


AsiaNet 60234(0524)

【トロント2015年4月22日PRN=共同通信JBN】オンタリオ・センターズ・オブ・エクセレンス(Ontario Centres of Excellence)(OCE)のディスカバリー(発見)トレードショー・会議は毎年、オンタリオ州とカナダの最高、最善のイノベーターと起業家からの最高の出展のショーケースとなる。そして2015年に10周年を迎えたディスカバリーは2015年4月27、28の両日にメトロ・トロント・コンベンションセンターでの最もにぎやかなショーを開催し、その伝統を確実に維持する。







4月27日午後1時30分からの基調演説はLean Startup運動のパイオニアであるエリック・リース氏で、フィナンシャル・ポスト紙のコラムニスト、リック・スペンス氏の司会による遠隔対談、質疑応答がある。





これには中国の投資家や有資格のプライベート・エクイティー・エンジェル投資家の世界的投資共同体であるKeiretsu Forumのメンバー、ベンチャー・キャピタル、企業・機関投資家を含む数百社の国際投資家が含まれている。これは米国、イスラエル、トルコ、中国、インド、シンガポールを含む世界各地からのKeiretsu社長のこれまでで最大の集まりである。










▽オンタリオ・センターズ・オブ・エクセレンス(Ontario Centres of Excellence Inc.)(OCE)について

オンタリオ・センターズ・オブ・エクセレンス(OCE)は未来の経済を築き、オンタリオの世界的競争力を確保するために重要市場分野全体で先端的研究の商業化を推進している。これを実行するなかで、OCEは次世代の投資家、起業家の訓練、養成に力を注いでおり、オンタリオの産業界、大学、カレッジ、研究病院、投資家、政府閣僚との提携のカギとなるパートナーである。最先端技術、最良慣行と研究のチャンピオンであるOCEは先端的健康管理、情報・通信技術、デジタルメディア、先進材料と製造、農業食品、航空宇宙、輸送、エネルギー、水と鉱業を含む環境などの分野に投資している。OCEは州のオンタリオ起業家ネットワーク(ONE)のメンバーとしてオンタリオのイノベーション・アジェンダを提供する重要パートナーである。オンタリオ州政府から資金提供を受けているONEは地域、分野集中の組織で構成されており、オンタリオを本拠とする起業家と産業界が急速にその企業を成長させ、雇用を創出するのを助けている。詳しい情報は www.onebusiness.caへ。

Discovery 2015-機能の好見本

▽Cloud DX


Cloud DXはすでに、賞金1000万ドルのQualcomm Tricorder XPRISEコンペティションのトップ10のファイナリストに残っており、カナダのそれの唯一企業である。Cloud DXは15の異なる医学的状態を診断し最高72時間まで生存兆候をモニターするよう考案された機器で、健康ケアに革命をもたらしている。この野心的な製品をめぐり大きな評判を呼んでおり、われわれはCloud DXがOCE Discoveryでこれまで初となるこの医療用トライコーダー(携帯用分析装置)のデモ公開を期待している。




▽PizzaPizza/McMaster University


ピザに革命を起きるか? マックマスター大学の学生は、ファストフード大手のPizza Pizzaから資金を得て、Pizza Oven Waste Energy Recovery(POWER)システムを導入した。このシステムは通常のピザオーブンの排熱をもっと有用な形、つまり照明、熱水、暖房などに変えて再利用するものである。中心となるテクノロジーは火力発電として知られるもので、このパワーシステムを停電の際でも電源内蔵機器にすることができる。Pizza PizzaおよびHARvESTはDiscoveryでこの新しいシステムを展示する。

▽Applied Brain Research


Applied Brain Research(ABR)はディスカバリーで、世界最大規模の機能コンピューターを使った脳モデルを紹介する。Spaunで知られるこのプログラムは、受け取る情報に基づいて学習し、意志決定する能力がある。これは人工知能の普及に向けた第1歩である。




▽Mosaic Manufacturing


Mosaic Manufacturingは、市場にある事実上すべての3Dプリンターの能力と質を拡大することができる3Dプリンティング技術を生み出した。Mosaicの当初製品であるPaletteによってユーザーは、組み込まれた内蔵電気回路によって、対象物を1色のカラー・プラスチック見本とともに複数のカラーで構成する見本を印刷することができる。

▽Nectro Inc.


