ダシュル元上院議員がBaker DonelsonとDaschle Groupを設立

Baker Donelson

ダシュル元上院議員がBaker DonelsonとDaschle Groupを設立

AsiaNet 58412 (1188)

【ワシントン2014年10月29日PRN=共同通信JBN】トム・ダシュル元米上院院内総務(民主党、サウスダコタ州)とBaker Donelson法律事務所は29日、Baker Donelsonの公共政策コンサルタント会社Daschle Groupの設立を発表した。ハワード・ベーカー元上院院内総務(共和党、テネシー州)の出身母体、Baker Donelsonの政策部門としてのDaschle Groupは、経済や政策、政治など幅広い問題で顧客に助言するフルサービス戦略コンサルタント会社となる。

ダシュル氏は「Baker Donelsonの1部門としてDaschle Groupが設立されたことによって、わが国を代表する法律事務所の支援を受けて、第1級の戦略的助言を提供できる機会が生まれる。Baker Donelsonは現代の諸問題に実際的な解決策を約束するために設立された。Daschle Groupがこの重要な遺産を引き継ぐ立場になることに、身が引き締まる思いがする」と述べた。

Daschle GroupはBaker Donelsonの首都ワシントン事務所(住所=901 K Street Northwest)内に設けられる。Baker Donelsonの政府関係・公共政策グループと協力し、ヘルスケアやエネルギー、環境、交通など幅広い問題で新旧のクライアントに助言する。

Baker Donelsonワシントン事務所のマネジング・シェアホルダーで、ハワード・ベーカー・フォーラム代表のスコット・キャンベル氏は「ベーカー元上院議員らしい立派な演説や信念に基づく歩み寄り、超党派主義、米国が直面する困難な公共政策課題に対する実際的な解決策の発見といった姿勢を、Baker Donelsonは遺産として受け継いでいる。ダシュル氏は故ベーカー氏の友人、同僚議員として超党派主義への思いを共有しており、深い議会知識を多くのクライアントのために役立てることになる」と語った。



ダシュル氏は数週間以内にDaschle Groupへの追加的な措置を発表する見通しだ。

Baker Donelsonの政府関係・公共政策グループ代表で、米議会に19年間勤務し、その間にボブ・ドール元上院院内総務の首席補佐官を10年間務めたシーラ・P・バーク氏は「超党派の協力とあらゆる政府部門との戦略的な協調は、クライアントに成功をもたらすわれわれの原動力だ。ワシントンで知名度の高い政府関係・公共政策専門家集団の超党派チームにDaschle Groupが加われば、クライアントが明確な公共政策戦略を策定するのに貢献できるわれわれの力が高まる」と強調した。

Baker Donelsonのベン・C・アダムス会長兼最高経営責任者(CEO)は「ダシュル氏の超党派の経歴と議会の詳しい知識に、Baker Donelsonの政策立案と政策決定過程への深い理解に対する評価が重なれば、公共と民間での豊富な実績という強力な組み合わせになる。Baker DonelsonとDaschle Groupの提携により、インパクトの強い仲介者としてクライアントのために働き、両党にまたがる問題を解決できる企業集団が生まれると期待している」と指摘した。

Baker Donelsonの政府関係・公共政策グループはクライアントのために長期戦略の助言や日常的な代理業務を行い、政策決定と事業展開の深い理解を通じて、クライアントの事業の保護や前進に寄与している。グループを設立したハワード・ベーカー元上院院内総務は、ロナルド・レーガン大統領の首席補佐官や駐日大使も務めた。

Baker Donelson(http://www.bakerdonelson.com )はクライアントのために650人以上の弁護士と公共政策アドバイザーのチームを擁し、30以上の実務分野で幅広い法律的な要請に応えている。アラバマ、フロリダ、ジョージア、ルイジアナ、ミシシッピ、テネシー、テキサスの各州と首都ワシントンにある20のオフィスが密接に連携し、専門チームがクライアントに対応している。Baker Donelsonは米国で68番目に大きい法律事務所で、フォーチュン誌の「最も働きがいのある企業100社」にも選ばれている。

ソース:Baker Donelson


Johanna Burkett,



Former U.S. Senator Tom Daschle Joins With Baker Donelson to Form The Daschle Group, A Public Policy Advisory of Baker Donelson


WASHINGTON, Oct. 29, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Former U.S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) and

leading law and government affairs firm Baker Donelson announced today the

formation of The Daschle Group, A Public Policy Advisory of Baker Donelson. The

Daschle Group will be a policy affiliate of Baker Donelson, the professional

home of former Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker (R-TN), and will be a

full-service strategic advisory firm that will advise clients on a broad array

of economic, policy and political issues.

