
Valkee Ltd.


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革命的な新しい旅行仲間のHumanCharger (http://www.humancharger.com )は旅行者が新しい時間帯に-2倍速く-軟着陸するのを助けることによって時差ぼけをなくす。

同分野の専門家が審査する月刊医学ジャーナル「航空宇宙医学と人間のパフォーマンス」(http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/asma/amhp/2015/00000086/00000004/art00003 )で2015年4月に発表された偽薬対比大西洋横断臨床試験で、旅行者のテストグループは対比グループに比べ2倍速く大西洋横断の時差ぼけから回復した。HumanChargerは紫外線のない青色を加えた明るい光線の正確に計時された12分のビームを2つの目立たないイヤホンを通じて頭蓋に具合よく伝えることによって、通常の時間のわずか半分で時差ぼけを撃退するのを助ける。

HumanChargerは英国のあるプレミアリーグのサッカーチームが2年間使ってきた。チームドクターは「 HumanChargerは選手とサポートスタッフが長距離移動で生じた時間帯の変化に急速に適応するのを助ける点で大変役に立つことを証明した。睡眠の時間と質の改善、サーカディアン・リズムの回復強化、薬物使用の減少が見られた。このような旅の後の期間ではすべての要因が選手とワークパフォーマンスを助けているようだ」と振り返っている。




スマートフォン向けのHumanChargerコンパニオンアップ(http://www.humancharger.com/r/qg-to-jla/ )は旅行者のこのヘッドセット利用の最適化を助けるためにつくられた。この時差ぼけアプリは人気のあるTripit旅行アップと接続するか、または単独で使うことができる。このアプリはすべてのiPhone、Android、Windows Phoneの使用者が利用できる。



HumanChargerは多くの市場でアマゾン、フィンランド航空、米国ではHammacher Schlemmer、米州、欧州、日本では数十社の小売店からオンラインで入手できる。



Photo gallery: http://www.humancharger.com/r/photo



ソース:Valkee Ltd.

Beat Jet Lag the Way Elite Athletes Do. Twice as Fast With HumanCharger


HELSINKI, Finland, May 27, 2015/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Every global traveler knows how jet lag feels. It kills productivity. Jet lag

is the sleepy mid-day meeting when it's difficult to keep focused, and it's

waking up at the wrong time in a hotel room, not able to re-charge. Jet lag is

getting back home a week later, not able to be a great company and partner with

friends and family, or to perform at work.  

HumanCharger (http://www.humancharger.com), the revolutionary new travel

companion spells the end for jet lag by helping travelers make softer landings

to new time zones - twice as fast.

A test group of travelers recovered from trans-Atlantic jet lag twice as fast

as the control group did in a placebo-controlled trans-Atlantic clinical trial

published in April 2015 in the peer-reviewed monthly medical journal Aerospace

Medicine and Human Performance


]. HumanCharger helps beat jet lag in just half the usual time by channeling

precisely timed 12 minute beams of its UV-free, blue-enriched bright light at

the cranium conveniently through two discreet earbuds.

HumanCharger has been in use for two years by a UK Premier League football

team. The team's doctor reflects: "HumanCharger has proved very useful in

helping our players and support staff adapt quickly to time-zone changes caused

by long-haul travel. We have seen improvements in sleep duration and quality,

enhanced restoration of circadian rhythms, and a reduction in medication use.

All factors likely to aid athletic and work performance in the period following

such journey."

Other elite athletes with similar experience using HumanCharger for jet lag

include an NBA basketball team, a national free style ski team, a KHL ice

hockey league team, and a well ranking ATP tennis player.

Valkee Ltd., the company behind HumanCharger, is proud to have worked closely

with Finnair who place particular importance on the health and wellness of

their passengers during and after flight. Finnair partnered with the company to

test the product concept with the airline's business class passengers on the

Helsinki-Shanghai route already in 2012. Finnair was also the very first

airline in the world to carry the headsets in their duty free catalogue,

followed later by in-flight listings on Singapore Airlines, KLM and Iberia.

"We have been curious and open-minded about testing and supporting innovative

technology that travelers and our customers might find useful, especially if it

could increase passenger wellbeing", said Jarkko Konttinen, Vice President of

Product and Marketing at Finnair.

The HumanCharger companion app [http://www.humancharger.com/r/qg-to-jla/] for

smartphones was created to help travelers optimize headset usage. The jet lag

app connects with the popular Tripit travel app, or it can be used on its own.

The app is available for all iPhone, Android and Windows Phone users.

Based on the clinical study results, HumanCharger recently received EU medical

device class 2(a) certification for accelerating recovery from jet lag symptoms

from the Germany-based TUV-SUD whose regulatory, technical and clinical

competence is well respected worldwide and considered synonymous with quality

and safety.

"Our goal is to help people be at their very best and most productive when

needed even while traveling. It is now easier than ever", comments Aki Backman,

chief executive officer. "The clinical field study results confirmed the

effects we had already seen in the positive user feedback and during the

concept tests."

HumanCharger is available online from Amazon in major markets, from Finnair,

from Hammacher Schlemmer in the US, and from dozens of other fine retailers in

the Americas, in Europe and in Japan.

For more information:  


Photo gallery: http://www.humancharger.com/r/photo

The HumanCharger jet lag app is available within the next few days through this



SOURCE: Valkee Ltd.




