

AsiaNet 57524




ハミルトン(バーミューダ)、2014年8月6日/PRNewswire/ --

・バカルディ、バカルディ家にまつわるエピソードと、キューバにおける同社の創業について取りあげたグラフィック・ノベル、『ザ・スピリット・オブ・バカルディ (The Spirit of BACARDI』を発表

・制作は、グラフィック・ノベル界の伝説的アーティストが担当:ウォーレン・エリス(Warren Ellis)氏と、マイケル・オールレッド(Michael Allred)氏とのユニークなコラボレーション






これらの物語を再現するにあたって、バカルディはグラフィック・ノベル界きっての大御所2人、作家のウォーレン・エリス(Warren Ellis)氏およびアーティストのマイケル・オールレッド(Michael Allred)氏とコラボレートし、このアイコニックなブランドと、キューバにおける同ブランドのルーツについて描くグラフィック・ノベル、『ザ・スピリット・オブ・バカルディ(The Spirit of BACARDI)』を作り上げました。

『ザ・スピリット・オブ・バカルディ』は、同社創業者、ドン・ファクンド・バカルディ・マッソ(Don Facundo Bacardi Masso)氏の息子、エミリオ・バカルディ(Emilio Bacardi)氏と、1800年代後半のキューバ革命における氏の懸命な仕事振りに注目しています。エミリオ・バカルディは、キューバの独立を支持していたために、繰り返し投獄され、追放されましたが、それを耐え抜いて最終的にはサンチャゴ・デ・クーバ初の自由投票による市長となりました。


バカルディの大胆な姿勢は、グラフィック・ノベルの創作方法にまで及んでいます。アーティストのマイケル・オールレッド氏が用いたインクには、バカルディのゴールド・ラム(Gold rum)が数滴加えられました。



バカルディのチーフ・マーケティング・オフィサー、アンディー・ギブソン(Andy Gibson)氏は次のようにコメントしています。「『ザ・スピリット・オブ・バカルディ』は、何があってもバカルディ家のように自らの道を追い求めるよう、消費者にインスピレーションを与え、仲間意識と強い精神を推奨しようと、現在世界中で展開している新マーケティング・キャンペーン、「BACARDI Untameable Since 1862」の背後にあるストーリーを語るための素晴らしい方法です。」


『ザ・スピリット・オブ・バカルディ』をダウンロードし、「BACARDI Untameable Since 1862」の詳細や、バカルディのラムやカクテルのレシピを参照するには、ウェブサイト、BACARDI.COM. (http://www.bacardi.com/spiritofbacardi )をご利用ください。

動画は以下のリンク先よりご覧いただけます>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA8ZEKM_0iQ&feature=youtu.be


ウォーレン・エリス氏は、受賞歴のある英国のグラフィック・ノベル/映画作家です。最近では、エリス氏は、バカルディ社のラムと、同社のキューバにおけるルーツについて取りあげたグラフィック・ノベル、『ザ・スピリット・オブ・バカルディ』を執筆しました。『ザ・スピリット・オブ・バカルディ』に先だって氏は、「レッド(RED)」と「レッド2(RED 2)」を執筆しており、これらは共に映画化され、ブルース・ウィリス、ヘレン・ミレン、モーガン・フリーマンが主演をつとめています「レッド・シリーズ」以前には、氏はイギリスで雑誌、『デッドライン(Deadline)』を立ち上げました。また、マーベル(Marvel)社でヘルストームを執筆した後、DCで、「Gen」、「トランスメトロポリタン(Transmetropolitan)」、「プラネタリー(Planetary)」を執筆しました。この他にも『ヴァイス(Vice)』、『ワイヤードUK(Wired UK)』、ロイターズなどで、技術や文化に関して執筆しています。氏はまた、「過去20年の内で最も知られているコミック作家」と評されてきました。





バカルディ(R)ブランドは、バーミューダのハミルトンに本部を置くバカルディ社(Bacardi Limited)の製品の1つです。バカルディ社とは、バカルディ・インターナショナル(Bacardi International Limited)を含むバカルディ子会社のグループを指します。


ブランド名や製品名に言及する際は、「BACARDI」と表記します。会社や創業者一族については、「Bacardi」、企業体に言及する場合は、「Bacardi 」となります。

「BACARDI」、「BACARDI UNTAMEABLE 」、及びコウモリのマークはいずれもバカルディ・アンド・カンパニー(BACARDI & COMPANY LIMITED)の商標です。




Bacardi(R) Creates Graphic Novel That Brings its Cuban Heritage to Life


HAMILTON, Bermuda, Aug 6, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ -- -


    - BACARDI has released The Spirit of BACARDI - a graphic novel that tells

      the stories behind the Bacardi family and Company origins in Cuba

    - Created by legendary graphic novel talent; a unique collaboration between

      writer Warren Ellis and artist Michael Allred

    - Drops of BACARDI rum added to the inks used to illustrate the novel

    - Available to download now from BACARDI.COM/SPIRITOFBACARDI

      [http://www.bacardi.com/spiritofbacardi ]

    For more than 150 years, BACARDI has been a brand with incredible stories

to tell. Since 1862, the Bacardi family has faced earthquakes, fire,

revolution, prohibition, and exile, none of which could tame their

irrepressible spirit.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:



    To bring these stories to life, BACARDI has collaborated with two of the

most iconic names in the world of graphic novels - writer Warren Ellis and

artist Michael Allred - to create The Spirit of BACARDI, a graphic novel that

tells the stories behind the iconic brand and its origins in Cuba.

