


AsiaNet 60304(0550)



紫外線LED(UV LED)を使った殺菌、安全ソリューションで世界をリードするRayVio(http://www.rayvio.com/ )は28日、同社は第三者割当増資で930万ドルを調達し、ステルスモードから脱したと発表した。新規投資家にはApplied Ventures、Augment Ventures、New Ground Ventures、Tolero Venturesが含まれている。既存投資家のDCM VenturesとCapricorn Investment Groupも今回の増資に参加している。RayVioはこの資金調達で市場ベースの拡大戦略の加速、陣容拡大、さらに紫外線LEDソリューションの産業、商業、消費者分野における大量普及を可能にすることを狙っている。



Hytecon GmbHのマネージング・ディレクター兼パートナーで国際紫外線協会(IUVA)前会長でもあるアンドレアス・ケルシュ博士は「紫外線LED光源は多くの安価なユースポイントの殺菌アプリケーションを可能にし、公共の健康を増進することでUV殺菌技術の利用に大きな影響を与えることになる」と述べた。

DCM Venturesゼネラルパートナーのピート・モラン氏は「RayVioの技術はベストタイミングの市場投入になる。きれいな水への願望や感染症の流行によって携帯可能で費用効率が高く、かつこれらの問題に対処できるソリューションに対するニーズが高まっている。製品が実証済みとなり、パートナーや顧客も地球規模の広がりを得たことで、RayVioはニーズの核心をとらえた」と語った。









T.J. de Jony, RayVio, +1.650.208.8482, info@rayvio.com

RayVio Closes $9.3 million Series B to Enable Mass Adoption of UV LED Solutions


HAYWARD, Calif., Apr. 28, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

-- Product Provides Ubiquitous Disinfection Solutions for Consumers

RayVio (http://www.rayvio.com/ ), a leader in transforming UV LED based

solutions to create a cleaner and safer world, today announced that it has

emerged from stealth mode and raised $9.3 million in Series B funding, with new

investors including Applied Ventures, Augment Ventures, New Ground Ventures and

Tolero Ventures. Existing investors DCM Ventures and Capricorn Investment Group

also contributed to the round. The capital will be used to accelerate RayVio's

go-to-market strategy, grow its team, and enable mass adoption of UV LED

solutions in the industrial, commercial and consumer sectors.

"RayVio's patented technology is poised to disrupt the entire UV market by

creating products that truly impact how we live - from purifying drinking

water, to treating major illnesses, to instantly disinfecting surfaces any

time, any where," said Dr. Robert C. Walker, CEO of RayVio. "This

oversubscribed round is a great validation of our break through technology and

it will enable us to significantly expand our team and reach critical markets


RayVio's solutions break through barriers by employing a fundamentally new and

different approach, enabling the highest performance, lowest cost UV LED based

systems. Today its solutions provide up to 10 times the performance increase

over existing products available on the market today. The technology enables a

host of consumer applications previously limited by cost and performance -

ranging from hand-held portable disinfection devices to point-of-use water

disinfection faucets that enable safer drinking water for everyone.

"UV LED light sources will significantly affect the use of UV disinfection

technology by enabling a myriad of affordable, point-of-use disinfection

applications, thus improving public health better than before," said Dr.

Andreas Kolch, Managing Director and Partner, Hytecon GmbH, and former

President of the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA)

"RayVio's technology is coming to market at a critical time," said Pete Moran,

General Partner, DCM Ventures. "Access to clean water and the growing

prevalence of infectious disease are creating a greater need for solutions that

are portable, cost effective and address these problems. RayVio has hit the

sweet spot of this formula with products that are now proven, and with the

partners and customers that can scale globally."

Until now, LEDs for UV applications have been limited to niche markets due to

low performance, high cost and compromised reliability. RayVio's novel,

patent-protected materials and technology, originally developed at Boston

University by co-founders Dr. Yitao Liao and Prof. Theodore Moustakas,

unleashes "Haitz's Law" for UV LEDs; the same Haitz's Law that made the mass

adoption of cost-effective visible LEDs possible in the display and lighting


RayVio continues to gain global recognition for their performance achievements

across a variety of UV markets. RayVio, its partners and customers, will

release a series of product announcements later this year.

About RayVio

RayVio is transforming how we use UV today by offering consumer disinfection

solutions that are higher performance, require less power, are portable,

durable, and cost effective.

RayVio's patent protected UV LED technology and materials, originally developed

at Boston University by co-founders Dr. Yitao Liao and Prof. Theodore

Moustakas, are highly differentiated, delivering performance at price points

which are enabling the mass adoption of UV LED solutions in the industrial,

commercial and consumer sectors.

RayVio's novel UV LED technology will make possible the highest performance,

most cost effective solutions for industrial curing, for UV medical treatment

devices to treat ailments ranging from vitamin D deficiency to Multiple

Sclerosis, and for the UV water, surface and air disinfection markets.


CONTACT: For additional information contact: T.J. de Jony, RayVio,

+1.650.208.8482, info@rayvio.com




