
Transatlantic Holdings, Inc.


AsiaNet 58134 (1097)





最近公表された「Opinions of the State Council On Accelerating The Development Of A Modern Insurance Industry(現代の保険業界発展を加速する件に関する国務院見解)」は極めて重大な発表であり、これによって初のTransRe後援フォーラムの開催時期およびその議題は極めて時宜を得たものとなった。初のInternational Catastrophe Risks Forum(国際災害リスクに関するフォーラム)では、CIRCの元副委員長で現在、中国アクチュアリー協会会長、China Insurance Security Fund Co., Ltd.会長でもあるWei Yingning氏が基調演説を行い、上海市のJin Xingming副書記長が中国で地域災害保険制度の確立を加速するとの講演を行ってもらえたことについて、TransReは光栄に思っている。

フォーラムでは、異常災害保険制度、データモデリング、(再)保険の資本市場関与などへの外国政府の参画を調査したTransReの専門家に加え、CIRC上海支部委員、CIRC海南支部委員、IICの副所長および副書記長、SII会長、PICC副書記、復旦大学のChina Insurance and Social Security Research Centerディレクター、China Property and Casualty Reinsurance Company副社長、China Pacific Property Insurance Companyのコンプライアンス担当ディレクター、損保ジャパン日本興亜(中国)上海ゼネラルマネジャーらが講演した。フォーラムは、地元産業幹部の出席によって実証されたように政府の新しい重要政策に大きく貢献するため、地元新聞およびテレビによって大きく報道された。


TransReは、Transatlantic Holdings, Inc.およびその子会社(Transatlantic Reinsurance Companyを含む)のブランド名である。Alleghany Corporation(NYSE-Y)が全額出資するTransReは、ニューヨークに本社を置き全世界に展開する再保険組織である。TransReは1978年以来、財産および災害リスクのすべてにかかわるプログラムを作成するために必要な能力、専門的知識、独創性を顧客に提供してきた。詳細はウェブサイトwww.transre.comを参照。


James D Whitelaw


ソース:Transatlantic Holdings, Inc.

TransRe Supports Development Of China's (Re)insurance Industry


NEW YORK, Oct. 8, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

       -- Signs MOU Focused On Graduate Training, Database Enhancement And

                 Property Catastrophe Risk Transfer Solutions

    -- Receives support of local regulators, industry bodies and academia for

                            far-reaching steps

    TransRe is grateful for the support of the China Insurance Regulatory

Commission (CIRC), Insurance Institute of China (IIC), Shanghai Insurance

Institute (SII), Shanghai Insurance Association (SIA) and School of Insurance

of Shanghai Finance University (SISFU) in helping to ensure the success of a

series of recent steps that TransRe has taken to increase its involvement and

support for the local (re)insurance industry. Captured in a Memorandum of

Understanding between TransRe, SII and SIA, these steps include sponsoring the

development and maintenance of the Shanghai regional CAT database - Map of

Shanghai Flood Exposure, creating and supporting 10 undergraduate scholarships

at SISFU, and co-hosting an annual forum.

    The recent publication of 'Opinions of the State Council On Accelerating

The Development Of A Modern Insurance Industry' is a significant event, which

made the timing and focus of the first TransRe sponsored forum particularly

well timed. At the First International Catastrophe Risks Forum, TransRe was

honored to host Mr Wei Yingning, former Deputy Chairman of CIRC, Chairman of

China's Association of Actuaries and Chairman of China Insurance Security Fund

Co., Ltd., to deliver the key-note address, and Mr Jin Xingming, Vice Secretary

General of Shanghai Municipal Government, for his speech on accelerating the

establishment of regional catastrophe insurance schemes in China.

    In addition to TransRe experts, who covered international government

involvement in property catastrophe schemes, data modelling and capital market

involvement in (re)insurance, the Forum included speeches from the Commissioner

of CIRC Shanghai Bureau, the Commissioner of CIRC Hainan Bureau, both the

Deputy Chairman and the Deputy Secretary General of IIC, the Chairwoman of SII,

the Deputy General Manager of PICC, the Director of China Insurance and Social

Security Research Center of Fudan University, the Deputy General Manager of

China Property and Casualty Reinsurance Company, the Director of Compliance of

China Pacific Property Insurance Company, and the Shanghai General Manager of

Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Insurance (China) Co., Ltd. The forum received

significant local print and television coverage due to its important

contribution to a major new government initiative, as demonstrated by the

participation of such senior local industry figures.

    About TransRe

    TransRe is the brand name for Transatlantic Holdings, Inc. and its

subsidiaries (including Transatlantic Reinsurance Company). TransRe, wholly

owned by Alleghany Corporation (NYSE-Y), is a reinsurance organization

headquartered in New York with operations worldwide. Since 1978, TransRe has

been offering its clients the capacity, expertise and creativity necessary to

structure programs across the full spectrum of property and casualty risks.

Visit for additional information.

    For further information, please contact:

    James D Whitelaw


    SOURCE: Transatlantic Holdings, Inc.