Nectro Inc.は新しいナノ物質を製作し、Nectro Conductive Pen(誘電ペン)のような製品を人々の生活に持ち込んだ。このペンを使って、人々は実用的な電気回路を素早く簡単に描くことができる。このペンはまた、あらゆる間違いを正すことができる消去チップの機能を備える。さらに革新的な製品が間もなく発表される。

▽Pawly Corp.


Global Start-up Battle 2013の受賞者-Pawly Corp.は起業家を支援する包括的プログラムGoogle for Entrepreneursを使って、ペットを飼っているが多忙な両親が、家から遠く離れる際にペットを見守り、相互に交流できるモバイル・アプリケーションに接続する電子玩具を開発した。Pawlyは餌(えさ)を自動で分配するディスペンサーやおもちゃのボールランサーから高品質マイクロフォンまで、罪悪感を持たずに心平穏や見守る能力を提供して、事実上どこにいてもペットに話しかけ、遊んでやれる。







▽Intelligent Assistive Technology and Systems Lab(IATSL)



▽Envision SQ Inc.


Envision SQは現在、交通に関連するスモッグを減らし、都市部の大気の質を良くする技術を開発する大きな仕事に取り組んでいる。毎年、世界の自動車、トラック、その他車両は、数百万トンの汚染物質を排出しており、都市部居住者はぜん息、呼吸器疾患から発作やがんのリスクにさらされている。「SmogStop Barrier」と呼ばれるこの計画は、排出物質とクリーンエアを混合するとともに、独自のコーティング処理で汚染物質を無害の副産物に分解することに取り組んでいる。その結果、その周辺社会の大気汚染レベルは50%下落している。

▽Advanced Cognitive Engineering lab (ACE)


カールトン大学のAdvanced Cognitive Engineering lab(ACE)は、航空機シミュレーター・プラットフォームを使って、パイロットの行動を観察するカナダの研究センターである。これら次世代シミュレーションとバーチャルリアリティー技術は、航空宇宙産業における訓練と評価に極めて重要である。同校のVisualization and Simulation Centreに関連して、ACEはヒトの近く、認識の基本的原則を発見し、これら原則を最先端のヒトと機械システムの設計、実行、評価に適用するため働いている。



Intravision Light Systems Inc.はスポーツスタジアム、ゴルフ・グリーンなど自然のターフグリーンの芝草の成長に対する独自のLumigreen(蛍光グリーン)システムを生み出した。特許を取得したLumigreenは、大気温度と空気の流れを制御することを合わせて、LEDライトと統合したタープ(防水性帆布)で構成されている。製品は最近、米テキサス州で開かれた2015年Golf Industry展示会で発表された。




▽Pond Biofuels


重工業が大量の二酸化炭素を排出するのはよく知られている。この温室効果ガスは環境に悪影響を及ぼすというのが一般的な見方だ。ところがその排出ガスがPondシステムでは実際に原料になる。Pond Biofuelsは独自の技術を用いて、排出ガスから二酸化炭素と窒素、硫黄分を取り除き、その成分を藻類バイオマスに転換する。今回はこの閉ループ連続採取システムが原料の排出ガスをどのように処理し、価値の高い藻類バイオマスに転換するかを展示する。

▽CrossWing Inc.



▽Revel Cider Company


Revel Cider Companyは100%オンタリオ産リンゴ、ホップ、原産の酵母菌からサイダーを作っている。基本的にビールとサイダーの中間の飲み物で、そのリンゴとホップを育んだオンタリオの風土特有の香りを醸し出した。「Hop X」と呼ばれるサイダーは、新しいオンタリオ産ホップの品種でドライに処理され、香りはオレンジとイチゴ、ライチがある。「Liquid Gold」と名付けた風味はオンタリオの野生イースト菌を発酵させ、グアバや柑橘風のドライな味わいを出している。



環境に優しい技術で起業したばかりのNanoleafは、ディマー・スイッチを必要としない初めての光量調整可能な電球Nanoleaf Bloomを出品する。この革新的な電球は一般的なオン、オフのスイッチで操作し、家庭などの空間で照明の明るさを自由に調整できる。75ワットの白熱光とほぼ同じ明るさの1200ルーメンを、Nanoleaf Bloomはたった10ワットの電力で照らし出す。

▽PUSH Strength Inc.


