Peabody EnergyがAPEC CEOサミットで最先端石炭エネルギー利用の重要性呼び掛け

Peabody Energy

Peabody EnergyがAPEC CEOサミットで最先端石炭エネルギー利用の重要性呼び掛け

AsiaNet 58574(1250)

【セントルイス(米ミズーリ州)2014年11月10日PRN=共同通信JBN】Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU)のグレゴリー・H・ボイス会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は10日、APECの主要3カ国(米国・中国・オーストラリア)から学んだ貴重な教訓を引用して、不足しているエネルギーの当面のニーズに対応し、世界成長からエネルギーの長期的なエネルギー需要に応える5項目の政策プランを提案した。

北京で開かれている2014年APEC CEOサミットで国家元首とCEOとの幅広い協議の中で、ボイス氏は中国、オーストラリア、米国がエネルギー貧困を軽減し、低コストエネルギー利用を生み出し、排出ガスを改善するため、それぞれ重要な政策上の教訓を提言していると語った。










石炭は、BP Statistical review of world energyによると、世界で最速成長中の主要燃料である。ある研究に基づくと、石炭は1990以来主として発展途上国の8億3000万以上の人々のエネルギー利用を生み出した。それは風力、太陽光発電より13倍もの人々に利用してもらうことに相当する。


 1. APEC加盟国とG20諸国による政策と行動の主要優先策としてエネルギー貧困の問題を格上げすること。

 2. すべての人々に与えるエネルギー政策の大きなインパクトと利用できるエネルギーを保持し、コストを低減する重要性を認めること。あらゆる新規エネルギー政策は、いかにしてエネルギー利用が増大し、エネルギー価格の手ごろ感を高めるかについて提起すべきである。

 3. まさに上述すべてのエネルギー戦略を含めて、個々の代替燃料についてすべて定量可能な恩恵と限界を認めること。石炭については、すべての新しい石炭火力発電プラントに対する最新の排出規制を持つ超臨界圧(発電)テクノロジーが含まれる。

 4. 排出を最低限に抑え、コスト削減を進める最先端石炭利用技術に対する継続的投資を支援する。

 5. 発展途上国市場での広範な電気利用を拡大するため開発銀行による資金援助を推奨する。


APEC CEOサミットは1996年に始まり、今年は国家元首、トップCEO、政策決定者を含めて、16カ国・地域とともに21のAPEC加盟国を集める見込み。


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Peabody Energyは世界最大手の民間部門石炭企業であり、持続的な採鉱、エネルギー利用、クリーンコール・ソリューションの世界リーダーである。


Sophie Birse


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ソース:Peabody Energy

Peabody Chairman & CEO Greg Boyce Calls on Global Leaders to Use Lessons Learned from Three Major APEC Nations to Improve Global Energy Policy


ST. LOUIS, Nov. 10, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

   Peabody Energy (NYSE: BTU) Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Gregory H.

Boyce today offered a five-point policy plan to address the immediate needs of

the energy impoverished and longer term energy needs from global growth, citing

valuable lessons learned from three major Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

(APEC) nations.  

   During a wide-ranging discussion with heads of state and CEOs at the 2014

APEC CEO Summit in Beijing, Boyce said China, Australia and the United States

each offer an important policy lesson to alleviate energy poverty, create

low-cost energy access and improve emissions.

     -- China has used coal to lift 650 million from poverty since 1990 during

        which time gross domestic product (GDP) soared 850 percent and use of

        coal-fueled electricity increased eight-fold, progress the

        International Energy Agency called "an economic miracle."

     -- Australia elected a new government last year for the express purpose

        of repealing the carbon tax, which created an economic burden in

        excess of $100 million per week. Repeal of the tax is expected to save

        the typical family $550 each year in electricity costs.

     -- The United States has achieved remarkable emission improvements

        through steady stair-step investments in advanced coal technologies

        and today has some of the best air quality in the world. Coal used for

        U.S. electricity increased 170 percent since 1970, as GDP doubled and

        the key emissions rate per megawatt hour was reduced 90 percent.

   "Advancing social and economic progress to alleviate energy inequality is

the task for all global leaders," Boyce said. "Bringing an end to energy

poverty - the world's number one human and environmental crisis - should be our

first order priority toward inclusive growth and regional connectivity. Once we

solve this crisis, our other societal needs become far more achievable."

   Each day more than half the world's 7 billion people awaken without proper

electricity in their lives.  Billions rely on primitive indoor stoves for

cooking and heating, yet the smoke from these fires is the harbinger of early

disease and loss of life. Indoor air pollution from energy poverty is the

fourth-leading cause of death globally.  

   Simple daily necessities like running water, preserving food, lighting homes

and creating warmth are what matter most to families without adequate power,

Boyce said. Satisfying these needs will require enormous amounts of energy:  

Bringing non-OECD nations to parity with the same per-capita energy use as the

European Union would require more than double the electricity than the world

uses today.  

   Boyce also said that addressing the immediate needs of the energy

impoverished must be paired with satisfying longer-term needs.  Electricity

demand growth is expected to climb nearly 70 percent by 2030, based on the

International Energy Agency's current policy scenario.  Hundreds of millions of

people are expected to migrate to cities requiring more power, and world

population is forecast to grow beyond 8.3 billion people.

   All fuels are needed to address these challenges, Boyce said, noting 21st

century coal would be a major part of the solution given its large scale, low

cost and low emissions profile.  

   The concept of 21st century coal was introduced by the governments of China

and the United States in the context of an international partnership to advance

clean energy solutions from coal in 2009.  It includes high-efficiency

supercritical generation as well as today's advanced coal technologies that

drive ultra-low emissions.  

   Coal is the world's fastest-growing major fuel, according to the BP

Statistical Review of World Energy. Coal has created energy access for more

than 830 million people since 1990, largely in emerging economies, based on one

study. This equates to providing access to 13 times more people than wind and


   The right approach, the right fuels and the right polices are essential to

combat energy inequality and improve the environment, Boyce said, appealing to

APEC members to take a leadership role in supporting five priority policies:

    1. Elevate the issue of energy inequality as a major priority for policy

       and action by APEC members and G20 nations.

    2. Recognize the tremendous impact of energy policy on all citizens and

       the importance of keeping energy available and costs low. Any new

       energy policy recommendations should show how energy access increases

       and energy affordability is strengthened.

    3. Embrace a true "all of the above" energy strategy that recognizes all

       quantifiable benefits and limitations for each fuel alternative. For

       coal, this includes supercritical technologies with advanced emissions

       controls for all new coal plants.

    4. Support continued investment in advanced coal technologies to minimize

       emissions and drive down costs.

    5. Promote development bank funding to expand broad electricity access in

       emerging markets.

   "Access to clean, affordable electricity is the catalyst to lift billions to

better, longer lives," Boyce said.  "We must all work to advance solutions to

improve the human condition."   

   The APEC CEO Summit was initiated in 1996 and is expected to draw 21 APEC

economies this year along with 16 other nations and regions, including heads of

state, top CEOs and policy makers.  

   For those who want to learn more about alleviating energy poverty,

increasing access to low-cost electricity and technology solutions, visit: and Advanced Energy for Life on Facebook

[ ] and YouTube [ ].  Use our Twitter

handle @AdvancedEnergy [ ].

   Peabody Energy is the world's largest private-sector coal company and a

global leader in sustainable mining, energy access and clean coal solutions.

   CONTACT: Sophie Birse


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    SOURCE: Peabody Energy




