such

collaboration with member institutions of Partners HealthCare. Last October,

Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center (MGHCC) signed a MOU with JIH and

PHI to co-develop a center of excellence in breast cancer, tailoring MGHCC's

patient-focused multidisciplinary approach to address the needs of Chinese

breast cancer patients and their families.

   About Jiahui International Hospital

   Jiahui International Hospital (JIH) is a foreign-majority-owned for-profit

general hospital being developed in Shanghai. It was approved by China's

Ministry of Health ("MOH") and Shanghai Municipal Government in April 2011 and

has China's first international general hospital license granted by the MOH.

The hospital is conveniently located within the city center of Shanghai in

Xuhui District with approved tertiary care capacity of 500 licensed beds.

   JIH will be an innovative model of health care centered on family, community

and a stronger connection between patients and caregivers. From design to

operation, JIH aims to employ the best practices to become an internationally

recognized leading medical institution in China, providing high-quality,

patient-centered, integrated healthcare services, as well as professional

training and clinical research.

   To learn more about our hospital, please visit: www.jiahui.com.

   About Partners HealthCare International

   Partners HealthCare International (PHI) is the global arm of Partners

HealthCare, one of the leading not-for-profit health care systems in the U.S.

Founded in 1997, PHI is dedicated to advancing the Partners HealthCare mission

worldwide through collaborations and partnerships designed to expand a global

client's capacity to deliver high quality health care. Partners was founded in

1994 by Brigham and Women's Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital, the

two oldest and largest teaching hospitals of Harvard Medical School, and

includes community and specialty hospitals, a ma care organization, a physician

network, community health centers, home care and other health-related entities.

Partners' five top-ranked hospitals comprise part of the health care system,

and all are recognized by the 2014 - 2015 U.S. News and World Report. To learn

more about PHI and how we are extending the capabilities of healthcare systems

in China, India, Japan, the Middle East, as well as our commitment to

international markets beyond, please visit: www.partners.org/international.

   About Brigham and Women's Hospital

   Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) (http://www.brighamandwomens.org) is a

793-bed nonprofit teaching affiliate of Harvard Medical School and a founding

member of Partners HealthCare (http://www.partners.org). BWH has more than 4.2

million annual patient visits, nearly 46,000 inpatient stays and employs nearly

16,000 people. The Brigham's medical preeminence dates back to 1832, and today

that rich history in clinical care is coupled with its national leadership in

patient care, quality improvement

(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/about_bwh/quality/default.aspx) and patient

safety initiatives

(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/about_bwh/quality/safe_care.aspx), and a

dedication to research

(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/research/about/default.aspx), innovation (


), community engagement

(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/About_BWH/communityprograms/default.aspx) and

educating and training (


) the next generation of health care professionals. Through investigation and

discovery conducted at its Brigham Research Institute (BRI)

(http://www.brighamandwomens.org/research/default.aspx), BWH is an

international leader in basic, clinical and translational research on human

diseases, more than 1,000 physician-investigators and renowned biomedical

scientists and faculty supported by nearly $600 million in funding. For the

last 25 years, BWH ranked second in research funding from the National

Institutes of Health (NIH) among independent hospitals. BWH continually pushes

the boundaries of medicine, including building on its legacy in transplantation

by performing a partial face transplant in 2009 and the nation's first full

face transplant (


) in 2011. BWH is also home to major landmark epidemiologic population studies,

including the Nurses' (http://www.channing.harvard.edu/nhs/) and Physicians'

(http://phs.bwh.harvard.edu/) Health Studies and the Women's Health Initiative

(http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/whi/) as well as the TIMI Study Group, one of the

premier cardiovascular clinical trials groups. For more information, resources

and to follow us on social media, please visit BWH's online newsroom


   For interviews with Dr. Paula Johnson, and/or Dr. Gilbert Mudge, please


   Dorian Zhou,

   Jiahui International Hospital (Shanghai, China)


   Stephanie Adams,

   Partners HealthCare International,


   +1-617-535-647 (U.S.)

   Lori J. Schroth,

   Brigham and Women's Hospital,


   SOURCE: Partners HealthCare International