PUSHはありきたりのウエアラブル端末ではない。NFL(全米プロフットボールリーグ)、NHL(ナショナルホッケーリーグ)、NBA(プロバスケットボール協会)など世界で最も有名なチームでも、すでに使われている。PUSHはアスリートのトレーニングを変える。PUSHはアスリートにReal Workout Metricsを見せるため、プロ級スポーツのトラッカー(活動量計)を出品する。オリンピック方式のウエートリフティング競技を実際に行い、それをリアルタイムでモバイル端末やスクリーン機器に送信することも行われる。

▽GestureLogic Inc.



▽PTX Performance Products Inc.


Stable 26はただのソックスではなく、アスリートや一般の人々にパフォーマンスの向上と心地良さを与える。最もフィットするスポーツシューズも、Stable 26でさらにフィット感が高まる。サポート力を改善し、接合部を良くし、全体のパフォーマンスを向上させるため、狙った部分にシリコン製パッドを配置し、完ぺきなフィット感を出す全く新しいアプローチを採用した。今回はホッケー、スキー、ランニング、ゴルフ用の各製品を出品する。



未来を先取りするBioSensive Technologiesは、ウエアラブル電子機器市場で全く新しい製品を紹介する。世界で初めてのスマート・イアリングだ。Ear-O-SmartはBluetooth 4.0を介してスマートフォンにつながり、カロリー消費や心拍数、運動レベルといった幅広いフィットネスのデータを、すべてイアリングを通してモニターできる。Ear-O-Smartはさまざまなスタイルでフィットネスのレベルをスマートに観察できる。

▽InteraXon Inc.



▽Myant & Co


スマート製品はあらゆる産業の未来であり、私たちの身の回りと技術を切れ目なく結び付けることで、私たちは製品の価値とサービスの新しい領域に入っていく。ウエアラブルと組み込みの技術で最先端に立つMyant & Coは、光る安全ベストや未来のセンサー組み込み布地技術など、新しいデジタルウエアラブル技術を出品する。

▽GestSure Technologies Inc.





Enabling today。Inspiring Tomorrow。Discoveryのスポンサー、世界の半導体業界のリーダーであるAMDは、Discoveryの参加者のためにユニークなOculus Virtual Realityのデモを通して、新しいグラフィックプロセッサーのパワーを紹介する。

▽Sulon Technologies Inc.


Sulon Technologiesが紹介するSulon Cortexは、バーチャルなコンテンツを私たちの現実の環境に取り込むことにより、人間と世界のかかわり方を変えると期待されている。Sulon Cortexはほかでは体験できないような拡張現実と仮想現実を融合するヘッドセットであり、Sulonは今回その試作品を出品する。

▽Quantum Capture


Quantum Captureはトロントにある3Dスキャニング・スタジオで、写真のようにリアルな3Dやどっぷりと仮想現実に浸れる体験を提供している。ゲーム業界の実績があり、Discoveryでは入場者の3次元の動きを中継するために体の一部をスキャンし、それをSamsung Gearで見せるデモを実施する。

▽University Health Networks (UHN)


Toronto Rehabは世界で最も技術的に進んだリハビリ研究施設である。その中でiDAPT Centre for Rehabilitation Researchは最も聡明な研究マインドと最新鋭の技術を兼ね備えている。Discoveryでは年齢に関わる健康問題を助ける最新技術を披露する。

Stuart Green, Manager, Media Relations, +1-416-861-1092 x 1022,


ソース:Ontario Centres of Excellence Inc.

