プルミエ・クリュ(第1級)シャトー・オー・ブリオン  シャトー・オー・ブリオンの歴史にチャレンジ:1521年の記録が勝利


AsiaNet 58125








<<quatre pipes de vin, seront du cru des vignes appartenant audit de Monque du lieu appele Aubrion, appartenant audit vendeur.Lesquelles sont sises derriere son bourdieu assis audit lieu appele du Brion, en la paroisse Saint-Martin de Pessac, ensemble des vignes de Pins Bouquet, de la Gravette et de Cantegrit, le tout appartenant audit seigneur de Monque, assis en Graves de Bordeaux et si cas etait que ne vint aucuns fruits de raisins qui fussent pour satisfaire lesdites quatre pipes de vin de rente, bon, pur et net et marchand, le dit vendeur sera tenu lui en bailler d’autres aussi bon provenu du cru desdites vignes dessus declarees >>.(モンクが所有するオーブリオンと呼ばれる場所にかかる売り手が所有するクリュのブドウ畑の4パイプ樽のワイン。ブドウ畑は、サン・マルタン・ド・ペサック小教区内のデュ・ブリオンと呼ばれる場所にあるワイン醸造所の後ろにあり、パン・ブーケ、ラ・グラヴェット、カントグリなどのブドウ畑は、すべてグラーヴ・ド・ボルドーに在住するモンク領主が所有している。また、ブドウの果実が、年金分のかかる4パイプ樽のワインを満足させる程に良質、純粋であり、販売可能なものに至らない場合、かかる売り手は、上記に記載されているワイン畑で実った同様に良質の他のクリュで代用するものとする。)

Sabrina Ubinana-Fournier:

phone: +33 (0)1 40 73 87 23

mail: s.ubinana@domaineclarencedillon.com


THE First Growth! Chateau Haut-Brion



    The Chateau Haut-Brion Historical Challenge: 1521, the winning mention

Domaine Clarence Dillon presents the big winner of the Chateau Haut-Brion

Historical Challenge: the oldest written mention of Haut-Brion wine discovered

to date now dates back to 1521!

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:



    In May 2013, Domaine Clarence Dillon launched a challenge: to discover a

written mention of Haut-Brion wine prior to that of 1660, contained in the

cellar book of King Charles II of England, the oldest known to date. This

Historical Challenge was met!

    From all of the submissions recorded, two authenticated mentions emerged

from the past, or more precisely the beginning of the 16th century. The

earliest mention discovered now dates back to 1521, in other words 139 years


    The oldest text is a notarial instrument dated 21 January 1521, discovered

in the Gironde Departmental Archives, which concerns a sale of a perpetual

annuity in wine between Jean de Monque, a squire and lord of the locality of

Monque, and Guilhem de Mailhois, bourgeois, merchant and sergeant of Bordeaux.

    This sale is agreed for a sum of 400 Bordeaux francs (a sum that would be

equivalent to a current purchasing power of over approximately EUR50,000). In

repayment of this loan, Jean de Monque undertakes to deliver each year "four

pipes of wine… from the place known as Aubrion" (equivalent to eight barrique

casks or 1,800 l):

    ["four pipes of wine, will be from the vineyard (cru) belonging to the said

de Monque from the place known as Aubrion, belonging to the said seller. The

said vines being found behind his smallholding established in the said place

known as Le Brion, in the parish of Saint-Martin de Pessac, all of the vines of

Pins Bouquet, la Gravette and Cantegrit, all belonging to the said lord of

Monque, domiciled in Graves in Bordeaux, and if there are no grapes to fill the

said four pipes of wine as an annuity - good, pure and clean and sellable, the

said seller will be obliged to provide him with others that are just as good

from the vineyard of the said above mentioned vines".]

    SOURCE: Chateau Haut Brion




