


AsiaNet 59883







Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150318/182874

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150318/182873





「シドニー・オペラハウスが注目されるなか、ビビッド・シドニー期間中素晴らしい光のショーの中核として、畏敬の念を起こさせるUniversal EverythingのプロジェクションとともにLighting of the Sailsが再来する。さまざまな震える手書きのシークエンスがある生きる壁の構築のreimagineだ」


フードゥー・グールーズはパワーハウスミュージアムで1回限りの公演を行い、最先端かつ」革新的な一連の公演がセイモアセンター、ザ・ベイスメントに加えてGoodgod Small Club、Oxford Art Factory、Freda'sの市内各地で展開され、アーガイル、バリオ・セラーがことしもラインアップに加わる。

ビビッド・ミュージック・プログラムの一部としてシドニー・オペラハウスで行われるビビッド・ライブはシドニー限定の10夜連続公演で、今回初めて2つの大規模な野外イベントと屋内照明プロジェクション、キッズとファミリー向けイベントを含んでいる。モリッシーの限定公演4回、ダニエル・ジョーンズの国際ソロデビュー、スフィアン・スティーヴンスの1回限りのオーストラリア公演、フルームとフアリト・ファシリティーズをフィーチャーしたFCX - 10 Years of Future Classicを含んでいる。

大物講演者のラインアップにより、ビビッド・アイデアは「The Game Changers」を紹介する。世界的に影響力がある3人が主役を務めることしの新しいトークシリーズである。その3人は「ザ・ソプラノズ」のプロデューサーと脚本家、「マッドメン」シリーズのクリエーター兼プロデューサーを務めたエミー賞複数受賞の脚本家マシュー・ワイナー、ローリング・ストーンズ、ルー・リード、グッゲンハイム美術館などを顧客とするグラミー賞受賞のグラフィックデザイナー、ステファン・サグマイスター、世界的に名高い雑誌「Wallpaper」「Monocle」を創刊した企業化兼パブリッシャーのタイラー・ブリュレの各氏である。



「Banksia Foundationとの新たな継続的提携もビビッド・シドニーの持続性アジェンダをさらに発展させる。それにはリサイクル資産、環境廃棄物の管理実務、エネルギー効率改善が含まれる」

ビビッド・シドニーは5年連続のイベントパートナーとして、コンピューター・テクノロジーの国際大手、Intelの復帰を歓迎する。2015年の後援はシドニー港湾管理局、シドニー市、シドニー・オペラハウス、ザ・スター、キヤノン、インディード、32 Hundred Lighting、オラクル、TDCなど。


*シドニー・オペラハウス、Universal Everythingデザイン集の豪華なプロジェクションのLighting the Sails、毎晩午後6時

*税関、シドニーの動植物の自由流動映像で変化して咲き続けるスピニフェクスをとらえた「魅惑のシドニー(Enchanted Sydney)」、毎晩午後6時

*MCA(砂岩ビル)、MCAを音と色のマシン・シリーズに変えるダニー・ローズとレベッカ・バウマンの「機械仕掛けのカラー集合体(Mechanised Colour Assemblage)」、毎晩午後6時




*セントラルパーク、現代アーティストのReko RennieとBeastmanがCarlton & United Breweryの正面を飾る「STREETS AHEAD」、プラス毎金曜日と土曜日はサイレント・ディスコ、毎晩午後6時

*シドニー大学、壮観な3Dマッピング投影と光のウォークの1週間にわたる光と音楽とアイデアのプログラム「未来へのビビッド・パス(Vivid Path to the Future)」、5月25日-31日


*チャッツウッド、巨大な海の生物やアニメの水族館、さらにザ・コンコースの正面に美しく描かれた3Dアニメを頂点とする魅了する水の世界「水のワンダーランド(Aquatic Wonderland)」、毎晩午後6時-同11時

