ファーウェイがMWCでMirrorSysを公開 未来の通信のあり方を紹介


ファーウェイがMWCでMirrorSysを公開 未来の通信のあり方を紹介

AsiaNet 59674 (0315)

【バルセロナ(スペイン)2015年3月2日PRN=共同通信JBN】ファーウェイ(Huawei、華為技術)はモバイル・ワールド・コングレス(MWC)2015で、新しいコンセプト「full field communication」を初めて紹介し、MirrorSysと呼ぶプロトタイプを公開した。このシステムは、フルサイズ、高精細、リアルタイムの共有および通信システムにおいて人間の視覚、聴覚認識の限界に挑戦するように設計されている。MirrorSysは捕捉した光、音、状況をファーウェイが「full field communication」と呼ぶ環境にいるユーザーに送信する。最初のMirrorSysプロトタイプは、2.4メートル離れた地点で人間の視力に匹敵する解像度があるシームレスな220インチ・ディスプレーを備えている。

ファーウェイのMedia Technologies Labディレクターであるジェームズ・“ボー”・べゴール博士は「今日、最も高品質なテレプレゼンスシステムでも、世界を見る際には制限を受け固定されているおり、人間が色鮮やかな現実の環境を認識したものに合致していない。われわれが目指しているのは、これに挑戦することである。『full field communication』はネットワークを使って1つの環境から他の環境にすべての情報を伝達し、その場にいる人間の視野、音、感覚のすべてをデジタルでそのまま再現する。未来の没入型通信は、まさに現場に立っているような現実感を提供し、遠く離れた現実を完全に再現するものである」と語った。

ファーウェイはMWC 2015で、実物大のイメージを映し出す壁一面の大きさのディスプレーと空間的に広がりがあるサウンドを使ってMirrorSysプロトタイプを実演する。ファーウェイのリビングウォールを訪れた人は素晴らしいデザインの部屋を見るが、壁面の1つにMirrorSysスクリーンが取り付けられているとは気付かれないだろう。その空間に一歩足を踏み入れると、部屋は5つの周囲環境の1つに変身し始め、入念に演出されたサラウンド音響を伴って、訪問者に遠く離れた環境にいるかのように感じさせる。





ファーウェイのMedia Technologies Labは通信の究極の形を実現するために「full field communication」の開発に全力を挙げている。このラボは、高性能データ圧縮などの関連技術とともに、パノラマの光照射野と音響空間を記録、送信、表示するための研究・イノベーションに専念している。ラボは業界および大学のパートナーと協力し、オープンで双方に利益をもたらすエコシステム構築のために技術および標準規格の発展および開発を推進している。

MWC 2015は3月2日から5日までバルセロナで開催。ファーウェイはFira Gran Viaのホール1とホール3で同社最新の製品およびソリューションを展示する。詳細な情報についてはウェブサイトhttp://www.huawei.com/minisite/mwc2015/en/index.html を参照。



詳細はファーウェイのウェブサイトwww.huawei.com を参照するか、以下でフォローを。







Huawei Reveals the Future of Communications at MWC 2015 with "MirrorSys," a Full Field Communication System


BARCELONA, Spain, Mar. 2, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Huawei is introducing, for the first time, a new concept called "full field

communication" at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2015, revealing a prototype

called MirrorSys. This system is designed to meet the extreme limits of human

visual and auditory perception in a full-size, high definition, real-time

sharing and communication system. MirrorSys transmits all of the captured

light, sound, and atmosphere to a user in what Huawei calls 'full field

communication.' The initial MirrorSys prototype has a seamless 220 inch

diagonal display with a resolution that matches human visual acuity at a

distance of 2.4 meters.

The director of Huawei's Media Technologies Lab, Dr. James "Bo" Begole, said,

"Today, even the highest quality telepresence systems have a limited, fixed

view of the world that doesn't match human perception of our rich, real

environment. We aim to change that. Full field communication transports all of

the information from one environment to another over the network, creating a

true digital reflection with all of the sights, sounds, and feelings of the

people in it. Tomorrow's immersive communications will provide a feeling of

reality as if you were right there, fully present in the remote reality."

Huawei will demonstrate the MirrorSys prototype to visitors to its booth at MWC

2015 through a wall-sized display with life-size images and spatial sound.

Visitors to Huawei's living wall will see a well-designed room fitted

unknowingly with a MirrorSys screen as one of the walls. Soon after entering

the space, the room will begin to morph into one of 5 ambient environments,

accompanied by carefully choreographed surround sound to make visitors feel as

if they are present in the remote environment.

"In the future, we will be able to enjoy exotic scenery sent wirelessly from

friends cameras or by remotely piloted unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),

experience live sports events on the field with world-class athletes, and shop

virtually in the world's most exclusive boutique shops.  Hard-to-find skilled

technicians will be able to remotely repair complex machinery, specialized

surgeons will perform delicate operations remotely, and students will explore

the most advanced frontiers of science in hard-to-reach geographies of the

world, along with other unforeseen entertainment and business opportunities,"

said Dr. Begole.

The initial MirrorSys prototype provides 8K ultra high definition video with a

110-degree-wide viewing angle, along with a 22.2 channel sound field with

imperceptible latency. It vividly presents all information at a remote

terminal, offering audiences an extremely immersive audiovisual experience. The

extensible architecture of the system allows higher image resolution and larger

viewing angles.

In the future, people, things and scenes will be connected via real-time media

sharing, which will stimulate the development of communication networks with

wide bandwidth, low delay across a huge number of connections. At the same

time, there will be demand for better computation and storage capabilities.

"This is a new starting point for multimedia communication experiences. In the

near future, zero-distance communication will become ordinary, enriching

people's connections and lives," he added.

Huawei's Media Technologies Lab is dedicated to developing "full field

communication" to realize the ultimate form of communication. The lab focuses

on research and innovation to capture, transport and present a panoramic light

field and spatial sound field, along with related key technologies such as high

efficiency data compression. Cooperating with partners in industry and

universities, the lab promotes advancement and development of technologies and

standards to construct an open, win-win ecosystem.

MWC 2015 takes place in Barcelona from March 2-5. Huawei will showcase its

latest products and solutions at Fira Gran Via Hall 1 and Hall 3. For more

information, please visit http://www.huawei.com/minisite/mwc2015/en/index.html

About Huawei

Huawei is a leading global information and communications technology (ICT)

solutions provider. Our aim is to enrich life and improve efficiency through a

better connected world, acting as a responsible corporate citizen, innovative

enabler for the information society, and collaborative contributor to the

industry. Driven by customer-centric innovation and open partnerships, Huawei

has established an end-to-end ICT solutions portfolio that gives customers

competitive advantages in telecom and enterprise networks, devices and cloud

computing. Huawei's 170,000 employees worldwide are committed to creating

maximum value for telecom operators, enterprises and consumers. Our innovative

ICT solutions, products and services are used in more than 170 countries and

regions, serving over one-third of the world's population. Founded in 1987,

Huawei is a private company fully owned by its employees.

For more information, please visit Huawei online at www.huawei.com or follow us







SOURCE: Huawei




