UL がウエアラブル製品に包括的コンプライアンス・サービス提供と発表


UL がウエアラブル製品に包括的コンプライアンス・サービス提供と発表

AsiaNet 59162 (0055)

【フリーモント(米カリフォルニア州)2015年1月19日PRN=共同通信JBN】100年以上にわたり製品安全試験と認証の世界的リーダーであるUL Consumer Technology (UL)は14日、ウエアラブル製品に対し、製品検証、アドバイザリー、試験、リスク低減、相互接続性、世界各国の認証取得などを網羅した包括的サービスを開始すると発表した。このサービスを通じULは、製造者が市場への投入期間を短縮し、消費者により安全で信頼性の高いウエアラブル製品を供給することを支援する。

先週開催されたCES(家電見本市)では、大企業、小規模新興企業にかかわらず、多くの革新的なウエアラブル機器が発表され注目を集めた。ウエアラブル製品の市場規模が2018年までに1000億米ドル(注)市場になると予測される中、製造者にとってウエアラブル製品に使用する部品や素材に強制的に適用される評価/試験内容を理解することは不可欠である。市場で広く受け入れられるためには、規制のコンプライアンス問題に加えて、製品の性能と信頼性が期待通りであることが必須となる。ウエアラブル製品は長時間皮膚に直接接触し、個人情報の送受信に無線技術が使用されているため、ユーザーの安全確保が最優先事項である。最も大切なことは、試験をすることによって、炎症や人体に危害を及ぼす可能性のある無線信号への曝露から人々を守ることができるということである。適切な試験を受けていないと、製品のリコールや返品、評判の低下という事態に陥りかねない。詳細はwww.ul.com/wearables を参照。



(注) "Wearable Technology: 2014," Generator Research Limited, 29 January 2014. Web. 15 November 2014. http://www.generatorresearch.com/report/wearable-technology-2014/




UL Introduces Comprehensive Compliance Services for the Wearable Technology Industry


FREMONT, Calif., Jan. 14, 2015 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

UL Consumer Technology, a global leader of product safety testing and

certification for over 100 years, announced today the launch of a comprehensive

service that offers customized product validation, advisory, testing, risk

mitigation, interoperability, and global market access services.  The services

will help to assist manufacturers in supplying consumers with safer and more

reliable wearable products while reducing the time to market.

As unveiled at CES (Consumer Electronics Show) last week, the spotlight was

focused on many innovative wearable devices from both large and small start-up

companies. As the amount of sales of wearable technology continues to rise,

expecting to reach upwards of $100 billion by 2018*, it is critical for

manufacturers to understand the mandatory evaluation and testing considerations

applicable to the components and materials used in wearable technology

products. In addition to regulatory compliance issues, meeting product

performance and reliability expectations are essential for widespread

acceptance in the marketplace. User safety is paramount for wearable technology

products as they are used for a prolonged period in direct contact with the

human skin and rely on wireless technologies to transmit and receive personal

information. Most critical, the tests help safeguard against bodily harm such

as skin burns and potentially harmful exposure to wireless signals. The absence

of appropriate testing could result in recalls, returns and a damaged

reputation. For more information, please visit www.ul.com/wearables.

“UL is taking the lead in providing a wearable technology program broad enough

to encompass the entire industry yet clear and robust enough to provide immense

value to developers and manufacturers of wearable technology to help get their

products to the market efficiently,” said Stephen Kirk, vice president and

general manager for UL’s Consumer Technology Division.

Kirk also indicated UL’s unique and extensive portfolio of services will help

guide the wearable tech industry in the development of standards and

interoperability tests that will at once fulfill regulatory concerns as well as

satisfy consumer desire for high quality products that work together


UL will also be an exhibitor at the Wearable Device Technology Expo in Japan

this week.

* “Wearable Technology: 2014,” Generator Research Limited, 29 January 2014.

Web. 15 November 2014.


About UL

UL is a premier global independent safety science company that has championed

progress for 120 years. Its more than 10,000 professionals are guided by the UL

mission to promote safe working and living environments for all people. UL uses

research and standards to continually advance and meet ever-evolving safety

needs. We partner with businesses, manufacturers, trade associations and

international regulatory authorities to bring solutions to a more complex

global supply chain. For more information about our certification, testing,

inspection, advisory and education services, visit http://www.UL.com.





