


AsiaNet 58901







・筆頭株主バルサム(Balsam)は、この合併を支持。ノルウェーおよびアスペンの少数株主の承認が必要 - 特別会議を2015年1月に開催


・合同投資コミュニティ コール本日東部標準時午前10時30分

オンタリオ州トロント、ブリティッシュ コロンビア州バンクーバー(2014年12月8日)-ノーボード・インク(Norbord Inc.)(以下「ノーボード」)(TSX: NBD)ならびにエインズワース・ランバー・カンパニー・リミテッド(Ainsworth Lumber Co., Ltd.)(以下「エインズワース」)(TSX:ANS)は本日、正式契約を締結し、北米、ヨーロッパおよびアジアにおいて配向性ストランド・ボード(以下「OSB」)に注力して世界をリードする木材製品企業の誕生に向けて合併いたします。




見積ベースにおいて、2014年9月27日に終了した12カ月間で、合併する両社は16億3千万米ドルの売上および調整後EBITDA では1億4300万米ドルの売上を記録しました。合併後初年度の取引は利益、キャッシュフローともに徐々に増加していくものと見込まれています。


ノーボードの社長兼最高経営責任者(CEO) Peter Wijnbergen は、「この合併により北米、ヨーロッパならびにアジアでの顧客サービスの強化と成長という共通のビジョンのもと、2つの相互に補完する企業が融合します」と述べました。「ノルウェーならびにアスペンはそれぞれの地域で低コストのメーカーですが、相互補完事業と今まで以上に多岐にわたる特殊製品によって、我々は世界中の顧客に、さらに良いサービスを提供することが可能になります。アスペンは最高の工場を所有し、付加価値のある商品開発においては優れた実績を有し、当社としては共に仕事をすることを心待ちにしております。合併後企業に期待できる成長の可能性は、当社の株主にも大きな価値をもたらしてくれます」

また、エインズワースの社長兼最高経営責任者Jim Lakeは、次のように述べました。「両社の合併は当社の従業員にも、当社の顧客にも非常に大きなチャンスです。ノルウェーと合併することにより、当社は低コスト業務という長所を活用して、既存の製品ラインを拡大・改良でき、また当社の顧客関係を強化することも可能になります。当社の株主にとって、この合併は価値創造を継続するべく多大なる潜在的機会を提供し、現在の米国の住宅市場の回復に、より優良な資本を有する企業として参加を続けることができます。アスペンとその株主にとって、これは絶好の取引です」


・地理的な補完業務 - ノルウェーおよびアスペンはそれぞれの地域でトップのメーカーであり、重複する地域はほとんどありません。ノルウェーは北米の主に米国南東部で7工場を操業しており、さらにケベック州に1工場、またヨーロッパに4工場があり、主に英国、ドイツ、ベネルクス地域へ提供しています。アスペンはカナダに4工場があり、うち3工場はカナダ西部、残り1工場はオンタリオ州にあります。合併することにより、全国的な得意先への業務が行いやすくなるとともに、運賃や物流コストの削減も実現しやすくなります。合併後企業は、OSB製造能力約77億平方フィート(3/8インチベース)を有するOSB産業の世界最大企業になります。

・バランスのとれた高品質の製品ライン - この合併により、ノルウェーの低コスト業務と広い工場ネットワークとアスペンの付加価値のあるストランド ベースの加工木材製品における革新技術とが、融合します。これにより、新商品開発が後押しされ、合併後企業が提供できる特殊製品ラインを拡大することができます。また、拡大された工場ネットワークによって製品ミックスを最適化し、製造コストを下げるチャンスも生まれます。

・市場の多様化を推進 - 合併後企業は、地理的多様性が高まることにより、市場サイクルを今まで以上にうまく乗り切ることができます。この合併により、両企業の北米での存在を強めるとともに、ノルウェーのヨーロッパ事業、そしてアスペンのアジアに注力した輸出ビジネスでも、従来より安定した利益をあげられます。

・強固な財務状態 - ノルウェーならびにアスペンは、合併後企業が信用プロフィールを強化し全体的な資本コストを低減するものと確信しています。合併後の企業は、商品価格が弱い期間でも事業を保てるよう、財務面での柔軟性と堅実な資本ベースを実現するため、賢明なバランスシートを維持していくことに注力していきます。

