IAPH国際港湾協会総会がハンブルクで開催 スマート港湾がテーマに

Hamburg Marketing GmbH

IAPH国際港湾協会総会がハンブルクで開催 スマート港湾がテーマに

AsiaNet 60812(0771)

【ハンブルク(ドイツ)2015年6月9日PRN=共同通信JBN】6月の第1週、ハンブルクで900人を超えるゲストが国際港湾の将来について討議した。多種多様な輸送関係の役者が一堂に会して議論を闘わすことができるのは港湾において他はない。外洋船舶輸送、鉄道、道路は最も効率的な輸送のハブにリンクされていなければならない。例えば、時代の息吹は航空輸送から吹き付けている。Lufthansa Industry Solutionsのベルント・アッぺル・マネジングディレクターは「効率性、経済性、安全性、それに環境保護との親和性を求める需要の拡大に応えられたのはスマート港湾だけである」と語っている。



CISCOとT-SystemsはHPAと提携、欧州で初めてのsmartROADをインターネット・オブ・エブリシング技術を利用してハンブルク港に導入した。NXP Semiconductorsはインテリジェントな交通信号機を導入、港湾内での交通渋滞の回避に役立てている。会議の開幕直前にはBecker Marine Systemの液化天然ガス(LNG)バージから初めて遊覧船に低排出ガスが供給された。


より詳しい情報はウェブサイトhttp://www.iaph2015.org を参照。


Hamburg Marketing

Matthias Beer

Tel: +49-40-30051-582

E-mail: matthias.beer[at]marketing.hamburg.de

ソース:Hamburg Marketing GmbH

IAPH World Ports Conference in Hamburg Shows: The Port of the Future is Smart and Inspired by Other Industries Like Aviation


HAMBURG, Germany, 9 June, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

More than 900 guests spend the first week of June in Hamburg to discuss the

future of international ports. There are only few places where the various

actors in logistics meet at such close quarters as in ports. Maritime shipping,

rail and road must be linked in a logistics hub that is as efficient as

possible. For instance impulses came from the world of air transport. "Only

smart ports will be able to meet the growing demands for efficiency, economy,

safety and environmental compatibility," says Bernd Appel, Managing Director of

Lufthansa Industry Solutions.

The Port of Hamburg is one of the most modern and efficient ports in the world

and already today a showroom for the "Port of the Future" and "Industry 4.0":

"smartPORT is more than just a word - it is a long-term strategy involving firm

projects. We aimed with the conference, not just to display visions to our

visitors, but to present specific projects," said Jens Meier, Chairman of the

Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) Management Board.

CISCO and T-Systems launched in cooperation with HPA, Europe's first smartRoad

in the Port of Hamburg, using Internet-of-Everything technology. NXP

Semiconductors inducted an intelligent traffic light, to avoid traffic jams in

the port. Short before the conference opening, Becker Marine System's LNG Barge

supplied for the first time low-emission power for a cruise ship.

Along with intelligent solutions for port traffic and freight flows, other

topics of discussions and debates included the compatibility of the environment

and the port business, legal questions related to the port industry,

opportunities for and/or derived from the cruise sector, and Clean-Air.

For more information: http://www.iaph2015.org

Hamburg Marketing

Matthias Beer

Tel: +49-40-30051-582

E-mail: matthias.beer[at]marketing.hamburg.de

Source: Hamburg Marketing GmbH