OCE's Discovery celebrates 10 years of innovation with largest-ever show


TORONTO, April 22, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Every year, Ontario Centres of Excellence's Discovery trade show and conference

features a showcase of the best offerings from Ontario's and Canada's best and

brightest innovators and entrepreneurs. And 2015, Discovery's tenth edition, is

certainly maintaining that tradition with its busiest show ever April 27 and

28, 2015 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

Among the hundreds of made-in-Ontario innovation highlights at this year's

show; the unveiling of the only Canadian entry into the $10 million X Prize

Tricorder competition, the debut of a high performance platform for the world's

largest functioning brain model, a robot tea-butler, 'smart' jewelry and other

wearable tech, advanced 3D printing and scanning, a pen that can draw a circuit

board, a pizza oven that turns excess heat into renewable power and a

cloud-based pet sitter.

"Discovery is the biggest event on our calendar every year," says Dr. Tom Corr,

President and CEO of OCE. "We look forward to being able to bring industry,

academia, investors, government and many more together under one roof for two

days to network, make deals and learn what's new and exciting in the innovation


Named Canada's Best Trade Show 2010 and 2011, Discovery attracts more than

2,600 attendees and 425 exhibitors. This year, Discovery welcomes back tried

and true features like engaging panels, world renowned speakers, career advice,

mentoring, competitions and a show floor buzzing with some of the newest

made-in-Ontario gadgets and gizmos.

"Discovery showcases truly inspiring ideas and innovations," says Reza Moridi,

Minister of Research and Innovation and Minister of Training, Colleges and

Universities. "Over the course of the conference, we will see how Ontario's

entrepreneurs and young people are building the future of our great province

and contributing to its economic prosperity."


Appearing as Featured Keynote on April 28 at 4:30 p.m. is YouTube co-founder

Chad Hurley, making his Canadian speaking debut in conversation with CBC's

senior business reporter Amanda Lang. This is followed by an audience Q & A.

On April 27 at 1:30 p.m., the keynote speaker is Eric Ries, pioneer of the Lean

Startup movement, appearing remotely for a conversation and Q&A moderated by

Financial Post columnist Rick Spence.

Featured presenters include Singularity University faculty members Neil

Jacobstein, former president and current co-chair of the Artificial

Intelligence & Robotics Track at SU, and David Roberts, former VP and

award-winning CEO and serial entrepreneur, sharing their thoughts on disruptive

technology, advancing tech, security and cyber-security.

Discovery's numerous panels and competitions will also feature participation

from prominent names in robotics, aerospace, disruptive innovation and health,

financial services and agriculture technologies.


This year, Discovery will welcome an unprecedented number of investors,

including a large contingent of international investors.

Included are hundreds of international investors, including a number from China

as well as members of the Keiretsu Forum, a global investment community of

accredited private equity angel investors, venture capitalists and corporate

and institutional investors. This represents the largest-ever gathering of

Keiretsu presidents from around the world including from the US, Israel,

Turkey, China, India and Singapore.

Discovery also has booked more than 50 Canadian investors to participate in our

Ask an Expert feature, which will have representation from seven of the 10 most

active Venture Capital firms in Canada in 2014.


Once again, Discovery's show floor is packed with exhibitors, panels and

interactive sessions.

Featured panels include such topics as healthcare, agricultural technology,

aerospace challenges and innovations, clean water solutions, high performance

computing and disruptive technologies.

For students, job seekers and young entrepreneurs and startups seeking

investment, there are opportunities to interact with experts, and investors in

a few ways.

Discovery is also the place to see the finals of our popular student

competitions that are designed to inspire and reward young entrepreneurs from

high school through post grad.

Discovery has it all. The show facilitates the exchange of ideas and encourages

new ways to collaborate and push the boundaries of research and innovation

through to demonstration and development. It's the best place to see how bright

the future of Ontario's innovation community really is.

Named Canada's Best Trade Show 2010 and 2011 and now in its tenth year, OCE's

Discovery is Canada's premier innovation showcase. It brings together the best

and brightest minds in industry, academia, investment and government to

showcase leading-edge technologies, best practices and research in the areas of

energy, the environment, advanced health, digital media, information and

communication technologies and advanced manufacturing. The annual conference

and showcase attracts more than 2,600 attendees and 450 exhibitors.