・成長可能性 - 合併後企業は米国で回復中の住宅市場ならびにヨーロッパとアジアにおけるOSB需要を活用できる、良い位置にあります。合併後の企業には、西ヨーロッパにおけるノルウェーのOSB生産増大や北米で休止中のノルウェーの2工場の再開、ならびにアルバータ州グランド・プレーリーにあるアスペンのセカンドラインの完了による、能力拡大のチャンスがあります。

・資本市場での存在の強化 - 合併後企業は、より高い市場流動性と公開株式の増加により、株主ベースが広がります。2014年12月5日現在、合併後企業の推定時価総額は、約20億カナダドルでした。合併後企業は今後もS&P/トロント総合指数の一員に留まる予定で、認知度を高めるとともに市場参入を広げる機会になります。

・相乗効果 - 経営陣は合併後企業が業務上の相乗効果により年間約4500万米ドルの大幅なコスト削減ができるものと期待しており、それは18-24カ月で達成可能と見こんでいます。こうしたコスト削減は主に、業務でのベスト プラクティスや両企業の工場、営業、物流面での改善、その他のコスト削減などにより、実現できると見られています。

合併後企業はノルウェー名で業務を遂行し、取引完了後はPeter Wijnbergenが、ノルウェーならびにアスペンの幅広い戦略面、業務面および財務面での経験を駆使しつつ事業を指揮します。Jim Lakeは、6カ月間アドバイザーとしての立場で合併後企業に留まることに合意しました。アジアへの輸出拡大継続戦略の一環として、合併後企業はブリティッシュ コロンビア州バンクーバーの事務所を継続する予定です。










ノルウェーの独立委員会の財務アドバイザーはTDセキュリティーズ、法務アドバイザーはスティケマン・エリオット法律事務所(Stikeman Elliott LLP)です。ノルウェーの法務アドバイザーはトリーズ法律事務所(Torys LLP)、ならびにギブソン・ダン&クラッチャー法律事務所(Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP)です。アスペンの独立委員会の財務アドバイザーはBMOキャピタルマーケッツ、法務アドバイザーはファスケン・マルティノー・ドゥムーラン法律事務所(Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP)です。アスペンの法務アドバイザーはグッドマンズ法律事務所(Goodmans LLP)およびスキャデン・アープス・スレート・ミーガー&フロム法律事務所(Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meather & Flom LLP)です。





投資家コンファレンス コールの詳細

ノルウェーならびにアスペン両社は共同投資コミュニティ コンファレンス コールを開催します[東部標準時本日午前10時30分]。★ ★ 投資家向けプレゼンテーションは、www.ainsworthengineered.com からダウンロード可能です。報道関係者は視聴していただけますが、質問は投資コミュニティ内に制限させていただきます。

カナダおよび米国通話無料ダイヤルイン: 1-800-319-4610

カナダおよび米国以外からの電話:  +1-604-638-5340



カナダおよび米国通話無料: 1-800-319-6413

カナダおよび米国以外: +1-604-638-9010

コード: #記号に続けて1335



ノーボード・インクは木材系パネルの国際的企業であり、10億米ドル以上の資産を有し、米国、ヨーロッパおよびカナダに13工場を所有し、約1,950名の従業員を雇用しています。ノーボードはOSBの世界最大級のメーカーです。OSBに加え、ノーボードではパーティクル ボード、中質繊維板(MDF)ならびに関連する付加価値製品を製造しています。ノーボードはトロント証券取引所に上場しており、銘柄はNBDです。




本ニュースリリース記載のOSB需要および価格におけるノルウェーとアスペンの想定、ならびに合併後企業の今後の展望および財務状態に関する情報は、カナダ証券管理局(Canadian Securities Administrators)公表のカナダ証券法(National Instrument)51-102に基づく将来予想情報です。ノルウェーならびにアスペンは当該情報に反映されている予想は妥当なものであると確信していますが、当該予想が正確であるとの保証はいたしません。将来予想情報は、当該予想がなされた時点で入手可能な情報ならびに経営陣の経験と過去の動向についての認識、現在の状況、予想される今後の発展ならびに現段階において適切とみなされるその他の要素を基に、ノルウェーとアスペンの確信と予想にもとづき作成されています。投資家の皆様は、当該将来予想情報にリスクおよび不確実性が存在すること、ならびに実際の結果が異なる可能性があることにご留意ください。この将来予想情報によって表示あるいは示唆された内容と大きく異なる結果が生じる重大な要因として、一般的経済状況、製品の集中に内在する各種リスク、競争ならびに製品価格圧力の影響、顧客依存に内在する各種リスク、価格変動の影響および資材の安定供給、資本集中産業に内在する各種リスク、シナジー実現能力、およびノルウェーとアスペンがカナダ証券管理局およびその他規制当局に提出する定期報告に適宜詳述するその他リスク要素などがありますが、これに限定されるものではありません。この将来予想情報は本ニュースリリースの日付現在で作成されており、ノルウェーならびにアスペンは証券関連法で明示的に要求された場合を除き、新たに発生した事項あるいは状況については、当該情報を更新あるいは修正する義務を負いません。



ヘザー・コルピッツ(Heather Colpitts)




ジョージソン・シェアホルダー・コミュニケーションズ・カナダ・インク(Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc.)