*シドニー・オペラハウスのビビッド・ライブ、モリッシー、ダニエル・ジョーンズ、スフィアン・スティーヴンス、フルームとフアリト・ファシリティーズをフィーチャーしたFCX - 10 Years of Future Classicが出演、5月22日-6月8日

*ビビッド・ミュージック、パワーハウスミュージアムでフードゥー・グールーズ、キャリッジワークス、セイモアセンター、新会場オクスフォード・アートファクトリー、Freda's、Goodgod Small Clubでモジュレーションズの公演、5月22日-6月8日

*ビビッド・アイデア、マシュー・ワイナー、ステファン・サグマイスター、タイラー・ブリュレ各氏の「The Game Changers」トークとMCAでビビッド・アイデア交流セッション、5月22日-6月8日

専用ツアーは追って発表。ビビッド・シドニーに関する詳しい情報はwww.vividsydney.com を参照。





毎晩午後6時から午前零時まで、ビビッド・シドニーは市内と郊外を子供と大人のための夜の遊び場に変身させる。ビビッド・ライト・ウォーク(Vivid Light Walk)の装置は遊び心のテーマに従って、イルミネーションで巨大スケールのDuck Duck Goose ゲームやミュージカル満載のダイス、ビビッド最大のマルチプレーヤー体験、Cadmans CottageでのINTER/Playが続く。


新しい、双方向性の展示とプロジェクションによって、多くのビジターが自身の作品を創作する。今年はビジターが初めて、文字通り街を彩る(Paint The Town !)ことができる。ビジターは、インタラクティブなタッチスクリーンで操作する最先端のレーザー技術を使って、サーキュラークエイから見た街のスカイラインを彩り、コラボラティブなデザイン、あるいは光のバトルのお膳立てをする。



オーストラリア・レコード産業協会(ARIA)の殿堂(Hall of Fame)入りしたフードゥー・グールーズがシドニーのパワーハウスミュージアムでBe My Guru: Evolution, Revolutionを一回限り公演する。最初のグールーであるデーブ・フォークナーがステージに登り、バンドメンバー全員に合流し、パワーハウスコレクションのフードゥー・グールーズの作品に裏づけされた1980年代のデビューから現在までの進化を跡付ける。

キャリエイジワークスのモジュレーションはグラミー賞を受賞したアメリカンジャズのサクソホン奏者ファロア・サンダースが再演、1980年代末のアバンギャルド・ポップグループ、The KLFのオリジナルメンバー、ビル・ドラモンドも出演する。

1回限りの公演で見逃せないのはシドニーのベストSoul Trainパーティー体験のSoul of Sydney、FBiラジオがFactory TheaterとToby’s Cosy Nookから放送するHeaps Gayの洗練された、選択的な音楽と芸術、キャバレットの一夜である。

シドニー・オペラハウスからのビビッド・ライブ(Vivid LIVE)中継もビビッド・ミュージックの一部である。



クリエーティブな会議とパブリックイベントは市内各所の会場を活性化し、現代のストリートアート運動とこの世界的なトレンドの広がりを紹介するSTREET AHEAD、オーストラリア最大のテクノロジー上のサクセスストーリーをまとめて南半球のシドニーにシリコンバレーを生み出すために必要な原動力を探る「The Sunrise: The Silicon Valley Myth Explained(ザ・サンライズ:解明されるシリコンバレーの神話)」、さらにはゲーム、eスポーツ、オンラインビデオコンテンツに没頭する3日間のイベントGAME | ONなどが開催され、クリエーティブなセクターを結びつける。

ビビッド・アイデア・エクスチェンジ(Vivid Ideas Exchange)はクリエーティブ業界のエキスパートによる60以上のセッションで、建築から拡張現実、メディアマーケティングまでをカバーしている。

▽ビビッド・シドニー2014(FAST FACTS FROM VIVID SYDNEY 2014)




*オーストラリアの2014年最大の観光イベントと命名(2013年にはオーストラリア最大イベントと命名)。2014年ヘルプマン・ベストスペシャルイベント賞を受賞(Helpmann Awards Best Special Event in 2014)










ソース:Destination NSW

Vivid Sydney 2015: Biggest Ever Program Announced


SYDNEY, Mar. 18, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Expansion into city suburbs Chatswood and Central Park

Over 60 Lighting Installations and Projections

Expanded Music Program and Australian exclusives including The Hoodoo Gurus and

Daniel Johns

Award-winning, Australian-first global speakers at Vivid Ideas

Vivid Sydney is set to shine even more brightly in 2015 when the world's

largest festival of light, music and ideas delivers its biggest program yet.

