


AsiaNet 57790

共同 JBN 0950 (2014.9.8)

【ストックホルム2014年9月6日PRN=共同JBN】水とエネルギーに焦点を当てた2014年世界水週間(World Water Week)が6日、参加者全員が水利用目標の設定および「ポスト2015年開発計画」の中でエネルギーと水を徹底的に一体化することの重要性を強調して閉幕した。水週間では効率的な水利用は貧困や飢えと闘う上で重要なツールになると結論づけられた。




今回の水週間には過去の参加記録を破る世界140カ国以上から3000人を超える参加者があった。いくつかのセッションで水の効率利用が強調されている。南アフリカ・ダーバン地域自治体の一部であるeThekwini Water and Sanitationのニール・マクラウド氏は、水を必要としないトイレを発明する必要性に言及した。マクラウド氏は「水洗トイレは今や過去の遺物である」として、水洗式でないトイレを使えば、家庭の水利用は30%削減できると述べた。



報道関係の詳しい情報はウェブサイト( http://www.worldwaterweek.org/pressroom )を参照。

ソース:Stockholm International Water Institute

Water Efficiency Must be the Guiding Star in Fight to Eradicate Hunger and Poverty


STOCKHOLM, Sep. 6, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The 2014 World Water Week, focusing on energy and water, closed today with

participants jointly emphasising the importance of a water goal, as well as

intimate integration of energy and water in the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

The Week also concluded that water efficiency is one of the main tools in

combatting poverty and hunger.

    A few obstacles overshadow all others in the fight to end poverty. One is

the silo mentality. Sectors must break barriers between them and use synergies

to their full potential. This message was underlined by Stockholm Statement on

Water, released during the Week by Stockholm International Water Institute

(SIWI), the organizer of the conference. Another is the gross inefficiencies in

water use.

    "To counter the challenge of booming water demand we must manage it in a

far smarter way. In five years I want us all to be as aware of water efficiency

as we are of energy efficiency today," Mr. Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director

of SIWI, told the closing session.

    World Water Week started with a call from some of the world's leading

water, environment and resilience scientists and experts, who said that without

improved rainwater management, the future development goals currently being

discussed are unrealistic.

    During the Week, which broke all earlier attendance records with over 3,000

participants from more than 140 countries, water efficiency was highlighted in

several sessions. Mr. Neil Macleod of eThekwini Water and Sanitation spoke of

the necessity to invent a toilet that does not need water. "The flushing toilet

belongs in the history books," said Mr Macleod, stating that a non-flush toilet

would cut a household's water use by 30 per cent.

    The need for holistically approaching energy and water issues was

reiterated by the IEA's Ms. van der Hoeven, who said that: "The water-energy

nexus if firmly on our agenda. And so is development. We know that 1.2 billion

people in the world lack electricity, mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. We

therefore applaud next year's World Water Week theme, water and development."

    Ms. Amina Mohammed, the UN Secretary-General's Special Advisor on Post-2015

Development Planning, concluded that: "Next year is a momentous year. We need

leadership that is courageous. I hope we can use the energy from this Week as a

baton for the work we have ahead of us."

    Press information: http://www.worldwaterweek.org/pressroom

    SOURCE: Stockholm International Water Institute




