◎マルタの個人投資=市民権獲得プログラムが成功 半年間で3億3000万ドル流入

Henley & Partners

◎マルタの個人投資=市民権獲得プログラムが成功 半年間で3億3000万ドル流入

AsiaNet 57613

共同 JBN 0887 (2014.8.20)



IIPは世界の超富裕層と家族を対象とした投資による市民権獲得プログラム(citizenship-by-investment)である。このプログラムはHenley & Partnersが公共サービス免許に基づきマルタ政府のために運営している。





Identity Maltaのジョナサン・カルドーナ最高経営責任者(CEO)はHenley & Partnersの役割について「同社の優れたサービスによって、マルタ政府がIIPを通じ対象にしたいと考えているタイプの個人を潜在的な投資家としてマルタに引きつけている」とコメントしている。




Henley & Partnersの「Global Citizenship Seminar」は2014年9月10日、ニューヨークのフォーシーズンズホテルで開催される。このキーイベントは、モビリティの拡大と複数市民権という大きな国際的動向に焦点を当てる予定。詳細はhttp://www.henleyglobal.com/NYC14 を参照。

The 8th Global Residence and Citizenship ConferenceはHenley & Partnersが主催し、2014年10月29、30の両日シンガポールのフラートンホテルで開催される。このカンファレンスでは、住居、市民権プランニングの分野における主な発展をカバーし、業界リーダー、トップティアの国際的サービスプロバイダーや政府による直接情報を提供する。登録申し込みは以下のサイトから。http://www.henleyglobal.com/singapore14

▽Henley & Partnersについて

Henley & Partnersは住居と市民権プランニングの世界的リーダーである。毎年、数百人の富裕な個人、家族とそのアドバイザーは、この分野におけるHenley & Partnersの専門知識と経験に依存している。

住居と市民権プランニングのコンセプトはHenley & Partnersが1990年代に創りだした。世界のグローバル化が進展する中で、Henley & Partnersと仕事をし、国際的な活動をしている起業家や投資家の数が増え続け、彼らの間で住居と市民権が重大な関心事として話題になった。

Henley & Partnersはまた、先進的な政府アドバイザリー業務(https://www.henleyglobal.com/countries-government-advisory )も行っており、世界で最も成功している住居・市民権プログラムのいくつかについて戦略的コンサルティング、設計、設立、運営に関わっている。これらは現在までのところ、外国から35億米ドルの直接投資を誘引している。


ソース:Henley & Partners

Individual Investor Program Continues its Success: Over USD 330 Million of Capital Attracted to Malta in 6 Months



    Malta's Individual Investor Program (IIP) continues to build upon its

significant early success.

    The IIP is a modern citizenship-by-investment program aimed at ultra-high

net worth individuals and families worldwide. It was designed and is operated

by Henley & Partners for the Government of Malta under a Public Services


    The IIP allows for the grant of citizenship to duly qualified, reputable

foreign individuals and families who make a significant contribution to the

economic development of Malta.

    Over 200 applications for citizenship have been received since the

program's launch in early 2014, with a number already at the Due Diligence

phase. This represents a commitment of foreign direct investment into Malta of

over 200 million Euros or 330 million US Dollars over the last six months.

    The IIP has the world's strictest Due Diligence standards, ensuring that

only highly respectable clients will be admitted. The program intake is also

capped at 1,800 successful main applicants, after which the program will close,

making this the most exclusive program globally.

    There are over 30 nationalities represented among the applicants so far.

    Identity Malta chief executive officer, Jonathan Cardona, commented on

Henley & Partners' role, "Their excellent services are attracting to Malta the

type of individuals that the government wanted to target through the IIP, with

the potential of significant investment in our country".

    Many applicants started the IIP process intending to rent property on

Malta, but are now considering purchasing, having spent time on the islands. Mr

Cardona confirmed that a number of applicants were opting to buy property. He

added that the investment interest was quite wide-ranging, from hotels and real

estate, to factories, IT and the film industry.

    A private client, who wished to remain anonymous, shared the reason he

proceeded with the IIP, "I liked the idea of becoming European and providing my

children the right to travel without hassle, and to also live, work and study

anywhere in Europe."

    The Prime Minister of Malta, Hon. Dr. Joseph Muscat, will speak about the

IIP and its success at two upcoming events:

    The Henley & Partners' Global Citizenship Seminar takes place at the Four

Seasons Hotel, New York on September 10 2014. This key event will focus on the

significant international trend of increasing mobility and acceptance of

multiple citizenship. Further information is available at


    The 8th Global Residence and Citizenship Conference will be presented by

Henley & Partners on October 29-30 2014 at the Fullerton Hotel, Singapore. The

conference covers the key developments in the area of residence and citizenship

planning and provides first-hand information from the industry leader, top-tier

international service providers and governments. Register at


    About Henley & Partners

    Henley & Partners is the global leader in residence and citizenship

planning. Each year, hundreds of wealthy individuals, families and their

advisors rely on their expertise and experience in this area.

    The concept of residence and citizenship planning was created by Henley &

Partners in the 1990s. As globalization has expanded, residence and citizenship

have become topics of significant interest among the increasing number of

internationally mobile entrepreneurs and investors who work with Henley &


    The firm also runs a leading government advisory practice

[https://www.henleyglobal.com/countries-government-advisory ], and have been

involved in strategic consulting and the design, set-up and operation of

several of the world's most successful residence and citizenship programs which

attracted have more than US$ 3.5 billion in foreign direct investment to date.


    SOURCE: Henley & Partners