For 18 nights, from 22 May -- 8 June, Vivid Sydney will again transform the

city and harbour. The 2015 program includes expansion into new city precincts

Chatswood and Central Park, its biggest ever music program including Australian

exclusives such as The Hoodoo Gurus at the Powerhouse Museum and Daniel Johns'

international solo debut at the Sydney Opera House, and heavy-hitting speakers

at Vivid Ideas.

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150318/182874

Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20150318/182873

Vivid Sydney, now in its seventh year, is owned and managed by the NSW

Government's tourism and major events agency Destination NSW.

Destination NSW Chief Executive Officer Sandra Chipchase said: "Vivid Sydney is

an incredible public event that has seen amazing growth, attracting a record

1.43 million attendees in 2014. It's the largest festival of its kind in the

world, and with our biggest program yet, there's even more to love about Vivid

Sydney this year.

"While the heart of Vivid Light is still beating strongly in and around

Circular Quay, Vivid Sydney is spreading even further into the city suburbs,

with Central Park and Chatswood joining the program this year," Ms. Chipchase


"Favourite locations Circular Quay, Walsh Bay, Martin Place, and Darling

Harbour are back with over 60 light installations and projections with even

more opportunity for visitors to get hands on, more water theatre shows -

this time with lasers and fire - and new and expanded programing at Pyrmont &

The Star and the University of Sydney. The sandstone canvases of Customs House

and the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (MCA) will also return with

spectacular new 3D projections.

"With all eyes on the Sydney Opera House, Lighting of the Sails will once again

take its place as the centrepiece of the amazing light spectacular during Vivid

Sydney, with Universal Everything promising awe-inspiring projections that will

reimagine the architecture as a living mural, with a diverse series of vibrant,

hand-drawn sequences.

"Vivid Music will introduce its most expansive program yet, featuring more

shows and venues and an impressive line-up of local and international talent,"

she said.

The Hoodoo Gurus will perform an exclusive one-off show at the Powerhouse

Museum and a new line up of cutting edge, innovative performances will be held

across the city at new venues Goodgod Small Club, Oxford Art Factory and

Freda's, with the Seymour Centre, The Basement, The Argyle and Barrio Cellar

part of the line-up again in 2015.

Part of the Vivid Music program, Vivid LIVE at the Sydney Opera House features

a 10-night run of exclusive Sydney-only performances and for the first time

will also include two large scale outdoor events, internal light projections

and an event for kids and families. Features include four exclusive

performances from Morrissey, Daniel Johns in his international solo debut,

Sufjan Stevens in his only Australian performances and FCX -- 10 Years of

Future Classics featuring Flume and Flight Facilities.

With a line-up of heavy-hitting speakers, Vivid Ideas introduces The Game

Changers, a new talk series this year headlined by three global influencers:

multi Emmy-winning writer Matthew Weiner, series creator and executive producer

of Mad Men and former executive producer and writer on The Sopranos;

Grammy-winning designer Stefan Sagmeister, whose clients include the Rolling

Stones, Lou Reed and the Guggenheim Museum; and entrepreneur and publisher

Tyler Brule, founder of the world-famous magazines Wallpaper and Monocle.

"With such an amazing festival planned, Destination NSW will continue to work

with the travel industry to encourage visitation to Sydney from across

Australia and the globe for this incredible event. We aim to build on the

results from last year when more than 20,000 international visitors travelled

to Sydney on dedicated Vivid Sydney travel packages," Ms. Chipchase said.

