

AsiaNet 57215








GfKのユーザー・エクスペリエンスのシニア・ディレクターであるヴォルフガング・ワクセンベルガー (Wolfgang Waxenberger) は以下のように述べています。「オート・インフォテインメント・システムを各地域(各市場)でテストし、調整することは必要不可欠です。特に、日本のような市場で、高い評価を獲得したいヨーロッパのプレミアム自動車ブランドにとっては重要です。ドライバーが困難に感じ、全体的なユーザビリティの評価に最も影響する機能を絞り込む際、私たちは各市場の異なるランドスケープに直面します。日本に参入したいOEMは日本のドライバーが瞬時に理解できるシステム・コマンドやアイコンを作る必要があります。一方で、ドイツで販売する際は、POIの入力や電話帳の連絡先検索をドイツ人の思考に沿ってより直観的に作ることにフォーカスする必要があります。」

GfKの調査は4つの市場をカバーする主要なOEMを ベンチマークとし、市場で全体的なユーザー・エクスペリエンスを向上させるために、どの特定分野に焦点を当てるべきかについて明確な方向性を示します。



詳しい情報は  (http://www.GfK.com) を参照、または

Twitter (https://twitter.com/GfK_en) でGfKのフォローをしてください。



Wolfgang Waxenberger





HMI User Experience Differs Across Germany, Italy, Japan, USA


NUREMBERG, Germany, June 27 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Drivers in Germany, Italy, Japan and the USA all rank 'entering a place of

interest (POI)' and 'finding a contact in the phone book' as difficult

functions on their in-car system. But while these two come at the top of the

difficulty scale in Germany and Italy, American drivers find that 'changing one

destination to another destination' is just as difficult as 'entering a POI',

and Japanese drivers say that 'understanding system commands' is the most

difficult of all.

    When it comes to which functions have greatest impact on the overall user

experience (UX) score, the results also show deviation between countries. The

fundamental area of 'understanding system commands' has - not surprisingly - a

major influence on the overall usability rating across three of the four

countries studied. It comes first in Japan and Italy and second in USA (where

it is beaten to the top slot by 'understanding the icons used'). What is

significant is that this high impact factor causes significant difficulty in

Japan, while it is seen as only slightly difficult in Italy and the USA. By

comparison, German drivers see 'entering a POI' as having by far the most

impact on the overall UX score, followed by 'finding a contact in the phone

book' - both of which functions are also rated as being particularly difficult

in that country.

    Wolfgang Waxenberger, Senior Director of User Experience at GfK, comments,

"Testing and adjusting auto infotainment systems to each region, if not to each

local market, is essential, especially for premium European auto brands wanting

to score highly in markets like Japan. When we focus on functions that are not

only proving difficult for drivers, but that are also having most impact on the

overall usability rating, we face a different landscape in each market. OEMs

wanting to sell into Japan need to create system commands and icons that are

instantly intelligible to the local drivers, while those selling into Germany

need to focus on how to make entering a POI and finding a contact in the phone

book much more intuitive for the German way of thinking."

    GfK's study benchmarks the leading OEM within each of the four markets

covered, giving clear direction on what specific areas to focus on, to further

improve their overall user experience within that market.

    About the survey

    GfK used its leading online panels to interview 3,776 drivers aged 18 and

over, across four countries: Germany, Italy, Japan and the USA. The fieldwork

was carried out in December 2013 and the data were weighted to be gender and

age representative for car drivers with one or more cars in the household

within the online population for each market.

    For more information, please visit http://www.GfK.com or follow GfK on

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GfK_en



    Wolfgang Waxenberger

    Senior Director, User Experience



    Source: GfK




