FOXFIRE とFOXFIRE Global研究の患者登録完了

Sirtex Medical Limited

AsiaNet 59347

FOXFIRE とFOXFIRE Global研究の患者登録完了



Sirtex Medical Limited(オーストラリア証券取引所:SRX)は、FOXFIRE とFOXFIRE Globalの2大多施設研究での患者登録が完了したことを発表しました。この多施設研究では、手術不可能な遠隔転移を有する大腸がん(mCRC)と最近診断された560人以上の患者に対する第一選択治療における現行標準治療である化学療法レジメンに、SIR-スフィア Y-90樹脂マイクロスフェアによる肝臓放射線治療を追加しました。


先の計画により、標準治療の化学療法のみと対比して、化学療法とSIR-スフィア マイクロスフェアの併用が最初の治療で、大腸がん肝転移がみられる患者の全生存を大幅に高めるかどうかを判断できるように、FOXFIREとFOXFIRE Global は、500人の患者を対象にしたSIRFLOX研究の所見と統合して十分な統計的検出力をもつ1,000人以上の患者のデーターベースを形成することになります。この複合研究の結果は、2017年前半に分かる見込みです。

Sirtex Medical LimitedのCEOであるギルマン・ウォン氏は次のように述べました。「FOXFIREとFOXFIRE Globalが、大規模な患者登録の目標に非常に迅速に到達したことを非常に喜んでいます。早期にSIRFLOX研究の結果を発表することが、当社の当面の優先課題です。しかし、これら3つの研究における登録が完了したという事実は、mCRCの患者の治療においてSIR-スフィア マイクロスフェアが果たす可能性がある重要な役割を実証する前例のない機会を当社に与えてくれています。mCRCの患者にとって、大抵の場合、肝腫瘍が健康の衰えの最大原因となっています。当社は、多くの医者、看護婦、その他医療スタッフ、そして特に、この重要な事業を可能にしてくれた患者とその家族に感謝しています。」

イギリスの32か所のがんセンターにおける360人以上の患者を登録したこのFOXFIRE研究は、オックスフォード腫瘍学臨床試験事務所(OCTO: Oxford Oncology Clinical Trials Office)が、英国がん研究所(UK National Cancer Research Institute)と共同で2008年に開始しました。オックスフォード大学が支援し、英国のがん研究向けボビー・ムーア・ファンド(Bobby Moore Fund for Cancer Research UK)、実験がん医薬品センター(ECMC: Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre)ネットワークおよびSirtexが資金提供しています。

FOXFIREの治験総括医は、オックスフォード大学病院NHSトラストの顧問臨床がん専門医であるリッキー・シャーマ博士と、ロンドンのハマースミス病院、インペリアル・カレッジ・ヘルスケア(Imperial College Healthcare)の腫瘍内科医の医師であり准教授のハープリート・ワサン博士です。



FOXFIRE Globalは、200人以上の登録患者を持ち、Sirtexから資金提供を受けており、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、アジア太平洋、イスラエル、西ヨーロッパおよびアメリカに80以上のセンターからなるネットワークの中、2013年に開始されました。

FOXFIRE Globalの治験担当医は、オーストラリア メルボルンにあるロイヤルメルボルン病院(Royal Melbourne Hospital)とウエスタン病院(Western Hospital)における内科的腫瘍学准教授であるピーター・ギブス教授です。




FOXFIRE とFOXFIRE Global研究の第一の目的は、肝臓以外への転移の兆候あるなしに関わらず原発性大腸がんからの手術不可能な肝臓移転がみられる患者に対して、SIR-スフィアY-90樹脂マイクロスフェアの形での標的放射線療法を現行標準治療である全身化学療法レジメンに加えることが、化学療法のみに比べて全生存利益があるかどうかを判断することです。両研究において用いられた化学療法レジメンは、生物学的薬剤ベバシズマブまたはセツキシマブ(研究者の指示による処方)を併用あるいは併用しない、FOLFOX(オキサリプラチン、5-FU、ロイコボリン)です。

FOXFIRE and FOXFIRE Global研究は、当初からSIRFLOX研究からの臨床データとの複合解析が可能でした。これら3つの研究を合わせたサンプル全体の規模は少なくとも1,000人の患者となり、実験群と対照群間の全生存における臨床的有意差を検知するのに適切な統計的検出力が提供されます。詳細情報は、 および でご覧になれます。


大腸がん(CRCまたはbowel cancer)は、がん性細胞が患者の結腸や直腸で発達することが原因です。CRCは世界で3番目に多いがんで、がん全体の約1割を占めています。2012年には、世界で推定140万人が新たに大腸がんと診断され、69万4,000人がCRC[1]で亡くなっています。