"Vivid Sydney will also work with event partners, land owners and a new

accessibility specialist to build on the positive initiatives undertaken last


"A new sustainability partnership with The Banksia Foundation will also further

develop Vivid Sydney's sustainability agenda which includes recycling assets,

environmental waste management practises and improved energy efficiency," she


Vivid Sydney welcomes the return of Intel, a world-leader in computing

technology, as event partner for the fifth consecutive year. 2015 Supporters

include Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority, City of Sydney, Sydney Opera house,

The Star, Canon, Indeed, 32 Hundred Lighting, Oracle and TDC.

Some of the highlights of Vivid Sydney 2015 program:

Where               What                                 When

Sydney Opera        Design collective Universal          Nightly from 6pm

House               Everything will be Lighting the

                    Sails with spectacular projections.

Customs House       Enchanted Sydney by Spinifex, a      Nightly from 6pm

                    continually evolving and blossoming

                    world with free-flowing images of

                    Sydney's flora and fauna.


MCA (sandstone      Mechanised Colour Assemblage by      Nightly from 6pm

original building)  Danny Rose and Rebecca Baumann

                    transforms the MCA into a series

                    of sound and colour machines.

Sydney Harbour,     Harbour Lights returns with boats     Nightly from 6pm

Circular Quay,      lit up, floating on the Harbour in a

The Rocks and       symphony of colour, Paint the Town

Walsh Bay           allows visitors to illuminate the

                    city's skyscrapers, plus more than

                    60 light installations adorn the

                    harbour foreshore.

Martin Place        The daytime centre of the city is     Nightly from 6pm

                    illuminated at night with

                    installations including Transcendence,

                    an impressive towering structure

                    featuring mesmerising projection

                    mapping, code-driven light shows

                    and divine fare from Sydney's hippest

                    purveyors of food and beverage.

Darling Harbour     Vivid Laser-Fountain Water Theatre    Nightly from 6pm

                    presented by Oracle-Liquid is a

                    choreographed audio visual symphony

                    featuring fountain jets and spirals,

                    colour lighting, rainbow lasers and

                    dancing flames.

Central Park        STREETS AHEAD featuring projections    Nightly from 6pm

                    from contemporary artists Reko Rennie

                    and Beastman onto the heritage Carlton

                    & United Brewery facade, plus Silent

                    Discos every Friday and Saturday.

University of       Vivid Path to the Future, a week        25 - 31 May

Sydney              long program of light, music and ideas

                    with spectacular 3D mapped projections

                    and a light walk.

Pyrmont & The Star  Vivid Sydney Game Zone, a buzzing      Nightly from 6pm

                    multisensory entertainment precinct

                    with interactive installations at

                    Pyrmont Bay Park and Sky Terrace at

                    The Star.

Chatswood           Aquatic Wonderland, a mesmerising      Nightly from 6pm to

                    water world featuring giant sea        11pm.

                    creatures and an animated aquarium,

                    culminating in a

                    beautifully-illustrated 3D animation

                    set over the facade of The Concourse.

Vivid LIVE at       Morrissey, Daniel Johns, Sufjan Stevens     22 May to 8 June

Sydney Opera        and FCX - 10 Years of Future Classic

House               featuring Flume and Flight Facilities.

Vivid Music        Hoodoo Gurus at Powerhouse Museum,           22 May to 8 June

                   Modulations at Carriageworks, the

                   Seymour Centre and new venues Oxford

                   Art Factory, Freda's and Goodgod Small


Vivid Ideas        The Game Changers talk series with           22 May to 8 June

                   Matthew Weiner, Stefan Sagmeister and

                   Tyler Brule, plus the Vivid Ideas

                   Exchange sessions at the MCA.

