TCL Corporation、2015年上半期の純利益は3億3000万ドルを超える

TCL Corporation

TCL Corporation、2015年上半期の純利益は3億3000万ドルを超える

AsiaNet 61281(0950)

【深セン(中国)2015年7月22日PRN=共同通信JBN】TCL Corporationが7月発表した2015年中間決算報告によると、同社は今年上半期に推定20億5000万-21億人民元(3億3000万-3億3800万米ドル)の純利益を上げた。このうち上場企業株主帰属の純利益は16億-16億5000万元(2億5800万-2億6600万ドル)、一時的な利益と損失を除く純利益は前年同期比69-75%増の推定15億8000万-16億3000万元となった。

中国家電業界の代表的企業であるTCLは、インターネットの活用に基づいた変革戦略をいち早く打ち出した。今年に入ってから「Double Plus」戦略、すなわち「Intelligence+Internet」変革戦略と「Product+Service」ビジネスモデルを追求している。今年上半期の業績を見ると、この戦術は全体として順調で、市場の予想を上回った。

TCL Multimedia(01070.HK)は製品ポートフォリオと流通チャンネルの最適化を継続すると同時に経営構造を刷新したが、これは組織体制と意思決定メカニズムを最適化し、事業の中核的な競争力を向上させることを実証した。TCL Multimediaは上半期には7716万台の液晶テレビを販売した。同社のスマート・ネットワーク・テレビ端末を利用してインターネットに接続したアクティブユーザーは906万3000人、デーリー・アクティブ・ユーザーは344万人に上った。こうしたユーザーの急増はTCLのスマート・テレビ・サービスの収益の流れが引き続き拡大することを表している。

TCL Communication(02618.HK)は製品デザインと機能性を絶えず最適化することで、通信サービスプロバイダーとの関係を強化し、オンライン回線を開拓し、世界で市場シェアを拡大した。上半期の携帯電話販売台数は3483万5000台と、前年同期比16.3%増えた。このうちスマートフォンは2088万台を占め、前年同期比38.9%増となった。携帯電話の販売全体でスマートフォンが占める割合は前年同期の50.2%から59.9%に上昇した。


TCL CorporationはHong Kong Peipus International(0334.HK)の事業再編にも加わった。Hong Kong Peipus InternationalはTCL Display Technologyと社名変更し、資本市場から長期安定した低コスト資本の調達が可能な組織になった。調達資金は研究開発やサプライチェーンの統合に投資し、新方式のディスプレー技術のイノベーション能力と、同セクターのアップストリーム、ダウンストリームの統合能力を高めることになる。


Marta Chen


ソース:TCL Corporation

TCL Corporation's Net Profit for the First Half of 2015 Exceeds $US 330 Million


SHENZHEN, China, July 22, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   According to TCL Corporation's 2015 Interim Result Briefing released in

July, the company has achieved an estimated net profit of 2.05-2.1 billion yuan

(~$US 330-338 million) for the first half of this year, including a net profit

of 1.6-1.65 billion yuan (~$US 258-266 million) attributable to the

shareholders of listed companies; the net profit after the non-recurring profit

and loss deduction is estimated at 1.58-1.63 billion yuan (~$US 254-262

million), up 69-75% compared with the same period last year.

    As the leader in the consumer electronics sector, TCL was among the first

to roll out a transformation strategy based on leveraging the Internet. Since

the beginning of this year, the company has continued to implement its "Double

Plus" strategy featuring the "Intelligence+Internet" transformation strategy

and the "Product+Service" business model. Based on the performance for the

first half of the year, the overall strategy has done well on the whole or even

better than what the market expected.

   While continuing to optimize the product portfolio and distribution

channels, TCL Multimedia (01070.HK) has made adjustments in the management

structure, a move that has proven conducive to optimizing the organizational

structure and the decision-making mechanism as well as further enhancing the

core competitiveness of the business. During the reporting period, TCL

Multimedia sold 7.716 million LCD TV sets. Active users accessing through the

company's smart network television terminal has grown to 9.063 million while

the number of daily active users has reached 3.44 million. The fast growing

number of users demonstrates that the revenue stream created by TCL smart

television services will continue to grow.

   By constantly optimizing product design and functionality, TCL Communication

(02618.HK) has strengthened its relationships with service providers, developed

online channels and continued to expand global market share. Cellphone sales

for the first half of the year reached 34.835 million units, up 16.3 percent

year-on-year, including 20.88 million smartphones, up 38.9 percent

year-on-year. The proportion of sales attributable to smartphones increased to

59.9 percent from 50.2 percent a year earlier.

   In terms of LCD panels, the estimated profit for CSOT came in higher than

the target set earlier this year thanks to the increased average sales price of

major products and reduced material and fixed unit cost. During the reporting

period, CSOT recorded an accumulated taping-out of 786,000 pieces of glass

substrates, up 3.27 percent year-on-year while the capacity utilization rate

and product synthesis yield remained at a high level.

   The company also took part in the restructuring of Hong Kong Peipus

International (0334.HK), subsequently renamed TCL Display Technology, enabling

the entity to obtain long-term stable and low-cost capital through the capital

markets. The acquired capital was invested into research and development and

supply chain integration, effectively enhancing the innovation capacity for new

forms of display technology and the integration capacity between the upstream

and downstream sides of the sector.

   For further inquiries:

   Marta Chen


   SOURCE: TCL Corporation