For more on Discovery, visit www.ocediscovery.com

NB: For media accreditation, please contact Stuart Green at


About Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) Inc.

Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) drives the commercialization of

cutting-edge research across key market sectors to build the economy of

tomorrow and secure Ontario's global competitiveness. In doing this, OCE

fosters the training and development of the next generation of innovators and

entrepreneurs and is a key partner with Ontario's industry, universities,

colleges, research hospitals, investors and government ministries. A champion

of leading-edge technologies, best practices and research, OCE invests in

sectors such as advanced health, information and communications technology,

digital media, advanced materials and manufacturing, agri-food, aerospace,

transportation, energy, and the environment including water and mining. OCE is

a key partner in delivering Ontario's Innovation Agenda as a member of the

province's Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE). Funded by the Government of

Ontario, the ONE is made up of regional and sector-focused organizations and

helps Ontario-based entrepreneurs and industry rapidly grow their company and

create jobs. For more information visit www.onebusiness.ca

                       Discovery 2015 - Showcase Features

Cloud DX


Cloud DX is already a Top-10 Finalist in the $10 million Qualcomm Tricorder

XPRISE competition and is the only Canadian finalist. Cloud DX is

revolutionizing health care with a device designed to diagnose 15 different

medical conditions and monitor vital signs for up to 72 hours. With a huge buzz

around this ambitious product, we expect that Cloud DX will reveal and demo

this medical tricorder for the first time ever at OCE Discovery.  



The tea industry is booming and with the help of teaBOT's automated kiosks, we

may never look at tea in the same way again. teaBOT allows customers to

personalize their tea experience by simply walking up to a machine, selecting

their favourite tea leaves, watching their tea get dispensed, and walking away

with a personalized cup of tea in under 30 seconds. Tea enthusiasts are

thrilled to be able to get creative with mixing blends, trying a friend's

favourite flavour and ordering a pouch to take home.

PizzaPizza/McMaster University


Revolutionizing pizza? Funded by fast food leader, Pizza Pizza, McMaster

University students introduce HARvEST, the Pizza Oven Waste Energy Recovery

(POWER) system, which repurposes waste heat from a conventional pizza oven into

more useful forms: such as lighting, hot water, and space heating. The core

technology, known as a thermal electric generator, enables the POWER system to

be self-powered, even during a power outage. Pizza Pizza and HARvEST will be

displaying this new system at Discovery.

Applied Brain Research


ABR is bringing the world's largest functioning computer-based brain model to

Discovery. The program, known as Spaun, is capable of learning and making

decisions based on information it receives. This is the first step toward the

democratization of artificial intelligence.



Voovo connects those that don't have a 3D printer with those that do. The

platform allows customers requiring 3D printed models to quickly crowdsource

job quotes from a community of passionate 3D printer owners. Anyone who owns a

3D printer can now become a full-service 3D printing studio that can

personalize, print, and ship models around the world.

Mosaic Manufacturing


Mosaic Manufacturing has created new 3D printing technology that enables

virtually any desktop 3D printer on the market to expand its capabilities and

quality. Mosaic's initial product, The Palette, allows users to go from

printing one colour plastic pieces to objects with embedded circuitry inside as

well as pieces made up of multiple colours.

Nectro Inc.


Nectro Inc. is creating novel nano-materials and bringing them into people's

lives through products like the Nectro Conductive Pen. With this pen you can

quickly and easily draw working electric circuits. It also features an erasing

tip that allows you to correct any mistakes. More innovative products are on

the way.

Pawly Corp.


Winner of Global Start-up Battle 2013 - Powered by Google for Entrepreneurs,

Pawly Corp. has developed an electronic toy that connects to a mobile app,

allowing busy pet parents to monitor and interact with their pet when they're

away from home. From a treat dispenser and a ball launcher to a high fidelity

microphone, Pawly offers guilt-free peace of mind and the ability to see, talk

and play with your pet from virtually anywhere.



