WWW FoundationのWeb IndexはWebの自由度が低下、不平等が増加と警告

The World Wide Web Foundation

WWW FoundationのWeb IndexはWebの自由度が低下、不平等が増加と警告

AsiaNet 58904 (1378)



World Wide Web Foundationは、86カ国を対象に社会的・経済的・政治的前進に対するWebの貢献度を測る世界初の評価基準Web Index 2014-15年版をリリースした。

Web Indexの要点は以下の通り。





*オンライン上の性差別に基づく暴力に対する取り組みは効果的に行われていない。多数の高所得国を含むWeb Index諸国の74%で、法執行機関と裁判所は適切な措置を講じていない。Web対応のICTが性差別に根ざした暴力行為を犯すことに利用されている。


Web考案者でWorld Wide Web Foundationの創設者であるティム・バーナーズ=リー氏は「インターネットを基本的人権として認識すべきときである。これは、すべての人々が安価にアクセスできることを保証し、インターネット・パケットが商業的および政治的差別なしで提供され、ユーザーがどこに住んでいようがユーザーのプライバシーとWebの自由を保護することを意味している」と語った。

Web Indexの計算方式は大幅に変更されているので、年ごとの国別比較は不可能である。しかし、スカンジナビア諸国は再度、報告ランキングのトップを飾った。トップランクのデンマーク、フィンランド、ノルウェーなど、高水準の富、低水準の不平等、市民的自由の手厚い擁護を誇る国々は、Webから社会的および経済的な恩恵を最も得ている。

Web Index 2014-15年版ランキング


1. デンマーク

2. フィンランド

3. ノルウェー


1. ハンガリー

2. アルゼンチン

3. コスタリカ


1. ケニア

2. バングラデシュ

3. ウガンダ

Web Index 2014-15リポートは、ウェブサイトhttp://www.thewebindex.org からグラフや関連データとともに入手することができる。

ソース:The World Wide Web Foundation

The Web in 2014: Less Free, More Unequal, Warns World Wide Web Foundation Annual Web Index




    - Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee calls for the Internet to be recognised as a

human right, protected from commercial and political interference

    The World Wide Web Foundation has released the 2014-15 edition of the Web

Index, the world's first measure of the Web's contribution to social, economic

and political progress across 86 countries.

    The report reveals:

    - Web users are at increasing risk of indiscriminate government

surveillance. Laws preventing mass surveillance are weak or non-existent in

over 84% of countries, up from 63% in 2013.

    - Online censorship is on the rise. Moderate or extensive Web censorship

now seen in 38% of countries, up from 32% in 2013.

    - Online organising leads to offline change. Despite deterioration in the

overall environment for press freedom in nearly every country studied, the Web

and social media are making a major contribution to sparking citizen action in

three in five countries.

Meanwhile, in over 60% of countries, women are using the Web to exercise their

rights to a moderate or extensive degree.

    - True net neutrality remains a rarity. A world-first assessment of net

neutrality found only around a quarter of nations effectively enforce clear

rules against commercial or political discrimination in the management of

Internet traffic.

    - Online Gender Based Violence is not tackled effectively. In 74% of Web

Index countries, including many high-income nations, law enforcement agencies

and courts are failing to take appropriate actions where Web-enabled ICTs are

used to commit acts of gender-based violence.

    - Almost 60% of the world's people cannot get online, whilst half of all

Web users live in countries that severely restrict rights online. 4.3 billion

people have no access to the Web, whilst at least 1.8 billion more face severe

violations of their rights to privacy and freedom of expression when they go

online. An additional 225 million live in countries where the ability to pay

may limit the content and services they can access.

    Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the Web and founder of the World Wide Web

Foundation said:

    "It's time to recognise the Internet as a basic human right. That means

guaranteeing affordable access for all, ensuring Internet packets are delivered

without commercial or political discrimination, and protecting the privacy and

freedom of Web users regardless of where they live."

    The Index calculation has been significantly revamped, making year on year

country comparisons impossible. However, Scandinavian nations once again topped

the report's rankings. States that have high levels of wealth, low levels of

inequality, and strong protection for civil liberties - such as top-ranked

Denmark, Finland and Norway - are gaining the most social and economic benefit

from the Web.

Web Index 2014-15 Rankings

High Income Countries         

1. Denmark                              

2. Finland                              

3. Norway                              

Middle Income Countries

1. Hungary  

2. Argentina

3. Costa Rica

Low Income Countries

1. Kenya

2. Bangladesh

3. Uganda

    The Web Index 2014-15 report is available at http://www.thewebindex.org,

along with visualisations and all accompanying data.

    SOURCE: The World Wide Web Foundation




