
ベルックスグループ (The VELUX Group)

AsiaNet 60611



ナチュラルライト国際デザインコンテストの受賞者は現在、世界約65カ国から寄せられた印象的なナチュラルライト・ランプの172デザイン案から選出されています。受賞者はアルゼンチンのブエノスアイレス大学で工業デザインを専攻している、非常に才能あるアルゼンチン人学生マリアナ・アランド(Mariana Arando) さんとルカ・フォンデロ (Luca Fondello) さんの2名です。電気が利用できないアフリカ3カ国へランプを届ける来年に続いて、ナチュラルライト・ランプで受賞したデザインに基づいた生産計画はまもなく開始されます。



昨年ベルックスグループとLittle Sunは、ナチュラルライト国際デザインコンテストを共同開催し、世界中のデザインを学ぶ若い学生に、電気のない生活をしている世界12億の人々の一部に対して、クリーンで信頼できる手頃なライトを届けるためのナチュラルライト・ソーラーランプの制作を課しました。審査員は現在、ソーラーランプのデザインの受賞者にアルゼンチンのブエノスアイレス大学工業デザイン専攻の学生2名を選出しています。



Little Sunの設立者でありナチュラルライトの審査員長であるアーティストのオラファー・エリアソン (Olafur Eliasson) 氏は「ライトを利用する機会を提供することは、機能上のニーズに答えるだけの話ではありません。それは、エネルギーと幸福に対する世界共通の欲求である願望との密接な関係を理解することでもあります。私はこれらのデザインの二面性が常に1つとして見なされなければならないと強く信じています。受賞したデザインは両方に取り組んでおり、また手にエネルギーを注ぎ込むことで力を得たように感じます。このデザインが力を与えています」と語りました。


ベルックスグループのマーケティング部長であるマイケルK.ラスムッセン (Michael K. Rasmussen) 氏は「ベルックスグループのモデル企業の目的を達成するための一環として、日光を利用して社会に還元するための電気のないアフリカ地域に暮らす人々に持続可能なソーラーパワーライトを届けることにコミットしています。当社は光の知識を蓄積しており、当社の経験が最大の影響を及ぼすと確信できる場所でその経験を発揮しています。当社の75周年記念の一環として、1万4,500個の持続可能で信頼できる手頃な照明をアフリカ地域に届け、人々に力を与えることができ嬉しく思っています。受賞したデザインは美的観点から完璧なだけではなく、概念的に非常によく熟慮されています。ランプは有用であり、必要としている地域に光を届けてくれると信じています」と述べました。






このコンテストは、ベルックスを傘下に持つVKRホールディングの75周年を祝して開催され、才能ある若い学生に特別仕様ソーラーランプ制作を呼びかけました。ナチュラルライトプロジェクトは、日光を人々の家に取り込むことで世界中の生活環境を向上させるベルックスグループの取り組みの節目として開始されました。電気のない世界の地域の人々の生活条件を改善するために、ベルックスグループは、国際的に有名なアーティストであるオラファー・エリアソン氏とエンジニアのFrederik Ottesen 氏が創設したソーシャルビジネス・グローバルプロジェクトであるLittle Sunと提携を結びました。


当社のニュースビデオ・写真・報道資料は、ベルックス・メディアセンターpress.velux.comで閲覧、ダウンロードできます。ベルックスのニュースは、http://press.velux.com/manage-your-subscription-to-velux-email-lists/ で購読できます。

twitter.com/veluxおよび facebook.com/veluxで当社をフォローしてください。





詳細情報はhttp://www.velux.com までご参照下さい。


VKRホールディングは、VELUX, VELFAC, RATIONEL および WindowMasterの下でルーフウインドウ、縦割りの窓および装飾を含むさまざまな製品を製造・流通・販売する企業グループの親会社です。同社は人々の日常生活へ日光、新鮮な空気およびより良い環境をもたらすことを目的とします。 2016年4月1日に、VKRホールディングは、創立75周年を迎えます。