Sirtex Medical Limitedが製造したSIR-スフィアY-90樹脂マイクロスフェアは、オーストラリア、EU(CEマーク)、アルゼンチン(ANMAT)、ブラジル、スイス、トルコおよびインド、韓国、シンガポール、香港などその他アジア諸国において、外科手術では除去できない肝臓腫瘍の治療法として認可されています。

SIR-スフィアY-90樹脂マイクロスフェアは、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)からも完全な市販前承認を受けており、アメリカではフロクスウリジンを使用した肝動脈化学療法と併用して原発性大腸がんによる切除不能転移性肝腫瘍の治療に適用されています。加えて、SIR-スフィア マイクロスフェアは、イスラエル、マレーシア、ニュージーランド、台湾、タイなどの国で供給されています。

700以上の治療センターで行われているSIR-スフィア マイクロスフェアは、世界中でこれまでに4万5,000回以上投与されています。

Sirtex Medical Limitedについて

Sirtex Medical Limited(オーストラリア証券取引所:SRX)は、オーストラリアに拠点を置く医療ビジネスで、がん患者の転帰改善に取り組んでいます。当社の主要製品は、SIR-スフィア マイクロスフェアと呼ばれる肝臓がんに対する標的放射線治療です。30か国以上の700を超える治療センターにおいて、肝臓がん患者を治療するために、これまでに4万5,000回以上の投与が行われています。詳細情報は、 でご覧になれます。

SIR-Spheres(R)は、Sirtex SIR-Spheres Pty Ltd.の登録商標です。


1. 2014年世界がん報告(World Cancer Report 2014)、2014年ジュネーブWHO出版


情報源:Sirtex Medical Limited


FOXFIRE and FOXFIRE Global Studies Complete Patient Enrolment




    Combined data from more than 1,000 patients being collected to assess

overall survival (OS) benefit of adding first-line SIR-Spheres(R) Y-90 resin

microspheres treatment to a current chemotherapy regimen for inoperable

metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC)

    Sirtex Medical Limited (ASX:SRX) announced the completion of patient

enrolment in FOXFIRE and FOXFIRE Global, two large multi-centre studies that

added liver-directed radiation therapy with SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres

to a current standard of care chemotherapy regimen in the first-line treatment

of more than 560 patients recently diagnosed with inoperable metastatic

colorectal cancer (mCRC).

    (Logo: )

    By previous design, the data of FOXFIRE and FOXFIRE Global will be combined

with the findings of 500-patient SIRFLOX study to form a database of more than

1,000 patients that has sufficient statistical power to evaluate whether

first-line SIR-Spheres microspheres in combination with a standard-of-care

chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone can significantly increase the Overall

Survival of patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases. The results of

this combined study are expected to be known in the first half

of 2017.

    "We are very pleased that FOXFIRE and FOXFIRE Global have so quickly

reached their ambitious enrolment goals," said Gilman Wong, CEO of Sirtex

Medical Limited. "Announcing the results of the earlier SIRFLOX study remains

our immediate priority. However, the fact that enrolment in all three studies

is now complete presents us an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate the

important role that SIR-Spheres microspheres may play in the treatment of

patients with mCRC, for whom liver tumours are all too often the greatest cause

of failing health. We are grateful to the many doctors, nurses and other medical

staff, and especially the patients and their families who have made this

important undertaking possible."

    The FOXFIRE Study, which enrolled more than 360 patients in 32 UK cancer

centres, was initiated in 2008 by the Oxford Oncology Clinical Trials Office

(OCTO) in collaboration with the UK National Cancer Research Institute. It is

sponsored by the University of Oxford, and funded by the Bobby Moore Fund for

Cancer Research UK, the Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre (ECMC) Network and


    The FOXFIRE chief investigators are Professor Ricky Sharma, Consultant

Clinical Oncologist at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, and Dr.

Harpreet Wasan, Consultant and Reader in Medical Oncologist, Imperial College

Healthcare, Hammersmith Hospital, London.

    "Despite significant advances we have made in treating this disease with

chemotherapy and biologically targeted therapies, optimising the care for

patients with colorectal cancer that has spread to the liver remains a

significant challenge in oncology," Professor Sharma said. "For rectal cancer,

the combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy is an established standard of

care. Treating the liver with the same combination of treatments has been

difficult due to the sensitivity of healthy liver tissue to radiotherapy. These

exciting clinical trials combine a safe form of internally administered

radiotherapy with routine chemotherapy. Recruiting over 1,000 patients to these

trials represents an important step forward in determining whether targeting

these tumours with both treatments acting together is better than using

chemotherapy on its own."

    Dr. Wasan adds that "This is the reason why we needed to conduct definitive

research in the early use of liver-directed radiotherapy with SIR-Spheres Y-90

resin microspheres in these patients. Completing enrolment in the FOXFIRE study

is an important milestone in our work to address whether adding selective

internal radiation therapy to first-line chemotherapy will provide an important

gain in Overall Survival for patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases."

