
World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)

AsiaNet 58461



世界の教育における革新と連携を推進する国際的イニシアチブである国際教育改革サミット(World Innovation Summit for Education、以下 WISE)は、本日、世界各国の教育専門家を対象に実施した「2030年の学校像」に関する調査結果を発表しました。同報告書には教育界を代表する5人のリーダーによる調査結果の分析と、コメントが収められています。

マルチメディアのニュースリリースは: http://www.multivu.com/players/English/7364351-WISE-release-survey-results/

調査の実施にあたり、「教師たちは時代の波に取り残されているのか?」 「オンラインコンテンツの普及によって、伝統的な学校の姿は将来、過去の遺物になってしまうのか?」 「学問的知識よりも個人的技能の習得に学校教育は重点を置くべきなのか?」 「民間企業の認定資格が、卒業証書と同等の扱いを受けるようになるのか?」など、幅広いテーマに言及した質問が設定されました。








「2030年の学校像」についての調査結果の概要および5名の教育専門家のコメントについては添付のエグゼクティブサマリーをご覧ください。エグゼクティブサマリーはwww.wise-qatar.org/school2030 からご覧いただけます。


WISE Releases Survey Results


DOHA, Qatar, Oct. 31, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

- What will school look like in 2030?

The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE), the leading global initiative

driving innovation and collaboration in education, has today revealed the

results of a survey conducted among its global community of experts, and

revealing their perspectives on what school will look like in 2030.

To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


Key findings show that education systems are predicted to undergo major

changes. Schools will become interactive environments where innovations in

technology and curricula will fundamentally transform the role of teachers and

reshape the landscape of learning.

The survey reveals a strong consensus around the idea that innovation is an

integral part of the future of education. A resounding 93 % of the experts say

they favor schools that implement innovative methods based on new teaching

approaches and creative processes.

Experts from the WISE community predict that schools will evolve to become

learning networks. Online resources and technologies will support peer-to-peer

networking, dialogue and exchange, facilitating a move towards collaborative

learning. According to the survey, almost half of the experts (43 %) believe

that content will be provided predominantly by online platforms, while only 29

% ranked brick-and-mortar schools as the primary source of knowledge.

However the experts emphasize that innovation comes in many forms, not just


75 % of the experts surveyed believe that the most valued assets in 2030 will

be personal and interpersonal skills. Only 42 % think that academic knowledge

will continue to be valuable to learners.

83 % of experts also believe that content will become more individualized,

reflecting each student's needs. Another key finding supports the evolution of

the teacher's role towards being a learning facilitator rather than a lecturer.

Experts also agree that physical presence and human interaction will remain

indispensable to education in the future.

Experts remain divided on the issue of certification and assessment; 39 % think

that diplomas will continue to be the most important method of assessment while

another third (37 %) argue that professional certifications assessing abilities

such as management, collaboration or creativity will play a more important role.

The "2030 School Survey" was conducted between June 3 and 30, 2014, among 645

experts representative of the global WISE community, which comprises more than

15,000 individuals.

For further details on the key findings, and comments from leading experts,

please consult the Executive Summary of the survey


Source: World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE)




