


AsiaNet 60606(0682)


カストロールエッジ・チタン・トライアル(Castrol Edge Titanium Trial):

チタン・ストロング・バーチャルドリフト(Titanium Strong Virtual Drift)


カストロールエッジ(Castrol EDGE)は、フォーミュラードリフトのプロフェッショナルであるマット・パワーズによるRoush Stage 3(RS3)マスタングの運転をフィーチャーした最新のチタン・トライアル・ドライビングチャレンジを世界一斉公開した。パワーズは最新鋭のOculus Rift Development Kit 2(オキュラスリフト開発キット2)ヘッドセットを装着し、周りの現実世界を見ないで、急展開する3D仮想世界に没入しながらマスタングを駆った。

Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150525/744991-a

Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150525/744991-b







カストロールエッジと、クリエーティブ・テクノロジストのアダム・アマラルとグレン・スナイダーの両氏が、このトライアルのために全く新しいテクノロジーを開発した。車の自己診断(OBD2データ)と外部の位置追跡システム(GPSと慣性測定)からデータを抽出することによって、チームはパワーズのOculus Rift DK2ヘルメットとデータを同期させ、これまでは着座した静止体験を、走行する車両での移動体験にすることを可能にした。チームは実際の車を巨大なゲームコントローラーに初めて変身させ、パワーズはコースを運転しながらヘルメットを通じて仮想世界を体験した。

ステアリング角からホイールスピン、ダイナミックな制動、スロットルポジションまでのすべてが追跡され、カストロールエッジは仮想世界でほぼ完璧に正確な車両シミュレーションを遂行した。Oculus Rift DK2は1秒間に75回アップデートするため、新テクノロジーはパワーズにシームレスなドライビング体験を提供するために、このアップデート回数に匹敵ないしは、それを上回る必要があった。今回のトライアル実現に寄与したのは、この専門技術ときめ細かな配慮があったからである。

ソース:Castrol EDGE

Castrol EDGE Creates World First Driving Challenge: Imagine Racing a Real Car in a Virtual Reality Helmet, Blind to the Real World...



    Castrol Edge Titanium Trial:

    Titanium Strong Virtual Drift


    Castrol EDGE has premiered its latest Titanium Trial driving challenge,

featuring Formula Drift professional Matt Powers driving his Roush Stage 3

Mustang whilst wearing a state-of-the-art Oculus Rift Development Kit 2

headset: blind to the real world around him, but fully-immersed in a rapidly

changing 3D virtual world.

    Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150525/744991-a

    Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150525/744991-b

    In a world first, Castrol EDGE fused video games technology and a real

world driving experience, using a modified car and virtual reality technology,

so a computer-generated world responded to the driver's and car's movements in

real time.

    Film link: http://po.st/VirtualdriftGLOBAL

    The video game-like experience featured a mind-blowing landscape of falling

boulders, crumbling track, tunnels, sheer cliff drops and even a cameo virtual

appearance from another racing icon - with the landscape's shifts reacting to

Matt Powers' every driving manoeuvre.

    The challenge was part of Castrol EDGE's Titanium Trials, a series of

high-powered driving challenges that bring man and machine together to push the

boundaries of performance enabled by the strength of Castrol EDGE boosted with

Titanium FST(TM) - Castrol's most technologically advanced and strongest oil to


    After taking on the VIRTUAL DRIFT Trial, Matt Powers said: "Virtual Drift

was exhilarating and challenging like nothing I've ever done before. It's been

awesome not only being involved and testing this next generation of gaming

technology but the possibilities this opens up for motor sport in general are

mind blowing. I had to rely on my instincts and the car to perform, with the

strength of Castrol EDGE in the engine to give me the reassurance that the car

would reach its maximum performance."

    Similar to Titanium Strong Blackout (the first Titanium Trial), the course

was designed to push Powers and his Mustang to achieve maximum performance.

Overcoming this challenge was made possible thanks to Castrol EDGE, enabling

Powers to step up, push it and be Titanium Strong.

    Castrol EDGE and creative technologists, Adam Amaral and Glenn Snyder,

developed the all-new technology behind the trial. By extracting the data from

the car's internal diagnostics (OBD2 data) and exterior positional tracking

systems (GPS and inertial measurement), the team were able to sync the data

with Power's Oculus Rift DK2 helmet, making a previously sit-down, stationary

experience, now a mobile experience in a moving vehicle. For the first time

ever, the team turned a real car into a giant game controller, allowing Powers

to experience the virtual world through his helmet as he drove the course.

    Everything from the steering angle and wheel spin, to the dynamic damping

and throttle position was tracked, allowing Castrol EDGE to simulate the

vehicle with near perfect accuracy in the virtual world. With the Oculus Rift

DK2 updating 75 times a second, new technology was needed to match or exceed

that rate, to give Powers a seamless driving experience. It's this expertise

and granular attention to detail that helped bring the trial to life.

    SOURCE: Castrol EDGE