    FOXFIRE Global, which enrolled more than 200 patients and was funded by

Sirtex, began in 2013 in a network of more than 80 centres in Australia, New

Zealand, Asia Pacific, Israel, Western Europe and the United States.

    The principal investigator of FOXFIRE Global is Professor Peter Gibbs,

Associate Professor of Medical Oncology at the Royal Melbourne Hospital and

Western Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.

    "Completing these three studies was an enormous undertaking, but it is no

less enormous than the need for more effective ways to treat colorectal cancer

that has metastasised to the liver, which is the most common site of its spread

and affects several hundred thousand patients worldwide each year," Professor

Gibbs explained. "Obviously, we do not yet know if this combination of

chemo-radiotherapy will prove successful in early treatment of mCRC, but we do

know from published data that mCRC patients who no longer respond to

chemotherapy have already benefitted from selective internal radiation therapy,

or SIRT, as it is more widely known."

    Sirtex invested a total of AUD $22 million into its clinical programmes

during FY14.

    About FOXFIRE and FOXFIRE Global

    The primary objective of the FOXFIRE and FOXFIRE Global studies is to

determine if there is an Overall Survival benefit of adding targeted radiation,

in the form of SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres, to a current

standard-of-care systemic chemotherapy regimen compared to chemotherapy alone

in patients with inoperable liver metastases from primary colorectal cancer,

with or without evidence of metastases outside the liver. In both studies, the

chemotherapy regimen used is FOLFOX (oxaliplatin plus 5FU and leucovorin), with

or without the biologic agents bevacizumab or cetuximab (prescribed at the

investigators' discretion).

    The FOXFIRE and FOXFIRE Global studies were designed from the outset to

allow for a combined analysis together with the clinical data from the SIRFLOX

study. The total sample size in the three studies combined will be at least

1,000 patients, which provides adequate statistical power to detect a clinical

significant difference in Overall Survival between the experimental and control

arms. For further information, please visit and

    About Colorectal Cancer

    Colorectal cancer (CRC or bowel cancer) occurs when cancerous cells develop

in the patient's colon or rectum. CRC is the third most common form of cancer

worldwide, making up about 10% of all cancers. In 2012, an estimated 1.4

million new cases were diagnosed globally and 694,000 cancer deaths were

attributed to CRC[1].

    Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy are the main treatments for CRC itself.

However, despite the best of treatments, CRC can spread (or metastasise) to

other parts of the body, resulting in metastatic colorectal cancer, or mCRC.

Approximately 50 percent of patients will be diagnosed with mCRC either at the

time of initial diagnosis or due to recurrent disease. The liver is the most

frequent site of mCRC and unfortunately the majority of patients are inoperable

at diagnosis due to the extent of their disease. Liver failure due to the

uncontrolled growth of metastases in the liver is the most common cause of

eventual death.

    About SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres

    SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres are a medical device used in

interventional oncology to deliver Selective Internal Radiation Therapy or SIRT

(also known as radioembolisation), a proven technology for inoperable liver

tumours that delivers substantial, targeted doses of radiation directly to the

cancer. In a minimally invasive treatment, millions of SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin

microspheres are infused via a catheter into the liver where they selectively

target liver tumours with a dose of internal radiation up to 40 times higher

than conventional radiotherapy, while sparing the adjacent healthy liver tissue.

    Manufactured by Sirtex Medical Limited, SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres

are approved in Australia, the European Union (CE Mark), Argentina (ANMAT),

Brazil, Switzerland, Turkey and several other countries in Asia such as India,

Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong for the treatment of liver tumours that are

unable to be removed through surgery.

    SIR-Spheres Y-90 resin microspheres also have a full Pre-Market Approval

(PMA) from the US FDA and are indicated in the United States for the treatment

of non-resectable metastatic liver tumours from primary colorectal cancer in

combination with intra-hepatic artery chemotherapy using floxuridine.

Additionally, SIR-Spheres microspheres are supplied in countries such as

Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, Taiwan and Thailand.

    Available at more than 700 treatment centres, over 45,000 doses of

SIR-Spheres microspheres have been supplied worldwide.

    About Sirtex Medical Limited

    Sirtex Medical Limited (ASX:SRX) is an Australian-based global healthcare

business working to improve outcomes in people with cancer. Our current lead

product is a targeted radiation therapy for liver cancer called SIR-Spheres

microspheres. More than 45,000 doses have been supplied to treat patients with

liver cancer at more than 700 medical centres in over 30 countries. For further

information please visit

    SIR-Spheres(R) is a Registered Trademark of Sirtex SIR-Spheres Pty Ltd.



    1) World Cancer Report, 2014; Geneva, WHO: 2014.


    SOURCE: Sirtex Medical Limited




