AsiaNet 58887
シカゴ発、2014年12月10日 - 世界初の知的財産権(IP)のライセンシングおよび取引を行う国際知的財産取引所 (IPXI) は本日、世界で最も広く採用されている無線技術で標準プロトコルに必須となる特許に関連し、最近発表したユニット・ライセンス権(TM) (ULR(TM))のオファリング(recently announced Unit License Right(TM) (ULR(TM)) Offering - https://www.ipxi.com/news-events/news/press-releases/177-ipxi-announces-multi-party-offering-for-wireless-communications-standard-essential-patents.html )に関する重要な詳細を提示するため、12月16日に3回の公開ウェビナーによるプレゼンテーションを実施すると発表した。 ULRコントラクトのWFN1オファリングには、8つの一流機関が各々保有し、無線ランネットワーク通信でIEEE802.11n標準に必須であると第三者によって判定された特許権を含んでいる。
ロゴ - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130605/CL26839LOGO
複数地域の潜在的購入者の便宜のために、IPXIは無料のウェビナーを米国東海岸標準時で12月16日の午前9時、午後2時、午後9:30に主催する。登録にはhttps://www.ipxi.com/wfn1/webinar を参照。
WFN1 ULRコントラクトは潜在投資家によるIPXIへのビッド提出をベースに価格が決定され、これらの投資家は等しくビッド提出する機会を有する。早期購入者は特許がカバーする過去の全ての技術使用についての債務から大幅なディスカウントで免責を受けることができる。更に、現在のオファリングで特許のライセンスを受けた購入機関は、後続シリーズで付け加えられた全ての特許についても追加の料金なしでライセンスを受けることができる。
本件オファリングに関する更なる情報および早期購入に関するその他の利点については、WFN1 Offering Page (https://www.ipxi.com/offerings/wfn1/wfn1.html ) をご覧ください。
IPXIは知的財産権のライセンシングおよび取引を行う世界初の金融取引所である。IPXIのミッションは、知的財産の取引可能資産のための中央市場を創ることにより、知財保有者、投資家、およびトレーダーの価格発見、取引の効率性、およびデータ配布に対するニーズに応えることである。IPXIのメンバーは世界でも有数な革新的一流企業と名門で一流の大学と国立研究所を含む。IPXIのメンバーは:Ford Global Technologies, LLC; Philips Intellectual Property & Standards; JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.; Sony Corporation of America; Panasonic Intellectual Property Corporation of America; the Regents of the University of California; Columbia Technology Ventures; Northwestern University; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Fraunhofer-Gesellshaft等。 IPXIに関する更なる情報については、Exchange Fact Sheet (https://www.ipxi.com/public-files/IPXI-fact-sheet.pdf ) をご覧いただくか、www.ipxi.com をお訪ねください。
連絡先: Ellen G. Resnick, Crystal Clear Communications, +1-773-929-9292, +1-312-399-9295 (携帯), eresnick@crystalclearPR.com
IPXI(R) Announces Dec. 16 Webinars for Multi-Party Offering of Standard Essential Patents Related to 802.11n Wireless Technology
CHICAGO, Dec. 10, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/--
Intellectual Property Exchange International, Inc. (IPXI), the world's first
financial exchange for licensing and trading intellectual property (IP) rights,
announced today that it will conduct three public webinar presentations on Dec.
16 to provide important details on its recently announced Unit License
Right(TM) (ULR(TM)) offering (
) of patents essential to the world's most widely adopted standard protocol for
wireless technology. The WFN1 offering of ULR contracts includes patent rights
owned by eight leading organizations whose patents have been independently
determined to be essential to the IEEE 802.11n standard used in wireless local
area network (WLAN) communications.
Logo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130605/CL26839LOGO
To accommodate potential purchasers in multiple regions, IPXI will host
three free webinars at 9 a.m., 2 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on
Tuesday, Dec. 16. To register, visit https://www.ipxi.com/wfn1/webinar.
The ULR contract offering includes 194 standard essential patents (SEPs)
issued in nearly 20 countries. Each ULR contract provides a non-exclusive
license under the patents for the manufacturing and sale of 1,000 wireless
chipsets. Chipsets that comply with the 802.11n standard are necessary
components of wireless network technology included in popular products such as
smart phones, tablets, personal computers, access points, routers and gateways.
IPXI has undertaken the patent owners' commitment to license the patents on a
RAND (reasonable and non-discriminatory) basis.
The ULR contract offering is structured as a series of convertible ULR
contracts, and IPXI has begun accepting submissions from additional owners of
802.11n standard essential patents to join subsequent series in future
The WFN1 ULR Contracts will be priced based on bids submitted to IPXI by
potential purchasers, all of whom will have equal opportunity to submit bids.
Early purchasers can receive a significantly discounted release from liability
for all past use of the technology covered by the patents. Additionally,
purchasing entities that are licensed to the patents in the current offering
will also be licensed to all patents added to subsequent series at no
additional charge.
For more information about the offering and other benefits of early
purchasing, please see the Offering Memorandum on the WFN1 Offering page (
https://www.ipxi.com/offerings/wfn1/wfn1.html ).
About IPXI
I PXI (https://www.ipxi.com ) is the world's first financial exchange for
licensing and trading intellectual property rights. The mission of IPXI is to
meet the price discovery, transaction efficiency and data distribution needs of
intellectual property owners, investors and traders by creating the central
marketplace for tradable IP assets. IPXI members include some of the world's
leading innovative corporations and most prestigious universities and national
laboratories. Among the IPXI members are: Ford Global Technologies, LLC;
Philips Intellectual Property & Standards; JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.; Sony
Corporation of America; Panasonic Intellectual Property Corporation of America;
the Regents of the University of California; Columbia Technology Ventures;
Northwestern University; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. For more information on IPXI, please see the Exchange
Fact Sheet ( https://www.ipxi.com/public-files/IPXI-fact-sheet.pdf ) or visit:
CONTACT: Ellen G. Resnick
Crystal Clear Communications
+1-312-399-9295 (cell),
SOURCE: Intellectual Property Exchange International, Inc.(IPXI)