


AsiaNet 60428 (0607)

【ベセスダ(米メリーランド州)2015年5月11日PRN=共同通信JBN】健康管理業界向けの証拠に基づくソリューションの有力プロバイダーであるEvidera(http://www.evidera.com/ )は、COPD試験の治療結果を評価する2つの患者報告治療結果(PRO)基準であるEXACT(慢性肺疾患ツールによる悪化)とE-RS(EXACT-呼吸器症状)に関する欧州医薬品庁(EMA)の承認見解草案(http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Regulatory_and_procedural_guideline/2015/04/WC500185442.pdf )が公表されたことを発表した。これらの基準の基礎になる毎日の症状日誌はEvideraが開始し、主導してきた複数年、複数スポンサーのプロジェクトであるEXACT-PRO計画(http://www.exactproinitiative.com/ )の一環として開発された。


2014年にFDAは米国におけるPRO基準であるEXACTの承認文書案(http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Drugs/GuidanceComplianceRegulatoryInformation/Guidances/UCM380961.pdf )を公表し、EXACTは「第2相研究での使用はABECB-COPDの症状の十分に規定された信頼できる基準である」と述べている。E-RSはFDAが審査中である。




EvideraはSymphony Technology Group(http://www.symphonytg.com/ )の全額出資子会社で、健康経済、治療結果研究、市場アクセス、データ分析、疫学サービスを世界の生命科学会社に提供している。詳しい情報はwww.evidera.comへ。


Susan Potter Couch, Director, Marketing & Communications




EMA Releases Draft Opinion on Two Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) Measures for Evaluating New Treatments for COPD


BETHESDA, Md, May 11, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Evidera (http://www.evidera.com/), a leading provider of evidence-based

solutions for the healthcare industry, is pleased to announce the release of

the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) draft qualification opinion (


) on the EXACT (Exacerbations of Chronic Pulmonary Tool) and E-RS

(EXACT-Respiratory Symptoms), two patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures for

evaluating treatment outcomes in COPD trials. The daily symptom diary that

forms the basis for these instruments was developed as part of the EXACT-PRO

Initiative (http://www.exactproinitiative.com/ ), a multi-year, multi-sponsor

project initiated and led by Evidera.

The EMA's opinion, posted for public comment 13 April 2015, states that the

evidence supports the use of the EXACT and E-RS as exploratory endpoints in

COPD drug development trials. Referencing the EXACT, the opinion states "the

suggested attempt to characterise COPD exacerbation events in terms of

severity, duration and frequency in a highly-standardised and more

symptom-driven manner can be considered a valuable contribution to the search

for suitable efficacy endpoints in COPD trials." EMA is accepting comments

until 25 May 2015.

In 2014, the FDA released their draft qualification document for the EXACT (


), a first for PRO measures in the U.S., describing the EXACT as a

"well-defined and reliable measure of symptoms of ABECB-COPD for use in phase 2

studies." The E-RS is under review by the FDA.

"The release of qualification statements from the EMA and FDA are important

milestones in patient-centered outcomes research," said Nancy Kline Leidy,

Ph.D., Principal Investigator of the EXACT-PRO Initiative and Senior Vice

President, Evidera. "PRO measures not only represent the patient's voice, but

are instrumental to scientific progress. The EXACT and E-RS are being used in

clinical studies to further our understanding of COPD and the efficacy of

interventions to alleviate exacerbations and provide symptomatic relief for

people with this condition."

The EXACT-PRO Initiative was the first consortium convened to develop a

standardized PRO instrument for use in drug development trials. The diary has

been translated into 55 languages and used in over 65 clinical studies,

including 24 trials testing new treatments for COPD.

About Evidera

Evidera, a wholly owned subsidiary of Symphony Technology Group

(http://www.symphonytg.com/), provides health economic, outcomes research,

market access, data analytic and epidemiology services to life sciences

organizations worldwide. For more information, visit www.evidera.com.

Media Contact

Susan Potter Couch, Director, Marketing & Communications



SOURCE: Evidera




