

AsiaNet 57113




プラハ、2014年6月18日 /PRNewswire/ --

-「有翼のライオン」除幕式典にRt Hon Nicholas Soames下院議員をはじめ政府高官らが参加-

ナチスの暴政からヨーロッパを解放すべく英国王立空軍とともに戦った、2500名のチェコスロバキアの飛行士らの功績を称え - 終戦後70年近く経って - プラハ中心部にあるKlarov公園にて印象的な記念碑、「有翼のライオン」の除幕式が行われました。



チェコ共和国の在外英国人コミュニティから寄贈された「有翼のライオン」は、英国下院議員.であり、英国の戦時下を導いたサー・;ウィンストン・チャーチルの孫にあたる元国防大臣のRt Hon Nicholas Soames氏を招いて除幕式典が行われました。チェコおよび諸外国の要人、共和国メンバーも数多く出席し、Soames氏は同式典で、占領下にあった祖国から脱出し、ヨーロッパを解放する戦いに身を投じたチェコとスロバキアの飛行士らの我が身を顧みない献身に敬意を表しました。


本プロジェクトの後援者となったプラハの英国大使館は、除幕式典を祝うべく、RAFバンドやスピットファイアの低空飛行といった伝統的なパフォーマンスを準備しました。「本除幕式典、および同時に行われるセレモニーは第二次世界大戦中の飛行士らの勇気ある行動への我が国の感謝を示すものであり、また1989年以来、英国とチェコスロバキア共和国を結び付けている強力な同志関係を再認識する優れた機会だと考えました。」と、英国大使館防衛駐在官のAndrew Shepherd大佐は言いました。


一ヶ月余りで330万円チェココルナ(12万ユーロ)の寄付を集めた同プロジェクトの発起人、Euan Edworthy氏は、プラハでの除幕式で在外英国人のコミュニティを代表して、「我々英国人は言論の自由、集会の自由、自由な思想といった自由を何世紀にもわたり享受してきました。チェコとスロバキアは1938年までは同じような自由が保証されていましたが、その後の48年間、その自由を奪われてきたのです。」と述べました。



Colleen Klei


電話.: +420-725-391-461


Euan Edworthy


電話.: +420-257-532-030




Memorial to Czechoslovak Airmen who Fought with RAF in WWII Unveiled in Prague and Bratislava



    - Ceremony for Winged Lion Memorial attended by dignitaries including Rt

Hon Sir Nicholas Soames MP -

    The 2,500 Czech and Slovak airmen who fought with the British Royal Air

Force to free Europe from Nazi tyranny were honoured today - nearly 70 years

after the end of the war - by the unveiling of a striking memorial, the 'Winged

Lion', at Klarov park in central Prague.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    The 'Winged Lion', donated by the ex-patriot British community in the Czech

Republic, was unveiled by the Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Soames, a British MP and

former defence minister who is the grandson of Sir Winston Churchill, Britain's

wartime leader. At a ceremony attended by Czech and foreign dignitaries, as

well as many members of the public, Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Soames paid tribute to

the selfless devotion of the Czech and Slovak airmen who escaped from their

occupied homeland and risked their lives in the fight to free Europe.

    "Their country had been invaded by ruthless conquerors. Dissent was met

with death. Yet they managed to escape and join the aerial battle against Nazi

Germany, which was decisive. These young men were the best of the best," said

Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Soames.

    The British Embassy in Prague, which gave its full backing to the project,

organised a traditional performance by the RAF band and Spitfire flypast to

celebrate the occasion of the unveiling. "We thought the Memorial and

accompanying ceremony was an excellent way to demonstrate our country's

appreciation of the bravery of these airmen in WWII and to underline the strong

kindred spirit which has united the Czech and Slovak Republics with Great

Britain since 1989," said Colonel Andrew Shepherd, Defence Attache at the

British Embassy.

    A similar ceremony will take place on 18th June, in the Slovak capital of

Bratislava for the unveiling of a commemorative plaque to honour the airmen.

This memorial is sited at the entrance of the main retail building on the

public square of the Eurovea Shopping Centre.

    Euan Edworthy, the initiator of the project that saw Kc3.3 million

(EUR120,000) raised in little over a month, spoke on behalf of the ex-pat

community at the unveiling ceremony in Prague: "We Brits have enjoyed centuries

of freedom: free speech, free association, free thought. Czechs and Slovaks

were entitled to the same freedoms until 1938 and were then denied them for a

further 48 years."

    "Our Winged Lion is a tribute to the Czechoslovaks who simply wouldn't

allow themselves to be oppressed. Many paid for their beliefs with their lives.

We should not forget the debt that we free Europeans owe to these warriors who

paid with 'blood, sweat, tears and toil' for the liberty which is our birth

right today. Freedom cannot be taken for granted," he said.


    SOURCE: Winged Lion Appeal