Little Sunについて

Little Sunはオフグリッド地域で電気のない生活をしている世界12億の人々に対して、クリーンで信頼できる手頃なライトを届けるため、世界的に有名なアーティストのオラファー・エリアソン (Olafur Eliasson) 氏およびエンジニアのフレデリック・オッテセン (Frederik Ottesen) 氏によって設立されたソーシャル・ビジネスおよびグローバル・プロジェクトです。同プロジェクトの最初の製品であるリトル・サン・ソーラーLEDランプは、世界中で販売されています。世界の電気が使える地域でリトル・サンを購入することによって、灯油ランタンのような高価で有毒な燃料ベース照明の代替品を提供しているオフグリッド地域において、地元で手頃な値引き価格での利用が可能となります。







プラン・デンマーク(Plan Denmark) について

プラン・デンマークはプラン・インターナショナルの一員であり、世界で最大最古の子どもに関する開発組織の1つです。プランは子どもの権利を促進し、何百万人もの子どもたちを貧困から救うために、アフリカ、アジア、米州全体の52の途上国で活動しています。 プランの活動地域の人口は8,150万人の子どもを含む 1億6,490万人です。プランは前向きな変化をもたらすため、子どもたちとその家族、地域社会、組織や自治体と協力した子ども中心のコミュニティ開発組織です。プランは子どもや若者が自分の問題の解決策を見つけて、可能性を最大限に実現するために、積極的な役割を果たすよう奨励・援助しています。


Tanja Thorsteinsson

ベルックスグループ メディア広報マネージャー



ソース:ベルックスグループ  (The VELUX Group)


Winner Announcement: Natural Light - International Design Competition



The winners of the Natural Light - International Design Competition have now

been chosen from the 172 impressive Natural Light Lamp designs submitted from

65 countries around the world.  The winners are two very talented Argentinian

Industrial Design students, Ms. Mariana Arando and Mr. Luca Fondello, both from

the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The production phase of the winning

design for the Natural Light Lamp will begin shortly, followed next year by

shipment of the lamps to three African countries without access to electricity.

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


Last year, the VELUX Group and Little Sun joined forces to launch the Natural

Light - International Design Competition, which challenged design students

around the world to create a design for a solar lamp which would help to bring

clean, reliable, affordable light to some of the 1.2 billion people worldwide

living without electricity. Now the jury has voted and decided on the winning

solar lamp design by two Industrial Design students from the University of

Buenos Aires in Argentina.

"We are very excited to have won the Natural Light-International Design

Competition. Winning such a competition could represent a huge opportunity for

our future careers.  We are so anxious to see our design and concept for the

Natural Light solar lamp when it has been produced and serves its purpose. We

liked the idea of helping and empowering people who do not have electricity and

that was our primary motivating factor throughout the whole process.  We are

also glad that our lamp will be produced in 14,500 units and sent to Africa,

where it can do some good for many families," said Ms. Mariana Arando and Mr.

Luca Fondello, Industrial Design students at the University of Buenos Aires.  

The jury members were very impressed by the creativity, innovation and

thoughtfulness of the winning design.

"Providing access to light is not only about answering a functional need. It is

also about understanding the intimate link between energy and our aspirations,

our common global desire for happiness. I strongly believe that these two

aspects of design must always be seen as one. The winning design addresses both

- and more: it understands that holding energy in your hand makes you feel

empowered. This design is empowering," says Artist Olafur Eliasson, Founder of

Little Sun and Chairman of the Natural Light jury.

To celebrate the VELUX Group's 75th anniversary, 14,500 Natural Light lamps

will be produced, based on the competition's winning design. The lamps will be

distributed by the NGO Plan International in Zimbabwe, Zambia and Senegaa in

late 2015 and early 2016. The aim is to deliver sustainable, solar-powered

light to people living in areas without electricity, through a program that

involves and empowers local communities.

"As part of the VELUX Group's Model Company Objective we are committed to

providing areas in Africa with no access to electricity with light -thus giving

back to society. We are a company built on knowledge of light, and we use our

expertise where we believe it will have the greatest impact. As part of our

75thanniversary, we are glad to be able to donate 14,500 affordable and

sustainable solar lamps empower people with sustainable light in African

regions. The winningdesign is not only perfect from an aesthetic point of view

but is also very well thought through conceptually, so we are confident that

the lamp will be useful and provide the lightwe intended," says Michael K.

Rasmussen, Marketing Director of the VELUX Group.

The winning designers

The winners of the Natural Light - International Design Competition, Ms.

