


AsiaNet 58990 (1399)



ツァイスは2013/14会計年度(2014年9月30日までの1年間)に為替相場の悪影響にもかかわらず売上高を2%伸ばし、42億8700万ユーロを計上した(前年度は41億9000万ユーロ)。金利税引き前利益(EBIT)は前年度比14%増の3億6000万ユーロになった。カールツァイス(Carl Zeiss AG)の社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)であるミヒャエル・カシュケ博士は「全般的に見て、2013/14年度はツァイスグループが成功を収めた会計年度だった。世界経済の困難な状況は続いているが、われわれは幅広い製品のおかげで成長路線を維持している。ただ各事業の成長は足並みがそろわず、すべてが期待通りというわけではない」と述べた。




ツァイスは光学・電子光学業界で活躍する国際的な先進技術企業。リソグラフィー光学や測定技術、顕微鏡、医療技術、眼鏡レンズ、カメラ、映写レンズ、双眼鏡、プラネタリウム技術の製品を開発、販売し、そのソリューションで光学の世界を発展させ、技術の進歩に貢献している。ツァイスを構成する6事業グループは工業用測定部門、顕微鏡部門、医療技術部門、ビジョンケア(眼鏡レンズ)部門、消費者向け光学機器部門、半導体製造技術部門。世界40カ国以上に進出し、約30カ所の生産拠点、50カ所以上の販売・サービス拠点、約25カ所の研究開発施設を持つ。1846年にドイツのイエナで設立され、現在はオーバーコッへンに本社がある。カールツァイス(Carl Zeiss AG)はツァイスグループを経営する戦略的経営持ち株会社。カールツァイスはカールツァイス財団(Carl Zeiss Stiftung)が100%所有している。



Jorg Nitschke, Group Press Spokesman,

Phone +49-7364-20-3242, Email: joerg.nitschke@zeiss.com

ソース:Carl Zeiss AG

ZEISS Asserts its Position in Difficult Environment


STUTTGART, Germany, Dec. 17, /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Revenue and earnings above the previous year - continued high level of

expenditure on research and development

    In the past 2013/14 fiscal year (ended 30 September 2014) ZEISS increased

its revenue by two percent to EUR 4.287 billion (last year: EUR 4.190 billion)

despite unfavorable currency effects. Earnings (EBIT) grew by 14 percent to EUR

360 million. "Overall, 2013/14 was a successful fiscal year for the ZEISS

Group," said Dr. Michael Kaschke, President and CEO of Carl Zeiss AG. "Thanks

to our broad portfolio we have remained on track to further growth despite the

difficult conditions confronting us in the global economy. However, the

business groups developed differently and did not meet our expectations in all


    The number of employees increased slightly to 24,817 worldwide. Expenditure

on research and development activities rose by eight percent to EUR 448

million. Investments in property, plant and equipment totaled EUR 188 million.

    The stagnation currently emerging in the world economy poses new challenges

to the company. Nevertheless, ZEISS expects a stable revenue development in

fiscal year 2014/15.

    More information at http://www.zeiss.de/pressconference

    ZEISS is an internationally leading technology enterprise operating in the

optics and optoelectronics industries. ZEISS develops and distributes

lithography optics, measuring technology, microscopes, medical technology,

eyeglass lenses, camera and cine lenses, binoculars and planetarium technology.

With its solutions, the company constantly advances the world of optics and

helps shape technological progress. The company is divided up into the six

business groups Industrial Metrology, Microscopy, Medical Technology, Vision

Care, Consumer Optics and Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology. ZEISS is

represented in over 40 countries - with around 30 production sites, over 50

sales and service locations and about 25 research and development facilities.

Founded in 1846 in Jena, the company is headquartered in Oberkochen, Germany.

Carl Zeiss AG is the strategic management holding company that manages the

ZEISS Group. The company is wholly owned by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung (Carl Zeiss


    Press contact

    ZEISS Group

    Jorg Nitschke, Group Press Spokesman,

    Phone +49-7364-20-3242, Email: joerg.nitschke@zeiss.com

    SOURCE: Carl Zeiss AG




