


AsiaNet 57778

共同 JBN 0946 (2014.9.8)

【ヒューストン(米テキサス州)2014年9月8日PRN=共同JBN】大阪に本社を置く葬儀社の銀河ステージ( http://ginga-net.com/top.html )は8日、テキサス州ヒューストンのセレスティス社(Celestis、http://www.celestis.com/ )と日本で宇宙葬を提供するための本格的な国際提携を発表した。この提携関係によって、日本人も地球周回軌道や月面、太陽系外宇宙空間または他の惑星にロケットで打ち上げて亡くなった家族や友人をしのぶことができるようになる。




次の宇宙飛行は2014年秋に予定されているが、新たな宇宙飛行は定期的に発表されている。最も壮大な宇宙葬を望む向きには現在、NASAの宇宙帆船「サンジャマー( http://www.sunjammermission.com/ )」を使った太陽系外宇宙空間への宇宙飛行が2017年に予定されている。サンジャマーは「スタートレック」作者のジーン・ロッデンベリー、有名な科学小説家アーサー・C・クラーク両氏の火葬された遺品も運ぶことになっており、太陽光の推進力で宇宙を旅するが、これは未来の惑星間旅行でロケットの代わりになる可能性がある。

銀河ステージとセレスティスはさまざまな形の宇宙葬も提供している。セレスティスは9月初め、火葬された動物の遺品とDNAを特定の宇宙飛行便で打ち上げる「ペット葬( http://www.celestispets.com/ )」を発表した。遺品カプセルは不活性物質だけを収納、不注意な宇宙環境汚染を防止するためのすべての隔離・安全基準を満たしている。



Masato Onji (Ginga Stage)


Pazia Schonfeld (Celestis)


Ginga Stage Announces International Partnership to Provide Memorial Spaceflights


HOUSTON, Sept. 8, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Funeral service provider Ginga Stage ( http://ginga-net.com/top.html ) (Osaka,

Japan) today announced a major international partnership with Celestis (

http://www.celestis.com/ ) (Houston, USA) to offer memorial spaceflight

services in Japan.  The partnership will open the door for Japanese citizens to

honor their departed friends and family members with launches to Earth orbit,

the Moon, deep space, and even other planets.

Among the services offered is a flight that, after reaching space, returns the

participant's cremated remains to Earth as a flown keepsake.  More ambitious

options include launches to Earth orbit, the lunar surface, or deep space.  

With each service, friends and family members are invited to experience the

rocket launch in person for an unforgettable experience.

"Humanity's future in space is a certainty," said Charles Chafer, Co-Founder

and CEO of Celestis.  "As we strive to become a multi-planet species, it is

appropriate that we bring our rituals, celebrations, and memorials with us.

Ginga Stage exemplifies that belief and we are honored to partner with them."

As part of the announcement, ten members of the Ginga Stage board of directors

have already reserved their future memorial flights to the final frontier.

"Ginga Stage is proud to partner with Celestis Memorial Spaceflights to offer

these unique tribute services in Japan," said Ginga Stage board member Ryuji

Inoue. "We are pleased to announce that our first customers will be journeying

on an unforgettable mission to the stars on the upcoming flight."

The team's next spaceflight is scheduled for autumn 2014, although new

opportunities are announced regularly.  For the most adventurous participants,

a deep space flight on board the revolutionary Sunjammer solar sail (

http://www.sunjammermission.com/ ) is currently scheduled for 2017.  Sunjammer,

which will carry the cremated remains of Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and

famous science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, will navigate space propelled

only by the light of the sun, a propellantless method that could replace

rockets on future interstellar voyages.

Ginga Stage and Celestis also offer a variety of other memorial and spaceflight

services. Earlier this month Celestis introduced Celestis Pets (

http://www.celestispets.com/ ), a service launching animal cremated remains and

DNA on board select spaceflights. Memorial capsules contain only inert material

and meet all containment and safety standards to prevent inadvertent

contamination of the space environment.

SOURCE:  Celestis

CONTACT:  Masato Onji (Ginga Stage), 0120-426-388; Pazia Schonfeld (Celestis),