Mariana Arando, (22 years old), and Mr. Luca Fondello, (23 years old), both

live in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and are studying Industrial Design together at

the University of Buenos Aires (FADU, Department of Architecture, Design and

Urban Planning). Both students are very committed to their education, while

also remaining open to wider learning from exciting projects and gaining new

experiences from competitions such as this.

Distribution of the Natural Light lamp

The distribution model employed is very similar in concept to micro loans, in

which small local entrepreneurs who cannot obtain loans under normal

circumstances due to a lack of steady income or collateral are offered small

loans that can help get their businesses started.  To help kick-off sales,

these entrepreneurs will initially receive a stock of Natural Light lamps for

free. Once they have sold their stock, the result is a profit for themselves

and also the capital to purchase additional lamps to sell: establishing their

own self-sustaining small businesses.

About the Natural Light - International Design Competition

The competition encouraged young and talented design students to create a

special edition solar lamp in honor of the 75th anniversary of the holding

group behind VELUX, VKR Holding. The Natural Light Project was launched to mark

the milestone of the VELUX Group's work in improving living conditions around

the world by bringing daylight into people's homes. The VELUX Group

collaborated with Little Sun, which is a social business and a global project

founded by internationally-renowned artist Olafur Eliasson and engineer

Frederik Ottesen, to bring clean, sustainable light to people in areas of the

world without electricity.

Press material at VELUX Media Centre

See and download our news videos, photos and press material on VELUX Media

Centre at press.velux.com. Here, you can subscribe to VELUX news.

Follow us on twitter.com/velux and facebook.com/velux

About the VELUX Group

For more than 70 years, the VELUX Group has created better living environments

for people around the world. Making the most of daylight and fresh air through

the roof.

Our product programme includes roof windows and modular skylights as well as a

range of decoration and sun screenings, roller shutters, installation solutions

and intelligent home controls. These products help to ensure a healthy and

sustainable indoor climate. For work and learning. For play and pleasure.

We work globally - with sales and manufacturing operations in more than 40

countries and around 10,000 employees worldwide. The VELUX Group is owned by

VKR Holding A/S, a limited company wholly owned by foundations and family.

For more information, visit http://www.velux.com.

About VKR Holding

VKR Holding is the parent company of a group of companies that manufacture,

market and sell a range of products including roof windows, vertical windows

and accessories under the brands VELUX, VELFAC, RATIONEL and WindowMaster. The

company has the objective of bringing daylight, fresh air and a better

environment into people's everyday lives. On 1 April 2016, VKR Holding will

celebrate its 75th anniversary.

About Little Sun

Little Sun is a social business and global project founded by world-renowned

artist Olafur Eliasson and engineer Frederik Ottesen to bring clean, reliable,

affordable light to the 1.2 billion people in the world living off-grid, in

areas without electricity. The project's first product, the Little Sun solar

LED lamp, is sold all over the world. Purchasing Little Suns in areas of the

world with electricity makes the lamps available in off-grid areas at reduced,

locally affordable prices, where they provide a clean alternative to toxic and

expensive fuel-based lighting such as kerosene lanterns.

Little Sun addresses the need for light in a sustainable way that benefits

off-grid communities by working with local entrepreneurs, creating local jobs,

and generating local profits. The Little Sun project was officially launched in

July 2012 at London's Tate Modern. Since then, more than 200,000 Little Sun

lamps have been distributed worldwide, with almost half going to off-grid

areas. In April 2014, Little Sun received a groundbreaking $5 million impact

investment from Bloomberg Philanthropies, making it possible to scale Little

Sun's operations across the African continent.

For more information:





About Plan Denmark  

Plan Denmark is a part of Plan International - one of the oldest and largest

children's development organizations in the world. Plan operates in 52

developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas to promote children's

rights and lift millions of children out of poverty. Plan's working areas has a

population of 164.9 million people - including 81.5 million children. Plan is a

child-centered community development organization working with children, their

families, communities, organizations and local governments to bring about

positive change. We encourage and help children and youth to take an active

role in finding solutions to their problems and realizing their full potential.


Tanja Thorsteinsson

Media Relations Manager

The VELUX Group

Telephone: +45-26-70-27-28

@: tanja.thorsteinsson@velux.com





