Medisoが戦略業務提携で臨床前3T、7T MRIサブシステムを発表

Mediso Medical Imaging Systems

Medisoが戦略業務提携で臨床前3T、7T MRIサブシステムを発表

AsiaNet 58310 (1160)

【イエーテボリ(スウェーデン)2014年10月21日PRN=共同通信JBN】ハンガリーのMediso Ltdは21日、European Association of Nuclear Medicine(EANM、欧州核医学会議)年次会議で、3および7テスラ(T、磁束密度)電界強度を持つ新しいMRI(磁気共鳴画像)サブシステムを発売すると発表した。この無冷媒型技術は、臨床前集学的イメージングプラットフォームnanoScanに統合される。



Medisoの創業者であるイスタバン・バガメリ最高経営責任者(CEO)は「新しい3Tおよび7Tサブシステムの迅速な統合のカギは、nanoScan PET/MRIの既存プラットフォームを保ち、これらの長所を維持して成功裏にシステムを組み込むことである。このような意欲的作業は、超電導マグネット技術と臨床前MRイメージング双方で大きな経験を持つ企業との長期的な戦略提携によって支援された」と語った。

Medisoは最近、3Tおよび7Tマグネットの供給目的で、2011年以来の高電界、無冷媒型MRIマグネットのオリジナル・デベロッパー兼メーカーであるSuperconducting Systems Inc.(SSI)と独占契約を結んだ。SSI創業者であるシャヒン・プーラヒミ社長は「当社独自の特許で保護された無冷媒型超電導マグネット技術によって、当社は省スペース、軽量、超低磁気浮遊磁界の小型マグネットを組み立て、液体ヘリウムの必要性を除去することができた」と語った。



Mediso Ltd.

H-1022 Budapest, Alsotorokvesz 14.

Phone: +36-1-399-3030

Fax: +36-1-399-3040



Dr. Gabor Nemeth, Program Director, Preclinical Imaging


Mobile: +36-(30)9000-933

ソース:Mediso Medical Imaging Systems

Mediso Extends the Preclinical Portfolio by 3T and 7T MRI, Via a New Strategic Collaboration


GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Oct. 21 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Mediso Ltd announced today at the annual congress of the European

Association of Nuclear Medicine the launch of new MRI subsystems with 3 and 7

Tesla field strength. This cryogen-free based technology is to be integrated

into the nanoScan pre-clinical multimodality imaging platform.

    (Logo: )

    Since 2012, fifteen integrated PET/MRI and SPECT/MRI systems based on

permanent magnets have been installed successfully. However, to satisfy the

need of researchers, Mediso's portfolio has been expanded to include the new,

compact, superconducting MRI system with a higher field strength.

    "The secret to fast integration of the new 3T and 7T subsystems is to

retain the existing platform of the nanoScan PET/MRI, preserving these

benefits, makes the integration of the systems successful," says Istvan

Bagamery, founder and managing director of Mediso. "This challenging work is

supported by long term strategic alliances with companies which have extensive

experience in both superconducting magnet technology and in the development of

preclinical MR imaging."

    Recently, Mediso signed an exclusive agreement with Superconducting Systems

Inc, the original developer and manufacturer of high-field cryogen-free MRI

magnets since 2011, for the supply of 3T and 7T magnets. "Our unique and

patented cryogen-free superconducting magnet technology allows us to build

portable magnets with a small footprint, low weight, and very low magnetic

stray field, eliminating the need for liquid helium," says Shahin Pourrahimi,

founder and president of SSI.

    In order to integrate the new magnets into the nanoScan product line, a

strategic collaboration agreement has been signed with RS2D, developer of MR

imaging systems, to create a new line of MRI Subsystems. "3 Tesla is the most

commonly used field strength in clinical research. It represents good

compromise between high and low field MRI for a wide variety of applications,

ranging from contrast agent imaging, to high resolution anatomical imaging for

oncology and functional imaging required for brain studies," says Remy Schimpf,

founder and president of RS2D. "Moreover it can be upgraded to a higher field

system with 7T for high end research purposes."

    New MRI subsystems will be offered as standalone MRI or in combination with

high-end PET modules, opening the way forward for PET/MRI systems with

simultaneous data acquisition capability. These products complement the

existing PET/MRI and SPECT/MRI scanners based on 1T magnet and will be also

available as an upgrade package for these systems.


    Mediso Ltd.

    H-1022 Budapest, Alsotorokvesz 14.

    Phone: +36-1-399-3030

    Fax: +36-1-399-3040


    Press contact:

    Dr. Gabor Nemeth, Program Director, Preclinical Imaging


    Mobile: +36-(30)9000-933

    SOURCE: Mediso Medical Imaging Systems