HEALX is a Toronto based start-up that has developed a new way of bracing and

healing bone fractures and musculoskeletal injuries, allowing the body to

naturally repair itself more efficiently. Using 3D scanning and 3D printing,

HEALX has created a cheaper, more comfortable and customizable healing method

that surpasses the traditional casts we use today.

The University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies (UTIAS)


The University of Toronto's Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) continues to push the

performance envelope and disrupt the traditional cost paradigm with a satellite

that carries a spectrometer for greenhouse gas monitoring. They will provide an

sample of its world-class development capabilities and display an animation of

the highly successful satellite mission that recently demonstrated precise,

autonomous formation flight in space.  

The Intelligent Assistive Technology and Systems Lab (IATSL)


IATSL develop leading edge technologies to support older adults and people

living with disabilities to help them function more safely in their own

communities and homes. From a tabletop robot to help those recovering from a

stroke, to an intelligent powered wheelchair that assists those with cognitive

impairment to drive more safely, the use of artificial intelligence and

advanced sensing technologies are making strides in this field.

Envision SQ Inc.


Envision SQ are currently tackling the enormous task of developing technology

to reduce traffic-related smog, creating better air quality in urban areas.

Every year, the world's cars, trucks and other vehicles emit millions of tonnes

of pollutants, leaving urban-dwellers at risk of anything from asthma and

respiratory diseases to stroke and cancer. Known as the "SmogStop Barrier," the

design involves the mixing of emissions with clean air, while a proprietary

coating breaks down pollutants into harmless by-products. The result: air

pollution levels in surrounding communities drop 50 per cent.

Advanced Cognitive Engineering lab (ACE)


Carleton University's Advanced Cognitive Engineering lab (ACE) is a leading

Canadian research centre on pilot behaviour with four aircraft simulator

platforms. These next-generation simulation and Virtual Reality technologies

are extremely important for training and assessment in the aerospace industry.

In association with the school's Visualization and Simulation Centre, ACE works

to discover fundamental principles of human perception and cognition and to

apply these principles to the design, implementation and evaluation of advanced

human-machine systems.



Intravision Light Systems Inc. have created a unique Lumigreen system for

turf-grass growth on natural turf-grass like sport stadiums and golf greens.

The patented Lumigreen technology comprises a LED light integrated tarp, in

combination with control of air-temperature and air-flow. The product was

recently launched in the 2015 Golf Industry show in Texas.



3D printing start-up Structur3D has created a 3D printer add-on called

Discov3ry, which can be described as a universal paste extruder. The extruder

gives creators around the globe the capability to print intricate and complex

designs with a range of soft materials such as silicone, wood filler, electric

paint, and even Nutella.

Pond Biofuels


As we all know, heavy industry emits massive amounts of CO(2), a green-house

gas, widely viewed to have a negative environmental impact. However, these same

emissions are actually feedstock for the Pond process. Pond Biofuels uses

proprietary technology to eliminate the CO(2), nitrogen and sulfur in

smokestack emissions, transforming these compounds into algal biomass. This

demo will show how this closed-loop continuous harvest system consumes raw

stack emissions, and transforms it into value rich algal biomass.

CrossWing Inc.


CrossWing welcomes virtualME, a modular, mass-market robotics platform that

enables anything from virtually visiting friends in another country, to

telecommunications, virtual education, healthcare, and more. CrossWing stands

by the belief that these types of Interactive Personal Robotics will rapidly

become as pervasive as common appliances and smart computing platforms. This

Discovery demonstration includes a chance to experience this virtual device

first hand.

Revel Cider Company


Revel Cider Company makes craft cider with 100% Ontario grown apples, hops, and

indigenous yeast strains. Basically, a hybrid of a beer and a cider, Revel has

created a unique flavour characteristic of the Ontario terroir their apples and

hops are grown in. Their cider called 'Hop X' is dry hopped with a brand new

Ontario hop varietal giving it flavours of orange, strawberry, and lychee.

While the flavour called 'Liquid Gold' is fermented with a wild Ontario yeast

and aged for 4 months, giving the dry cider notes of guava and citrus.



