Ulmartの売り上げが2社買収で大幅増 総売上高は10億ドルの大台超え


Ulmartの売り上げが2社買収で大幅増 総売上高は10億ドルの大台超え

AsiaNet 58479 (1209)

【モスクワ2014年11月4日PRN=共同通信JBN】ロシアのeコマース企業Ulmartは4日、年度間の成長率25.6%を記録した第3四半期決算を発表した。同四半期の売り上げは、最近の買収2件の積極的貢献で4億1400万米ドルを記録した。買収したのは、ロシア最大の衛星放送受信用パラボラアンテナと関連商品販売業者のひとつであるNo Limit Electronics (NLE)と、オンライン音楽・書籍販売大手のDream Industries (DI)の2社である。本年度9カ月間の収益は前年同期比34%増となり10億米ドルの大台を超える結果になった。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140203/667275



支出を減らしマージンを増やす目的で今年1月に始まった「Real Growth in a Positive Way」と呼ばれる内部プログラムは、期待以上の成功を収めた。これとともに、冗長性の撲滅、社内のグリーンプロジェクトと広範な訓練により、従業員の効率性は大幅に向上した。





Ulmart Recent Acquisitions Fuel Growth; Sales top $1 Billion, Another Russian e-Commerce First


MOSCOW, Nov. 4, 2014/PRN=KYODO JBN/--

   Ulmart released it 3rd quarter results reporting growth of 25.6 % YOY.  

Sales for the quarter reached $414 million with positive contributions to

revenue coming from two recent acquisitions: No Limit Electronics (NLE)-one of

Russia's largest distributors of satellite dishes, antennas and related items;

and, Dream Industries (DI), a leading seller of online music and books.  

9-month YOY results show revenue growth of 34% putting the company over the $1

billion threshold.

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140203/667275 )

   NLE's 3rd quarter sales, now being supported by the Ulmart's online platform

and network of 30 fulfillment centers and 416 pick-up points, also received a

strong boost to their 3rd quarter results.  DI has also seen similar sales

increases since linking its offerings to the Ulmart platform when it joined in


   Ulmart's successfully developed online catalogue, was recently expanded to

90,000 SKU--an increase of 63% YOY-with most of the expansion coming in the

booming categories of auto, kid's stuff, home and DIY and now content.  These

categories, making up only 3% of Ulmart sales in 2013, now near 12% and explain

in part why Ulmart's overall margins are increasing--up 65% YOY.  The company's

electronic catalogue is one of the most popular in Russia showing inventory

turnover of 34 days hence freeing the company from supplier debt.  

   The success of an internal program called "Real Growth in a Positive Way,"

launched in January with a goal to grow margins while decreasing expenses is

successful beyond the company's expectations-with redundancies eliminated, an

internal green project and extensive trainings employee efficiency has

increased significantly.

   The Ulmart model stressing customer convenience via a predictable and easy

method of product purchase and pick-up (24/7, 364 days a year) continues

expansion as three more urban fulfillment centers soon come on line and will be

supported by 23 additional pick-up points.  

   "The model proves our case for disruptive leadership…an item is introduced

into our platform, sales grow exponentially…look at our success in areas like

diapers, tires and now satellite dishes and antennas…we are a true general

merchandiser," commented Oleg Pchelnikov, Umart's Commercial Director.

   Traffic to the site is also up by 40% and now there are nearly 15 million

registered users.  Each new category expansion and acquisition the company

makes, registered users and traffic overall increase-DI and NLE increased users

8% and 6%, respectively.  

   SOURCE: Ulmart




