
MEBO International


AsiaNet 60604(0689)

【ロサンゼルス2015年5月26日PRN=共同通信JBN】MEBO Internationalのケビン・スー会長は家族を代表して、同氏の父ロンシャン・スー博士の死去に際して、オバマ大統領およびビル・クリントン前大統領からのお悔やみと心遣いに感謝の意を表した。

 Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150522/218111

パイオニア、イノベーターそして時代を先取りした人として、科学の進歩と社会における指導的役割に対するスー博士のコミットメントは、忘れられないレガシーとして残る。著名なライフサイエンティストとしてスー博士は、人類に遠大な将来にわたる利益を無私無欲に追求することに生涯を捧げた。1988年に発表した最初の論文「Clinical uses of moist exposure therapy of burn(火傷の湿潤療法の臨床適用)」から2009年に公表した人体再生の応用に関する初の書籍「Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science (人体回復再生科学、HBRRS)」まで、これら論文は米国立医学図書館に所蔵されており、同博士は長年かけてHBRRSを考案し、無数の生命を救う特許取得プラットフォームを創り出した。





Tom Tao


ソース:MEBO International

Dr. Rongxiang Xu, Beyond a Legend


LOS ANGELES, May 26, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Mr. Kevin Xu, President of MEBO International, on behalf of his family, thanks

President Barack Obama and President Bill Clinton for their sympathy and kind

thoughts during the time of loss of Dr. Rongxiang Xu, Kevin's father.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150522/218111

As a pioneer, innovator, humanitarian and a leader ahead of his time, Dr. Xu's

commitment to the advancement of science and his leadership in the community

leave a legacy that will not be forgotten. As a renowned life scientist, Dr. Xu

devoted his life to a selfless pursuit with far reaching benefits to mankind.

From his first article "Clinical uses of moist exposure therapy of burn"

published in 1988 to "Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science (HBRRS)", the

first book regarding the application of human body regeneration in history

published in 2009, both collected by the United States National Library of

Medicine, he gradually created HBRRS and patent platform which have saved

countless lives.

The passing of Dr. Rongxiang Xu reminds us of a quote about the measure of a

man. Measure a man not "how did he die" but "how did he live." Not "what did he

gain" but "what did he give." Dr. Xu leaves behind a tremendous legacy that

covers his philosophy, science and technologies, as well as, in China only,

estimated 200 thousand clinicians trained with his regenerative therapy and a

fully developed medical network consisting of estimated 12,000 hospitals,

practicing his science to save lives every day.  Dr. Xu, by his creation of

HBRRS, reveals the unlimited possibility of human regeneration, and makes us

know we all have regenerative lives and are capable of organ regeneration on

our own.

Dr. Xu always said, "I am a doctor, for many years, I have been letting my

fellows call me Doctor Xu, in order to always let me remember to concentrate on

exploring and innovating technologies and products with ideal therapeutic

effects, thereby to relieve the suffering of patients and protect humans'

health and dignity. So I have been devoting myself into medical studies to

develop such technologies and products for doctors to relieve patients'


While Dr. Xu is gone, his lifelong pursuit of scientific truth and his noble

spirit of selfless contribution to the world will always inspire us to carry

his great legacy forward, and his discoveries and innovations will live on and

benefit humans for generations to come.

CONTACT: Tom Tao, mebo2015@hotmail.com

SOURCE: MEBO International




