


AsiaNet 58539(1234)


*Wheatsheaf Investmentsなどからの新しい資金が世界での成長に道を拓く

新鮮なタンパク質の保存期間を自然に伸ばす技術を持つBluWrap( )は6日、Grosvenor Estate傘下のWheatsheaf Investments( )を中心とする投資グループから、エクイティファイナンス(新株発行を伴う資金調達)によって1260万ドルを獲得したと発表した。BluWrapはこの資金を、自社技術の応用拡大やタンパク質新供給源の確保、新規市場への進出、シーフード・豚肉などの保存技術の研究、次世代技術の開発に利用する。Anterra Capital( )、Firelake Capital( )、Rabo Ventures( )といった既存の投資家も資金提供に参加した。

BluWrapのマーク・バーネコウ最高経営責任者(CEO)は「BluWrapの技術は新鮮タンパク質の物流サプライチェーンの現状に挑戦し、環境への悪影響を減らして、世界の多くの人々に食料を届ける。Wheatsheaf Investmentsがその技術の将来性に目を付けてくれたことは、極めてうれしい。世界人口が急速に変化する中で、食料や水、エネルギーへの需要拡大に対応したソリューションに貢献する事業へ投資し、その事業を発展させるというWheatsheaf Investmentsの目標は、新鮮タンパク質を世界中に輸送する技術の飛躍的な改善を目指すBluWrapの展望に完全に一致する」と述べた。

Wheatsheaf Investmentsのアンソニー・ジェームズ最高投資責任者(CIO)は「BluWrapが成し遂げた技術や市場浸透面での躍進には、非常に感銘を受けた。BluWrapへのこの投資は、環境の持続性に最も配慮した形で、世界中に新鮮タンパク質を輸送する世界クラスの新方式を打ち立てるのに必要な資金源となる」と語った。



カリフォルニア州サンフランシスコに本社を置き、チリのタルカワノで操業するBluWrapは、自然に食品の保存期間を伸ばす技術で世界の新鮮タンパク質サプライチェーンに革命を巻き起こした。同社の技術は特許取得済みの酸素管理方式を採用し、すべて自然の空調管理環境を維持して、傷みやすいタンパク質の保存期間を長くできる。BluWrapの画期的技術によって供給業者は、高い航空便ではなく船便で新鮮タンパク製品を輸送し、新鮮なままで高品質の製品を顧客に届けている。詳しい情報は を参照。

▽Wheatsheaf InvestmentsとThe Grosvenor Estateについて

Grosvenor Estate( )は2012年初め、世界人口が急速に変化する中で食料や水、エネルギーの高まる需要に対応したソリューションに寄与する事業を開発し、投資する目的で新規事業体のWheatsheaf Investments( )を立ち上げた。Wheatsheaf GroupはWheatsheaf Investmentsのほかに、英国最大の種牛牧場のCogentや、イングランド北西部の受賞歴のある農場Grosvenor Farmsなど、Grosvenor Estate系列の農業関連会社数社を傘下に置く。Grosvenor Estateは、第6代ウエストミンスター公爵を当主とするグロブナー家の信託機関が保有する地所を含むすべての資産と事業権益を管理している。3つの主要事業は(1)世界70都市以上(1953年以降はバンクーバーを含む)で資産を保有、管理する国際不動産グループのGrosvenor Group(2)イングランド北西部の貿易会社を持つほかに、持続的な食料、エネルギー計画に投資するWheatsheaf Group(3)英国とスペインの5カ所に地所を持つ慈善団体のFamily Investment Office。Grosvenor Estateは従業員が1100人以上で、土地や不動産の保有、管理事業を含めるともっと多くの人を雇用している。



Sharon Barclay


BluWrap Secures $12.6M in Funding



    -- New Round of Funding led by Wheatsheaf Investments, Opens Door for

Global Expansion

    BluWrap ( ), the technology company that naturally

extends the shelf life of fresh proteins announced today it has secured $12.6M

in equity financing, led by Wheatsheaf Investments

( ) Ltd., part of the Grosvenor Estate.

BluWrap will use the funds to accelerate adoption of its technology, secure new

global sources of protein supply, expand into new global geographic markets,

further develop its capabilities in other species of seafood and pork, and

develop the next generation of its technology. Existing investors, Anterra

Capital ( ), Firelake Capital

( ) and Rabo Ventures ( ),

also participated in the round.

    "We're extremely excited that Wheatsheaf Investments has seen the potential

in BluWrap's technology to challenge the status quo in the fresh protein

logistics supply chain and reduce the harmful impact on our environment to feed

more of the world's population," said Mark Barnekow, Chief Executive Officer of

BluWrap. "Wheatsheaf Investments' goal of investing in and developing

businesses that will contribute solutions towards meeting the growing global

demand for food, water and energy in the face of a rapidly changing world

population, is perfectly in line with BluWrap's vision of revolutionizing the

way fresh proteins are transported around the world."

    "We have been very impressed with the progress that BluWrap has made with

its technology and market acceptance," said Anthony James, Chief Investment

Officer at Wheatsheaf Investments. "This investment into BluWrap, will provide

the company with the financial resources it needs to become a world-class

alternative for shipping fresh proteins around the globe using the most

environmentally sustainable methods."

    Compared to the costly alternative of air freight, BluWrap's technology

allows for the reduction of CO2 emissions by over 99 percent without using ice

or environmentally harmful polystyrene packaging. BluWrap's technology

maintains an all-natural, controlled atmosphere environment so fish and other

perishable proteins arrive by sea freight in the destination market with the

same fresh quality as the day they were shipped.

    About BluWrap

    Based in San Francisco, California with operations in Talcahuano, Chile,

BluWrap provides naturally extended shelf-life technology that has

revolutionized fresh protein supply chains worldwide. The company's technology

uses its patented oxygen management techniques to create and maintain an

all-natural controlled atmosphere environment that extends the shelf life of

perishable proteins. BluWrap's breakthrough technology allows suppliers of

fresh protein products to ship by ocean freight rather than more expensive

airfreight, and still deliver a fresh, high quality product to customers. For

more information, visit

    About Wheatsheaf Investments and The Grosvenor Estate:

    The Grosvenor Estate ( ) established

Wheatsheaf Investments ( ) at the beginning

of 2012 as a new enterprise created specifically to develop and invest in

businesses that will contribute solutions towards meeting the growing global

demand for food, water and energy in the face of a rapidly changing world

population. In addition to Wheatsheaf Investments Ltd, the Wheatsheaf Group

also incorporates a number of existing Grosvenor Estate agribusiness related

companies including Cogent, the UK's largest bull stud and Grosvenor Farms an

award winning farm in the North West of England. The Grosvenor Estate

represents all of the assets and business interests, including rural estates

owned by trusts on behalf of the Grosvenor family headed by the sixth Duke of

Westminster. The three key elements are Grosvenor Group, an international

property group which has owned or managed assets in more than 70 urban centers

around the world (including Vancouver since 1953); Wheatsheaf Group, which

comprises investments in sustainable food and energy initiatives together with

a number of trading companies in the North West of England; and the Family

Investment Office which includes 5 rural estates in the United Kingdom and

Spain, a charitable foundation. The Grosvenor Estate employs more than 1,100

people, whilst relating to many more through its ownership and management of

land and property.

    SOURCE: BluWrap


    Sharon Barclay,,