北米通話無料番号: 1-866-676-3009

Eメール: askus@georgeson.com


ロブ・ヒューステル(Rob Feustel)




ジョージソン・シェアホルダー・コミュニケーションズ・カナダ・インク(Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc.)

北米通話無料番号: 1-888-605-8413

Eメール: askus@georgeson.com


ロングビュー・コミュニケーションズ・インク(Longview Communications Inc.)

オレナ・ロバック(Olena Lobach) - (416) 649-8009

ニック・アンステット(Nick Anstett) - (416) 315-0191

調整後EBITDAとは、財務コスト、外国為替差損、金融デリバティブ商品差益、債務の早期償還、解散したルイジアナ・パシフィック・コープ(Louisiana-Pacific Corp.)(LP)の取得に関するコスト、所得税ならびに減価償却を行う前の収益と定義されます。調整後EBITDAは国際会計基準(IFRS)に基づかない財務指標であり、IFRSが規定した標準的な意味はなく、他企業が提示する同様の指標とは比較ができない可能性が高くなります。



利益の試算                                                         $(19)

財務コスト                                                           58

外国為替差損                                                         26

金融デリバティブ商品差損                                              5

債務の早期償還                                                       20

解消されたルイジアナ・パシフィック・コープ(LP)の取得に関するコスト   4

減価償却                                                             84

所得税の還付                                                        (35)

見積調整後EBITDA                                                   $143



Norbord and Ainsworth to Merge to Create Global OSB Leader



    -- Portfolio of high-quality assets expands footprint across North America

       to better serve customers and reduce operating costs

    -- Complementary product lines and continued commitment to value-added

       products enhances growth opportunities

    -- All-share consideration allows for participation in an estimated USD

       $45 million in annual synergies and other benefits of the combined

       company, as well as ongoing U.S. housing market recovery

    -- Transaction supported by controlling shareholder Brookfield and subject

       to Norbord and Ainsworth minority shareholder approval; special

       meetings to be held in January 2015

    -- Combination expected to enhance shareholder liquidity, financial

       flexibility and lower cost of capital

    -- Joint investment community call today at 10:30 a.m. ET

    Norbord Inc. ("Norbord") (TSX: NBD) and Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd.

("Ainsworth") (TSX: ANS) today announced that they have signed a definitive

agreement under which they will merge to create a leading global wood products

company focused on oriented strand board ("OSB") across North America, Europe

and Asia.

    The combination of Norbord and Ainsworth will create one of the largest and

lowest-cost OSB producers globally, with a portfolio of high-quality assets

that produce a wide range of products for residential, industrial and specialty

applications. The transaction is a compelling strategic fit and offers

shareholders, customers, employees and other stakeholders of both companies a

significant opportunity owing to the highly complementary nature of the

respective operations.

    Under the terms of the arrangement agreement announced today, Norbord has

agreed to acquire all of the outstanding common shares of Ainsworth in an

all-share transaction in which Ainsworth shareholders will receive 0.1321 of a

Norbord share for each Ainsworth share pursuant to a plan of arrangement under

the British Columbia Business Corporations Act. The transaction value

represents a premium of 15% to Ainsworth's 20-day volume weighted average price

(VWAP), and the transaction has been unanimously approved by the Independent

Committees and Boards of Directors (with directors of each company affiliated

with Brookfield Asset Management Inc. ("Brookfield") abstaining) of both

Ainsworth and Norbord. This all-share transaction structure will allow both

Norbord and Ainsworth shareholders to participate in the significant synergies

and other benefits expected to result from this combination.

    Brookfield and its affiliated entities, which control approximately 55% and

52% of the outstanding common shares of Ainsworth and Norbord respectively,

have entered into a binding agreement in which they have committed to vote in

favour of the transaction. Upon closing, the Brookfield entities will control

approximately 53% of the outstanding common shares of the combined company.