    The Spirit of BACARDI focuses on Emilio Bacardi - son of founder Don

Facundo Bacardi Masso - and his tireless work for Cuban independence in the

late 1800s. Emilio Bacardi was repeatedly imprisoned and exiled for his belief

in an independent Cuba, but persevered, eventually becoming the first

freely-elected Mayor of Santiago de Cuba.

    The graphic novel also touches upon early challenges the Bacardi family

faced and overcame - including an earthquake that destroyed their city and a

fire that ravaged their distillery - and ends with the creation of the original

Cuba Libre cocktail in 1900.

    The bold attitude of BACARDI even extends to the way in which the graphic

novel was created. Drops of BACARDI Gold rum were added to the inks artist

Michael Allred used to illustrate The Spirit of BACARDI.

    "Working on this project gave me the chance to bring to life a time and a

place I've never worked with before - Cuba in the late nineteenth century,"

said Allred. "I loved the idea of adding BACARDI rum to the ink to make it a

real part of the graphic novel's DNA. It's something I have never done before

and makes the artwork unique."

    Ellis said, "Storytelling requires great characters, and in Emilio Bacardi

we have exactly that. Emilio was a patriot, passionate about his homeland of

Cuba. My focus was to bring his drive and determination to life."

    Andy Gibson, Chief Marketing Officer of Bacardi, said, "We see The Spirit

of BACARDI as a fantastic way to tell the stories behind "BACARDI Untameable

Since 1862," our new global marketing campaign that inspires consumers to

pursue their passions no matter what-much like the Bacardi family

did-encouraging camaraderie and strength of character."

    "Authenticity is increasingly important to our consumers, especially

millennials. While first and foremost we want the graphic novel to be

entertaining, we are also saying something important about our brand; that we

have the heritage to back up our attitude," added Gibson.

    To download The Spirit of BACARDI and for more information on "BACARDI

Untameable Since 1862," BACARDI rum and cocktail recipes, visit BACARDI.COM

[http://www.bacardi.com/spiritofbacardi ].

    Watch the film here

[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VA8ZEKM_0iQ&feature=youtu.be ]

    About Warren Ellis

    Warren Ellis is an award winning English writer of graphic novels and film.

Most recently, Ellis has written The Spirit of BACARDI - a graphic novel that

tells the stories behind BACARDI rum and its origins in Cuba. Prior to The

Spirit of Bacardi, Ellis wrote RED and RED 2 which were both adapted into

movies starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren and Morgan Freeman. Before the RED

series, Ellis started British magazine Deadline, worked for Marvel on Hellstorm

and then went on to write for DC where he wrote Gen, Transmetropolitan and

Planetary. Ellis has also written for Vice, Wired UK and Reuters on

technological and cultural matters. Warren has been called "one of the most

high-profile comic book writers of the past two decades".

    About Michael Allred

    Michael Allred is an American artist and writer. Most recently, Allred has

been central in the creation of The Spirit of BACARDI - a graphic novel that

tells the stories behind BACARDI rum and its origins in Cuba. Allred is most

famous for his creation, Madman, a superhero that appears in graphic novels

published by Image. He has also illustrated numerous characters across Marvel

and DC - two of the largest graphic novel publishers. Michael's work is renowned

    for its retro 1950s pop art style and he has been nominated for multiple

awards including the Harvey's, the Eisners and the Eagles. Michael lives near

Portland with his wife Laura who frequently works as his colorist.

    About BACARDI Rum - The World's Most Awarded Rum

    In 1862, in the city of Santiago de Cuba, founder Don Facundo Bacardi Masso

revolutionized the spirits industry when he created a light-bodied rum with a

particularly smooth taste - BACARDI. The unique taste of BACARDI rum inspired

cocktail pioneers to invent some of the world's most famous recipes including

the BACARDI Mojito, the BACARDI Daiquiri, the BACARDI Cuba Libre, the BACARDI

Pina Colada and the BACARDI Presidente. BACARDI rum is the world's most awarded

spirit, with more than 550 awards for quality, taste and innovation. Today,

BACARDI rum is made in Puerto Rico and Mexico where it is crafted to ensure the

taste remains the same today as it did when it was first blended in 1862.


    The BACARDI(R) brand is part of the portfolio of Bacardi Limited,

headquartered in Hamilton, Bermuda. Bacardi Limited refers to the Bacardi group

of companies, including Bacardi International Limited.


    When referring to the brand or product, it is written as 'BACARDI'. When

referring to the company or founding family, it is written as 'Bacardi'. When

referring to the corporate entity, it is written as 'Bacardi'.



Source: Bacardi