Green technology start-up, Nanoleaf welcomes the Nanoleaf Bloom, the world's

first dimmable bulb that doesn't require a dimmer switch. This innovative bulb

works with any regular on/off light switch, allowing any home or space to

personalize its dimming capabilities. Equivalent to a 75 watt incandescent, the

Nanoleaf Bloom uses only 10 watts of energy to produce 1200 lumens.

PUSH Strength Inc.


PUSH is not your average wearable device. Already being used by some of the

world's most renowned teams in the NFL, NHL and NBA, PUSH is changing the way

athletes train. PUSH will be showcasing a pro-graded activity tracker for

athletes to see Real Workout Metrics. This will include a real-life Olympic

weightlifting routine demonstrated live with real-time feedback to a mobile/on

screen application.  

GestureLogic Inc.


Ottawa-based start-up GestureLogic has created an intelligent wearable fitness

technology that uses direct monitors of muscle and other anatomic activities to

measure true muscle output. At Discovery the team will be demonstrating their

cycle fitness application with a stationary bike, allowing guests to see real

biometrics of a cyclist in action. Jump on the bike and give it a try.  

PTX Performance Products Inc.


Not just a sock, Stable 26 gives athletes and everyday people an added edge in

performance and comfort. Stable 26 footgear allows you to make even your best

fitting athletic footwear fit even better. This entirely new approach to

attaining the perfect fit uses silicone pads in anatomically targeted locations

to provide improved support, enhanced connection and better overall

performance. This showcase will include samples of products for hockey, skiing,

running, and golf.  



Straight out of the future, BioSensive Technologies is introducing a whole new

segment in the wearable electronics market: the first smart earring.

Ear-O-Smart connects to your smartphone with Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology

and allows you to monitor a wide range of fitness data such as calories, heart

rate and activity levels, all through an earring. With a variety of styles,

Ear-O-Smart allows you to track your fitness levels in style.

InteraXon Inc.


Improve your mental fitness, no gym membership required. Muse, by InteraXon, is

a brain sensing headband that helps you train your brain to reduce stress,

increase focus, and form positive habits. Muse claims to help you do more with

your mind, and more with your life, in just 3 minutes a day.

Myant & Co


Smart objects are the future of all industries and by seamlessly integrating

technology with our surroundings we enter a new realm of product value and

service. At the forefront of wearable and embedded technology Myant & Co will

be showcasing new digital wearable technologies including: lighted safety vests

and future sensor embedded fabric technology.

GestSure Technologies Inc.


Featured in last year's Microsoft Super Bowl commercial, GestSure gives

surgeons the ability to navigate important digital data directly from the

operating table, through simple hand gestures. This gives health care

professionals the ability to access key items such as patient MRI scans without

having to touch an unsterile keyboard, or leave the operating room for a timely

scrub down.



Enabling today. Inspiring Tomorrow. Discovery sponsor and global semiconductor

leader, AMD, will be showcasing the power of their new graphics processor

through a unique Oculus Virtual Reality demonstration for Discovery


Sulon Technologies Inc.


Sulon Technologies introduces the Sulon Cortex, which hopes to change the way

humans interact with the world, by bringing virtual content into our physical

surroundings. Sulon will be showcasing an early prototype of their Sulon

Cortex, a headset that merges augmented reality and virtual reality for an

experience like no other.

Quantum Capture


Quantum Capture is a Toronto-based 3D scanning studio that creates stunning

photorealistic 3D and truly immersive experiences in virtual reality. With a

background in the gaming industry, their demonstration at Discovery will

include a partial body scan to relay 3D interaction of participants,

demonstrated on Samsung Gear.

University Health Networks (UHN)


Toronto Rehab is home to some of the world's most technologically advanced

rehabilitation research facilities. The iDAPT Centre for Rehabilitation

Research brings together the brightest research minds and state-of-the-art

technology. Discovery showcase will display some advanced technologies geared

towards assisting in age-related health conditions.  

Stuart Green, Manager, Media Relations, +1-416-861-1092 x 1022,