    "Launching The Daschle Group in affiliation with Baker Donelson gives us

the opportunity to provide first-class strategic counsel with the support of

one of our nation's leading law firms," said Senator Daschle. "Baker Donelson

was built on the promise of practical solutions to modern day problems, and I

am thrilled that The Daschle Group will be in a position to continue this

important legacy."

    The Daschle Group, which will be located in Baker Donelson's Washington,

D.C. office at 901 K Street Northwest, will work with Baker Donelson's

Government Relations and Public Policy Group to advise existing and future

clients on wide ranging issues including health care, energy, environmental and


    "Baker Donelson is committed to continuing Senator Baker's legacy of

respectful discourse, principled compromise, bipartisanship and finding

practical solutions to difficult public policy challenges facing the nation,"

said Scott Campbell, managing shareholder of the Firm's Washington, D.C. office

and president of the Howard Baker Forum. "As a friend and colleague of the late

Senator Baker, Senator Daschle shares that commitment to bipartisanship and

brings a deep knowledge of the Congress to serve a wide range of clients."

    Senator Daschle was elected in 1978 to the U.S. House of Representatives,

where he served for eight years. He was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986, and

was chosen as Senate Democratic Leader in 1994. Senator Daschle is one of the

longest serving Senate Democratic leaders in history and served as both

Majority and Minority Leader. During his service in the U.S. Senate, Senator

Daschle was actively involved in the most significant public policy issues of

the last three decades.

    Since his service in the Senate, he has continued to be a thought leader on

major policy issues such as health care, climate change, food security and

renewable energy. In 2007, Senator Daschle and Senator Baker joined with former

Majority Leaders George Mitchell (D-ME) and Bob Dole (R-KS) to create the

Bipartisan Policy Center, an organization dedicated to finding common ground on

some of the pressing public policy challenges of our time.

    Senator Daschle expects to announce several key additions to The Daschle

Group in the weeks ahead.

    Chair of the Baker Donelson Government Relations and Public Policy Group,

Sheila P. Burke, who spent 19 years on Capitol Hill including ten years as

Chief of Staff to Former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, said, "Bipartisan

cooperation and strategy coordination across all branches of government is key

to our ability to achieve success for our clients. The addition of The Daschle

Group to our bipartisan team of well-recognized Washington government relations

and public policy professionals builds on our ability to help our clients

develop clear public policy strategies."

    "With Senator Daschle's bipartisan background and deep knowledge of

Congress and Baker Donelson's reputation for an in-depth understanding of

federal policymaking and how to reach Washington's decision-makers, this is a

powerful combination with a wealth of public and private sector experience,"

said Baker Donelson Chairman and CEO Ben C. Adams. "We expect that Baker

Donelson's partnership with The Daschle Group will make us the firm for

bipartisan problem solving as we serve as high impact advocates for our


    The Government Relations and Public Policy Group at Baker Donelson provides

clients with long-term strategic counsel as well as day-to-day representation,

helping to protect and advance clients' business through its deep knowledge of

federal policymaking and its consequences for business. The Group was founded

by former Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker, who also served as Chief of

Staff to President Ronald Reagan and former Ambassador to Japan.

    Baker Donelson (http://www.bakerdonelson.com) gives clients access to a

team of more than 650 attorneys and public policy advisors representing more

than 30 practice areas to serve a wide range of legal needs. Clients receive

knowledgeable guidance from experienced, multi-disciplined industry and client

service teams, all seamlessly connected across 20 offices in Alabama, Florida,

Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and Washington, D.C. Ranked

as the 68th largest law firm in the U.S., Baker Donelson is recognized by

FORTUNE magazine as one of the "100 Best Companies to Work For."

    SOURCE: Baker Donelson


    Johanna Burkett,