    On a pro forma basis, the combined company generated USD $1.63 billion in

sales and USD $143 million in Adjusted EBITDA(i) for the 12 months ended

September 27, 2014. The transaction is expected to be accretive to earnings and

cash flow in the first year.

    A Leading Global OSB Company

    "This transaction unites two complementary businesses behind a common

vision of enhanced service to our customers and growth in North America, Europe

and Asia," said Peter Wijnbergen, Norbord's President and Chief Executive

Officer. "Norbord and Ainsworth are each low-cost producers in their respective

regions, and with our complementary operations and a more diverse range of

specialty products, we will be better able to serve our customers across the

globe. Ainsworth has excellent mills, a proven track record of innovation in

value-added product development, and we look forward to working together. The

growth potential we see in the combined company also offers significant value

to our shareholders."

    Said Jim Lake, Ainsworth's President and Chief Executive Officer: "The

combination of the two companies will mean tremendous opportunities for our

people and our customers. By joining with Norbord we will be able to leverage

its commitment to low-cost operational excellence to expand and improve our

existing range of products and enhance our customer relationships. For our

shareholders, this transaction offers significant potential for continued value

creation as investors in a larger and better-capitalized company with ongoing

participation in the current U.S. housing recovery. This is an exciting

transaction for Ainsworth and its stakeholders."

    Compelling Strategic Fit:

    -- Geographically Complementary Operations - Norbord and Ainsworth are

       leading producers in each of their geographies, with minimal overlap.

       Norbord operates seven North American mills, principally in the U.S.

       southeast with one mill in Quebec, along with four mills in Europe

       principally serving the United Kingdom, Germany and the Benelux region.

       Ainsworth operates four Canadian mills, three in Western Canada and one

       in Ontario. Together, the combined company will be better positioned to

       serve national customer accounts and realize savings in freight and

       logistics costs. With total OSB capacity of approximately 7.7 billion

       square feet (3/8 inch basis), the combined company will be the largest

       in the global OSB industry.

    -- Balanced Portfolio of High Quality Assets - This transaction combines

       Norbord's low-cost operations and larger mill network with Ainsworth's

       innovation in value-added strand-based engineered wood products. This

       will support new product development and allow the combined company to

       expand the range of specialty products it can offer. The transaction

       also provides the opportunity to optimize product mix across a broader

       network of mills to lower manufacturing costs.

    -- Enhanced Market Diversification - The combined company will be better

       able to weather market cycles through increased geographic

       diversification. The transaction will enhance each company's strong

       North American presence with the more stable margin European operations

       of Norbord and Asia-focused export business of Ainsworth.

    -- Strong Financial Position - Norbord and Ainsworth believe that the

       combined company will have an enhanced credit profile and lower overall

       cost of capital. The merged entity will focus on maintaining a prudent

       balance sheet to provide financial flexibility and a solid capital base

       to support the business through periods of commodity price weakness.

    -- Growth Potential - The combined company will be well positioned to take

       advantage of the ongoing recovery in the U.S. housing market and

       growing OSB demand in Europe and Asia. Together, the company will have

       opportunities to increase capacity through the expansion of Norbord's

       OSB production in Western Europe, the restart of Norbord's two idled

       mills in North America, and the completion of Ainsworth's second line

       in Grand Prairie, Alberta.

    -- Improved Capital Markets Presence - The combined company will have a

       broader shareholder base with increased market liquidity and a larger

       public float. As of December 5, 2014 the combined company had a pro

       forma market capitalization of approximately CAD $2.0 billion. The

       combined company is expected to remain a member of the S&P/TSX

       Composite index which provides increased visibility and broader market


    -- Synergies - Management expects that the combined company will deliver

       significant cost savings through substantial operating synergies

       estimated at approximately USD $45 million annually, achievable over an

       18-24 month period. These savings are expected to come primarily from

       best practices and technology transfers in the companies' mills, sales

       and logistics improvements, and cost reductions.

    The combined company will operate under the Norbord name, and Norbord's CEO

Peter Wijnbergen will lead the business following the close of the transaction

while drawing upon the extensive strategic, operating and financial experience

of both Norbord and Ainsworth. Ainsworth's CEO Jim Lake has agreed to stay on

with the combined company in an advisory capacity for a period of six months.

As part of its strategy to continue growing exports to Asia, the combined

company will maintain an office in Vancouver, B.C.