Travel packages to be announced. For more information on Vivid Sydney visit


The full Vivid Sydney media kit, broadcast quality footage and high-res imagery

including 2015 Vivid Sydney light renders and footage of 2014 festival

highlights is available at www.vividsydney.com/media-centre.

NOTES TO EDITORS - Further background on Vivid Sydney


From 6pm to midnight each evening, Vivid Sydney will transform the city and

surrounds into a night time playground for small and big kids alike. Vivid

Light Walk installations follow a playful theme with illuminated swings, a

grand scale Duck Duck Goose game, musical stacking dice and Vivid's largest

multi-player experience, INTER/Play at Cadmans Cottage.

There's also no shortage of big and small creations and visitors can expect a

human brain, graceful dresses, an enormous Rococo pig, curious monsters and a

giant crochet dolly who just wants a hug.

New, interactive installations and projections will see many create their own

art and this year for the first time, visitors will literally be able to Paint

The Town! as they colour the city's skyline over Circular Quay with state of

the art lasers controlled by interactive touch screens, setting the stage for

collaborative design or lighting battles.


Music at Vivid Sydney will continue to pulse through the city and sound a new

vibe, showcasing local and international talent at more venues than ever

before, taking Vivid Music to a wider audience.

ARIA Hall of Fame legends, the Hoodoo Gurus will perform a Sydney exclusive

one-off show at the Powerhouse Museum, Be My Guru: Evolution, Revolution.

Founding Guru Dave Faulkner will be joined on stage by all members of the band,

as the Guru's evolve from their 1980s beginnings to now, backed by Hoodoo Guru

memorabilia from the Powerhouse collection.

Modulations at Carriageworks returns featuring performances from Grammy

Award-winning American jazz saxophonist Pharoah Sanders, and Bill Drummond,

co-founder of late 1980s avant-garde pop group The KLF.

One-off events that simply can't be missed include Soul of Sydney, the city's

best Soul Train party experience, Heaps Gay presented by FBi Radio at the

Factory Theatre and Toby's Cosy Nook, an evening of sophisticated and eclectic

music, art and cabaret.

Vivid LIVE at the Sydney Opera House is part of Vivid Music.


Asia Pacific's annual celebration of innovation, creativity and community,

Vivid Ideas is all about turning inspiration into action and there's plenty

about the 2015 program to inspire with events at more than 30 venues across the


Creative conferences and public events will activate venues across the city,

spanning the creative sector including STREETS AHEAD, showcasing the

contemporary street art movement and the reach of this global trend, The

Sunrise: The Silicon Valley Myth Explained bringing together Australia's

biggest technology success stories to explore the key factors needed to create

a Silicon Valley right here in the Southern Hemisphere, and Game | ON a

three-day event diving into the world of games, e-sports and online video


The Vivid Ideas Exchange also returns with over 60 sessions presented by

industry experts across the creative sector, from architecture to augmented

reality, marketing to media.


-- Over 1.43 million attendees

-- Injected $41.3 million into the NSW visitor economy

-- Almost 90,000 people from outside Sydney, including almost 30,000 visitors

from overseas came to experience Vivid Sydney. Of these 30,000 international

visitors, more than 20,000 purchased Vivid Sydney travel packages, including

over 9,700 visitors from China

-- Named Australia's Best Tourism Event In 2014 (and Australian Event of the

Year in 2013) and Helpmann Awards Best Special Event in 2014

-- Media coverage in more than 190 countries and territories

-- More than 37,000 tickets sold for Vivid LIVE

-- More than 34,000 people attended Vivid IDEAS

-- More than 15,000 tickets sold for Vivid Music

-- Average Vivid Sydney Facebook reach - 2.8 million people a day (3.49 million

on Vivid Sydney launch day on May 23)

-- 873,995 likes on the Vivid Sydney Facebook page

-- More than 1,600,000 visitors to vividsydney.com

-- 60,559 downloads of the Vivid Sydney app and VividSnap

-- More than 95,000 images tagged with #vividsydney on Instagram.

SOURCE  Destination NSW




