
KAICIID Dialogue Centre


AsiaNet 58720(1308)

【ウィーン2014年11月20日PRN=共同通信JBN】イラク、シリアおよびより広い中東地域のキリスト教徒、イスラム教徒、その他宗教団体の指導者たちが20日、多宗教間の結束を示す初めて行動を起こし、宗教の名において「one voice all violence(一声ですべて暴力に走る行為)」を非難し、イラクとシリアにおける宗教的、文化的多様性を守るよう国際社会に呼び掛けた。

クロスレファレンス情報:epa通信(european pressphoto agency、http://www.epa.eu )およびhttp://www.presseportal.de/pm/115322/2885391 で関連写真が入手できる。

 Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141119/717646

中東各地のイスラム教スンニ派、同シーア派、キリスト教、マンダヤ教、ヤジディー教など宗教指導者は同日、KAICIID Dialogue Centre(宗教間・文化間対話のためのアブドラ・ビン・アブドゥルアズィーズ国王国際センター)が組織した国際会議で、「United against Violence in the Name of Religion(宗教の名において暴力に反対するため団結を)」というウィーン宣言を共同して発表した。






同事務局長はさらに「KAICIID Dialogue Centreはこれら宗教指導者を寄せ集めたことを光栄に思い、彼らと国際社会のパートナーと共に働き、このような危機に苦しむ人々に平和を築き、世界がこの行動の呼びかけを聞き取ってもらえるよう支援することにコミットしている」と語った。

KAICIID会議のウィーン宣言「United against Violence in the Name of Religion(宗教の名において暴力に反対するため団結を)」参加者はまた、この地域における社会的一体性と平和構築を進める行動を提言した。その活動の実行は、各種の対話、異宗教間の団体を集めた恒久的な宗教間委員会、作業部会によって監視される。

会議と宣言に関する詳しい情報はhttp://religionsunite.org を参照。


KAICIID Dialogue Centre:

Peter Kaiser

Head of Communications

Schottenring 2, 1010 Vienna

Mobile: +43-664-231-0593

Email: peter.kaiser@kaiciid.org

ソース:KAICIID Dialogue Centre

Muslim and Christian Religious Leaders Unite to Denounce ISIS and Violence in Iraq and Syria



    - Cross reference: Picture is available at epa european pressphoto agency

(http://www.epa.eu) and http://www.presseportal.de/pm/115322/2885391 -

    In an unprecedented demonstration of multi-religious solidarity, leaders of

Christian, Muslim and other religious communities from Iraq, Syria and the

larger Middle East region today have denounced with one voice all violence in

the name of religion, and have called on the international community to protect

religious and cultural diversity in Iraq and Syria.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141119/717646 )

    Religious leaders from Sunni, Shiite, Christian, Mandean, and Yazidi

communities across the Middle East today jointly issued the Vienna Declaration,

"United against Violence in the Name of Religion", at the international

conference organized by the KAICIID Dialogue Centre.

    This is the first time religious leaders representing so many different

religions from a crisis region have come together as one to denounce

oppression, marginalization, persecution and killing of people in the name of


    The religious leaders were united in acknowledging that the current

conflict in Iraq and Syria targets followers of every religion. They jointly

rejected all violence in the name of religion, and attempts by groups like ISIS

to claim legitimacy for their actions within the teachings of Islam. They also

condemned the serious violation of human rights in Iraq and Syria; especially

against Christian, Yazidi and other religious and ethnic groups.

    The religious leaders emphasized the right of all to be treated with

dignity and humanity regardless of their religious tradition. Atrocities

committed in the name of religion are crimes against humanity, and crimes

against religion. The declaration also rejects and denounces the support or

sponsorship of terrorism.

    Together the religious leaders expressed their collective solidarity with

all who are oppressed due to these events, especially those who have been

uprooted and displaced from their homes. They called upon relevant political

powers and the international community to spare no effort to help these people

return to their homes.

    Speaking after the meeting, Faisal Bin Muaammar, KAICIID Secretary General,

the international organizer of the conference said, "The manipulation of

religion in Iraq and Syria has horrific human consequences. Today we witnessed

a reason for hope: the conviction and resolve of religious leaders from many

different faiths, speaking with one voice, to say that ISIS and other extremist

groups do not act in the name of religion."

    "The KAICIID Dialogue Centre is privileged to have brought these religious

leaders together, and is committed to work with them, and with our partners in

the international community, to help build peace for the people who suffer in

this crisis, and to ensure that the world hears this call for action."

    The participants at the KAICIID Conference "United against Violence in the

Name of Religion" also recommended initiatives to promote social cohesion and

peacebuilding in the region. The initiatives' implementation will be overseen

by a permanent interreligious committee and working groups from various

dialogue and interreligious institutions.

    Further information about the conference and the declaration:



    Contact KAICIID Dialogue Centre:

    Peter Kaiser

    Head of Communications

    Schottenring 2, 1010 Vienna

    Mobile: +43-664-231-0593

    Email: peter.kaiser@kaiciid.org

SOURCE: KAICIID Dialogue Centre