    The Board of Directors of the combined company will have equal

representation of independent directors from the current Norbord and Ainsworth

Boards of Directors, with a majority of the Board comprised of directors who

are not Brookfield nominees.

    Other Transaction Details

    The transaction was negotiated by Independent Committees of the Boards of

both Norbord and Ainsworth. Following receipt of fairness opinions and

valuations from independent financial advisors, each Independent Committee

unanimously recommended that its Board of Directors approve the definitive

agreement governing the transaction, and recommend that their shareholders vote

in favour of the transaction. Each Independent Committee was comprised of

directors independent of Brookfield.

    The Board of Directors of each of Norbord and Ainsworth have each

unanimously approved the transaction (with directors of each company affiliated

with Brookfield abstaining) and recommend that their respective shareholders

vote in favour of the transaction. Upon completion of the transaction, Norbord

shareholders will own approximately 63% and Ainsworth shareholders will own

approximately 37% of the combined company.

    The transaction requires the approval of two-thirds of the votes cast by

securityholders of Ainsworth and a majority of the votes cast by shareholders

of Norbord, as well as a majority of the votes cast by Ainsworth and Norbord

shareholders (other than Brookfield and its affiliated entities) at separate

special meetings of Ainsworth and Norbord. These special meetings are expected

to take place in January 2015.

    Details concerning the review and approval process carried out by the

Independent Committee of each company, together with a copy of the formal

valuation and fairness opinion prepared by each committee's independent

financial advisor, will be contained in a joint information circular to be

provided for special meetings of securityholders of each company. The circular

will be filed and mailed to Ainsworth and Norbord shareholders later this month

and will be available on both company websites, as well as on SEDAR at


    In addition to securityholder approval described above, the transaction is

subject to customary conditions to closing, including court approval of the

plan of arrangement. Subject to satisfying those conditions, the transaction is

expected to close in the first quarter of 2015. The transaction is not

reportable under the U.S. Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvement Act of 1976

or the Canadian Competition Act because Ainsworth and Norbord share a common

controlling shareholder. The U.S. and Canadian antitrust and competition

authorities may review non-reportable transactions at their discretion.

    A copy of the arrangement agreement between Ainsworth and Norbord will also

be available on SEDAR. The arrangement agreement provides for, among other

things, the payment of a termination fee of CAD $25 million by Norbord or

Ainsworth, as applicable, if the proposed transaction is not completed under

certain circumstances. Brookfield has advised the Board of Directors of each of

Norbord and Ainsworth that, as a major shareholder, it will not approve an

alternative transaction.


    The Norbord Independent Committee's financial advisor is TD Securities and

its legal advisor is Stikeman Elliott LLP. Norbord's legal advisors are Torys

LLP and Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP. The Ainsworth Independent Committee's

financial advisor is BMO Capital Markets and its legal advisor is Fasken

Martineau DuMoulin LLP. Ainsworth's legal advisors are Goodmans LLP and

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP.


    It is anticipated that the Board of Directors of the combined entity will

continue with Norbord's dividend policy which targets the payment to

shareholders of a portion of free cash flow. The amount of dividends under the

combined entity's dividend policy, and the declaration and payment thereof,

will be based upon the combined entity's financial position, results of

operations, cash flow, capital requirements and restrictions under the combined

entity's revolving bank lines, among other factors.

    Taking into account growth and other attractive capital investment

opportunities, and to maintain flexibility in the company's capital structure,

the Board of Directors of Norbord expects to set the dividend at CAD $0.25 per

common share in the first quarter of 2015. In the arrangement agreement with

Ainsworth, Norbord has agreed to not pay more than CAD $0.25 per common share

for any future quarterly dividends with a record date prior to the closing of

the merger, after which the Board of Directors of the merged entity will

determine the appropriate level of dividends on a quarterly basis.

    The Board of Directors retains the power to amend the companies' dividend

policy in any manner and at any time as it may deem necessary or appropriate in

the future. For these reasons, as well as others, there can be no assurance

that dividends in the future will be equal or similar to the amount described

above or that the Board of Directors will not decide to suspend or discontinue

the payment of cash dividends in the future.

    Investor Conference Call Details

    Norbord and Ainsworth will host a joint investment community conference

call today at 10:30 a.m. ET. An investor presentation is available for download

from www.norbord.com and www.ainsworthengineered.com. Members of the media are

welcome to listen to the call, but questions will be restricted to the

investment community.

    Canada & USA Toll Free Dial In: 1-800-319-4610

    Outside of Canada & USA call: +1-604-638-5340

    Callers should dial in 5-10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time.

