GENIVIアライアンス社長がTU-Automotive Detroitで最も影響力のある人物に選ばれる


GENIVIアライアンス社長がTU-Automotive Detroitで最も影響力のある人物に選ばれる

AsiaNet 60819(0769)

【サンラモン(米カリフォルニア州)2015年6月9日PRN=共同通信JBN】GENIVI(R)アライアンス社長で、ジャガー・ランドローバーのFuture Infotainment責任者であるマット・ジョーンズ(Matt Jones)氏が、米ミシガン州ノバイで最近開催されたTU-Automotive Detroit 2015で「Influencer of the Year(最も影響力のある人物)」に選ばれた。


ジョーンズ氏をはじめとするジャガー・ランドローバーのエンジニアチームは、車載要素だけでなくクラウド・インフラストラクチャーにも対処するプラットフォーム・コンポーネントを開発するためのGENIVIの取り組みをリードした業績が認められた。典型的な例として、Remote Vehicle Interaction(RVI)が挙げられる。RVIは車両をクラウドサービスおよびモバイル機器に接続するためのオープンソース・フレームワークで、あらゆるネットワーク・トポロジーにおいて認証、許可、サービス検索、データ交換を処理する。

さらにジョーンズ氏は2014年オレゴン州ポートランドにジャガー・ランドローバーのOpen Software Technology Center開設と、最近発表された同地でのJaguar Land Rover Technology Incubator新設の拡大において指導的な役割を果たし、小規模の自動車専門ソフトウエア企業に対してインフォテインメント・エンジニアリングのサポートと仕事スペースを提供した。


またジョーンズ氏は今年初め、オープンソース・インフォテインメント業界で多くの業績を上げたとして、Automotive Newsに「Rising Stars(希望の星)」の1人として選ばれた。



GENIVIアライアンスは、規格化されたオープンソース車載インフォテインメント(IVI)ソフトウエアの広範な採用を促進することに力を注ぐ非営利業界団体である。GENIVIの業務は開発サイクルの短縮、製品化までの時間の短縮、IVI装置およびソフトウエアを開発する企業のコスト軽減をもたらす。GENIVIは165社以上の会員企業で構成されており、本部はカリフォルニア州サンラモンにある。GENIVIに関する詳細はウェブサイト を参照。


Craig Miner


ソース:GENIVI Alliance

GENIVI Alliance President Named TU-Automotive Influencer of the Year


SAN RAMON, Calif., June 9, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Matt Jones, president of The GENIVI(R) Alliance and head of Future

Infotainment, Jaguar Land Rover, was named "Influencer of the Year" at the

recently-held TU-Automotive Detroit 2015 awards ceremony in Novi, Mich.

Highlighting industry leaders in a number of different categories within the

connected car industry, Jones was recognized by the judges for "defining Jaguar

Land Rover's approach to connectivity and his standout work with GENIVI."

Jones and his team of Jaguar Land Rover engineers were identified for

achievements in leading the effort within GENIVI to create platform components

that not only address on-car elements but the cloud infrastructure as well. A

prime example is Remote Vehicle Interaction (RVI), an open source framework for

connecting vehicles to cloud services and mobile devices that handle

authentication, authorization, discovery of services, and data exchange over

any network topology.

He also had a leading role in the creation of Jaguar Land Rover's Open Software

Technology Center in Portland, Ore., in 2014 and the recently-announced

expansion to create a Jaguar Land Rover Technology Incubator in the same

location to give infotainment engineering support and work space to smaller

automotive-focused software companies.

"Being recognized by a jury of renowned industry experts is a great honor,"

said Jones. "It really is a confirmation that the open software work that

Jaguar Land Rover is doing with GENIVI and the Linux community has become

readily acceptable in the industry."

Earlier this year, Jones was also named by Automotive News as one of their

"Rising Stars" for his many achievements in the open source infotainment


"GENIVI greatly appreciates Matt's leadership as president and Jaguar Land

Rover's continued, active contributions to our technical deliverables," said

Steve Crumb, executive director, GENIVI Alliance. "The IVI challenges solved by

these and other members' contributions allow GENIVI to deliver technologies

that meet the growing consumer demand for rich infotainment features."

TU-Automotive is a world-leader in providing events and business intelligence

to the automotive technology community, covering telematics, auto mobility,

autonomous vehicles, legal and insurance.

About GENIVI Alliance

GENIVI is a non-profit industry alliance committed to driving the broad

adoption of specified, open source, In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) software.

GENIVI's work will result in shortened development cycles, quicker

time-to-market, and reduced costs for companies developing IVI equipment and

software. Comprised of more than 165 member companies, GENIVI is headquartered

in San Ramon, Calif. Please visit for more information.

Media Contact- GENIVI Alliance:

Craig Miner






