ロンドンのニコン専門店Grays of Westminsterが世界のカメラ店として初の紋章を授かる


ロンドンのニコン専門店Grays of Westminsterが世界のカメラ店として初の紋章を授かる

AsiaNet 58536(1236)

【ロンドン2014年11月6日PRN=共同通信JBN】女王陛下の紋章官(Lancaster Herald of Her Majesty's College of Arms)、ロバート・ノエル氏は10月29日、ロンドン・ペルメルにあるInstitute of Directorsで開かれた夕食会の席上、グレイズ・オブ・ウェストミンスター(Grays of Westminster)の創業者、グレイ・ルベット氏に紋章(Coat of Arms)を授与した。


(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141103/713912-a

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141103/713912-b

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141103/713912-c

女王陛下の紋章官、ロバート・ノエル氏は2014年10月29日、ロンドン・ベルメルにあるInstitute of Directorsで開かれた夕食会の席上、グレイズ・オブ・ウェストミンスター(Grays of Westminster)の創業者、グレイ・ルベット氏に紋章(Coat of Arms)を授与した。

夕食会に列席した賓客は、最初にあいさつしたアンドリュー・メーン・ウィルソンMBA協会(Association of MBAs)最高責任者、英国で最も多くの表彰を受けている報道写真家のマイク・マロニー氏(OBE)、ニコンの日本、英国、ドイツ各法人の代表者、それに各国の報道写真家が含まれている。お祝いの席にはグレイズ・オブ・ウェストミンスターの顧客も加わり、中にはオーストラリアやドバイから駆けつけた参加者もいた。




イメージの中のシンボリズムはライオン(グレイ・ルベット)が日本の鳥、緑のキジと平和的にたわむれている。ライオンの首の回りを飾る城壁冠は社会に対する責任を意味している。右足はカメラのレンズの上に乗っている。羊の角は華やかな成長を意味し、花で満たされているのはグレイズ・オブ・ウェストミンスターと日本とのさまざまなつながりを象徴している。角の先端はウェストミンスターの象徴的な落とし格子を象徴している。花の背後に光が放たれているのは単語の「フォトグラフィー(photography)」の由来を象徴している。フォトグラフィーは、「フォト(photo)=光」と「グラフィー(graphy)=記述」とを組み合わせた単語を意味している。お国柄を表しているのは双頭の西洋のフェニックスで、それぞれの頭は東と西を見ている。そのモットーは「Lead in Order to Serve (Praesis ut Prosis)」である。

紋章を授かったグレイ・ルベットは次のように語った。「本日は私たちの同業関係者が数多く集まったInstitute of Directorsでグレイズ・オブ・ウェストミンスターに対して与えられた栄誉に対して深く感謝したい。女王陛下の紋章院から承認されたことはとても、とても特別なことであり、紋章は私にとってこれからもニコンの顧客のためにサービスする上でインスピレーションを与えてくれるでしょう」

▽グレイズ・オブ・ウェストミンスター(Grays of Westminster)について




Gray Levett FIoD

Grays of Westminster

40 Churton Street






ソース:Grays of Westminster

Exclusively-Nikon Grays of Westminster Becomes the First Camera Shop in the World to be Granted a Coat of Arms


LONDON, November 6, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Mr. Robert Noel, Lancaster Herald of Her Majesty's College of Arms, presented

the Coat of Arms to Gray Levett, founder of Grays of Westminster at a

celebratory dinner held at the Institute of Directors in Pall Mall, London on

29th October 2014.

Grays of Westminster, the multi-award winning, exclusively-Nikon camera shop,

renowned world-wide for its exemplary level of customer service, has become the

first camera shop in the world to be granted a Coat of Arms.

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141103/713912-a )

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141103/713912-b )

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20141103/713912-c )

Mr. Robert Noel, Lancaster Herald of Her Majesty's College of Arms, presented

the Coat of Arms to Gray Levett, founder of Grays of Westminster at a

celebratory dinner held at the Institute of Directors in Pall Mall, London on

29th October 2014.

Distinguished guests at the dinner included Andrew Main Wilson, Chief Executive

of the Association of MBAs, who gave the introduction, Mike Maloney OBE,

Britain's most decorated press photographer, representatives from Nikon Japan,

Nikon UK and Nikon Germany, as well as journalists from the national and

photographic press. Also joining the celebration were a number of Grays of

Westminster's clients, several of whom had travelled from Australia and Dubai

to be part of the celebration.

For any person or organisation to have a legal right to a Coat of Arms, it has

to be granted to them by England's Earl Marshal, the 18th Duke of Norfolk,

through the Herald at the College of Arms in London. Heralds are appointed by

The Queen and are delegated to act on her behalf in all concerns of heraldry

and the granting of new Coats of Arms. To be the recipient of this honour, the

criteria that is taken into account before a Coat of Arms is granted might

include awards or honours from the Crown, public and charitable services or

eminence and good standing in national or local life.

The College of Arms worked closely with Gray Levett throughout the design

process to create a Coat of Arms that was personal to Grays of Westminster and

one which would visually identify their role in the photographic industry. It

is painted on vellum using ink and 22-carat gold paint decorated by a herald

painter, with the text written by a scrivener, the whole process taking a year

to create. The College of Arms maintains an ancient English tradition of

manuscript writing and illumination which can be traced back to early monastic


Heraldic Description of the Grays of Westminster Coat of Arms  

The symbolism within the image depicts a Lion (Gray Levett) amicably communing

with the bird of Japan, the green pheasant. The mural crown around the lion's

neck stands for responsibility to the public. Its right paw is resting on a

camera lens. The cornucopia representing flourishing growth is replenished with

flowers that represent various facets of Grays of Westminster and Japan. The

tip of the horn has been modelled into an emblematic portcullis for

Westminster. The rays of light emanating behind the flowers symbolise the

derivation of the word photography, which means photo = light + graphy =

writing. The rationale of the badge is an occidental phoenix with two heads for

looking both east and west. It bears the motto:

Lead in Order to Serve (Praesis ut Prosis)

On receiving the Coat of Arms, Gray Levett said:

"I am deeply honoured to receive this singular recognition for Grays of

Westminster at the Institute of Directors tonight in the presence of so many

key figures of our profession. To be acknowledged by Her Majesty's College of

Arms is something very, very special, and the Coat of Arms will serve as an

enduring inspiration for me to continue to offer the very best in service to

our Nikon customers."

About Grays of Westminster

Grays of Westminster, located in central London, a short distance from the

Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and Knightsbridge, was founded almost

thirty years ago by Gray Levett with the idea of creating a world-class camera

store, which would offer a service that was second to none. Grays of

Westminster is to many photographers not just a camera-shop but an institution,

one that has attracted customers from all over the world and from all walks of

life. It evolved from a modest mail order company in the mid-1980s to its

present, highly-respected position in the photographic industry with over

47,000 customers world-wide, that have included the legendary film-director,

Stanley Kubrick, David Suchet, best-known in his role as Hercule Poirot, Agatha

Christie's famous sleuth, Lord Snowdon, world-famous National Geographic

photographer Jim Brandenburg, Rod Stewart, and the late 1960s' icon Terence


Grays of Westminster now join the ranks of distinguished shops such as Burberry

and Harrods which have also been granted a Coat of Arms.

For more information, please contact:

Gray Levett FIoD

Grays of Westminster

40 Churton Street






SOURCE: Grays of Westminster  