    A replay of the call will be available until January 19, 2015, at the

following numbers:

    Canada & USA Toll Free: 1-800-319-6413

    Outside Canada & USA: +1-604-638-9010

    Code: 1335, followed by the # sign

    A written transcript will be made available on the Norbord and Ainsworth


    About Norbord

    Norbord Inc. is an international producer of wood-based panels with assets

of more than $1 billion, employing approximately 1,950 people at 13 plant

locations in the United States, Europe and Canada. Norbord is one of the

world's largest producers of OSB. In addition to OSB, Norbord manufactures

particleboard, medium density fibreboard (MDF) and related value-added

products. Norbord is a publicly traded company listed on the Toronto Stock

Exchange under the symbol NBD.

    About Ainsworth

    Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and marketer of OSB

with a focus on value-added specialty products for markets in North America and

Asia. Ainsworth's four OSB manufacturing mills, located in Alberta, British

Columbia and Ontario, have a combined annual capacity of 2.5 billion square

feet (3/8-inch basis). Ainsworth is a publicly traded company listed on the

Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol ANS.

    Forward Looking Statements

    Forward-looking information provided in this news release relating to the

expectations of Norbord and Ainsworth regarding OSB demand and pricing and the

combined company's future prospects and financial position are forward-looking

information pursuant to National Instrument 51-102 promulgated by the Canadian

Securities Administrators. Norbord and Ainsworth believe that the expectations

reflected in such information are reasonable, but no assurance is given that

such expectations will be correct. Forward-looking information is based on the

beliefs and assumptions of Norbord and Ainsworth based on information available

at the time the assumptions were made and on management's experience and

perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected further

developments as well as other factors deemed appropriate in the circumstances.

Investors are cautioned that there are risks and uncertainties related to such

forward-looking information and actual results may vary. Important factors that

could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied

by such forward looking information include, without limitation, general

economic conditions; risks inherent with product concentration; effects of

competition and product pricing pressures; risks inherent with customer

dependence; effects of variations in the price and availability of

manufacturing inputs; risks inherent with a capital intensive industry; ability

to realize synergies; and other risk factors detailed from time to time in the

periodic reports of both Norbord and Ainsworth filed with the Canadian

Securities Administrators and other regulatory authorities. The forward-looking

information is made as of the date of this news release and neither Norbord or

Ainsworth assumes any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events

or circumstances, except as explicitly required by securities laws.


     (i) Adjusted EBITDA is defined as earnings before finance costs, foreign

exchange loss, gain on derivative financial instrument, costs on early debt

extinguishment, costs incurred on terminated Louisiana-Pacific Corp. (LP)

acquisition, income tax and depreciation. Adjusted EBITDA is a

non-International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) financial measure, does

not have any standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS and is therefore unlikely

to be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies.

    Reconciliation of unaudited pro forma Earnings to pro forma Adjusted EBITDA

(Last twelve months ended September 27, 2014; USD millions)

    Pro forma Earnings                                    $(19)

    Finance costs                                           58

    Foreign exchange loss                                   26

    Loss on derivative financial instrument                  5

    Costs on early debt extinguishment                      20

    Costs incurred on terminated LP acquisition              4

    Depreciation                                            84

    Income tax recovery                                    (35)

    Pro forma Adjusted EBITDA                             $143

    This unaudited pro forma financial information has been presented for

informational purposes only. The pro forma combined amounts for the twelve

month period ended September 27, 2014 have been determined by combining the

respective historical amounts of Norbord and Ainsworth to give effect to the

merger as if it had occurred on January 1, 2013. This pro forma information is

not necessarily indicative of what the combined company's financial performance

actually would have been had the merger been completed as of the date indicated

and does not purport to project the future financial position or operating

results of the combined company.

    For further information:

    Norbord Investors:

    Heather Colpitts

    Manager, Corporate Affairs

    Tel. (416) 365-0705


    Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc.

    North American Toll Free Number: 1-866-676-3009

    Email: askus@georgeson.com

    Ainsworth Investors:

    Rob Feustel


    Tel. (604) 661-3235


    Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc.

    North American Toll Free Number: 1-888-605-8413

    Email: askus@georgeson.com


    Longview Communications Inc.

    Olena Lobach - (416) 649-8009

    Nick Anstett - (416) 315-0191

    SOURCE: Norbord Inc.; Ainsworth Lumber Co. Ltd.




