◎2014年のGlobal Peace Index

Institute for Economics and Peace

AsiaNet 57047



2014年のGlobal Peace Index



ロンドン、2014年6月18日/PRNewswire/ --

・ 今後2年間で治安悪化の可能性が最も高い10カ国は、ザンビア、ハイチ、アルゼンチン、チャド、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ、ネパール、ブルンジ、グルジア、リベリア、カタールである。

・ 中国の軍事費と各国の国内紛争の頻度および激しさが増大する中、世界的な紛争・騒乱の増加は世界経済に対し、昨年度で9兆8000億米ドルまたはGDPの11.3%におよぶ影響を与え、前年比で1790億米ドル増となった。

・ アイスランドは世界で最も平和な国としての地位を維持し、世界一平和から遠い国の地位は、アフガニスタンからシリアに移った。

・ グルジアが平和レベルを最も大きく改善したのに対し、南スーダンは最も大きく平和レベルを低下させ、現在、世界で三番目に平和から遠い国となった。


本日発表された最新のGlobal Peace Index(http://www.visionofhumanity.org 、GPI)によると、昨年、世界的な紛争・騒乱がもたらした経済的な影響は、9兆8000億米ドルと推定されています。これはアフリカ経済圏(54カ国)の2倍、または世界のGDPの11.3%に相当します。

IEP創設者で会長のSteve Killelea(http://economicsandpeace.org/about-us/our-leadership/steve-killelea)氏は、「今なお世界金融危機がもたらしている経済的影響、「アラブの春」の反響、テロの継続的な広がりといった多くのマクロ要因が過去7年間にわたって世界平和への道を厳しいものにしてきましたが、これらの影響が今後も長引く可能性があるため、世界平和に向けて大きく前進する見込みは少ないでしょう。」と述べました。


本レポートを発行するInstitute for Economics and Peace(IEP)は、新たな統計モデリング技術を開発し、今後2年間の社会不安と紛争・騒乱レベルの上昇によって最も治安が脅かされるであろう10カ国を特定しました。なお、新モデルは90%の歴史的な正確さに立脚しています。リスクレベルの高い国には、ザンビア、ハイチ、アルゼンチン、チャド、ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ、ネパール、ブルンジ、グルジア、リベリア、2022年度のワールドカップ開催国のカタールが含まれています。


「この分析手法は、ある国家の現在の平和レベルを、将来において平和への道を歩み、紛争・騒乱が減少するかどうかという潜在的な可能性と比較できる、という点で革新的です。国家が平和への道を歩むかどうかは数多くのポジティブな要因によって決まります。その中には健全な国家制度、正しく機能している政府、汚職の少なさ、ビジネスを醸成する環境が整っていること、といった私たちが「平和を支える柱」と呼ぶものが含まれます。これらの平和の実現にとってポジティブな要因は、紛争・騒乱の実際のレベルと長期間にわたり相関関係にある傾向から、正確な予測が可能になっており、同モデルは国家のリスク評価にとって革新的であると言えるのです。」と、Steve Killelea(http://economicsandpeace.org/about-us/our-leadership/steve-killelea)氏は述べました。












中東・北アフリカ(MENA)は 「アラブの春」に起因する数々の衝突がエスカレートし続けており、現在でも大きく報じられています。エジプトとシリアは、当然のことながら全般スコアが最も大きく低下し、エジプトは世界的に最も急激な低下を示した国としての第二位になりました。




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Global Peace Indexについて

GPIはInstitute for Economics and Peace(http://economicsandpeace.org/about-us、IEP)が作成した、世界平和に関する広く認められた尺度です。22の指標を考慮に入れ、現在進行中の国内および国際紛争、社会における治安・安全、軍備の状況を162カ国について評価しています

Institute for Economics and Peaceについて






GPIチーム; メール: GPI2014@hkstrategies.com、電話: +44-20-7413-3000

Metin Parlak、メール: Metin.Parlak@hkstrategies.com、電話: +44-20-7413-3771

Sophie Nicholson、メール: Sophie.Nicholson@hkstrategies.com、電話: +44-20-7413-3756

情報元: Institute for Economics and Peace

2014 Global Peace Index




    Seven year trend in violence overturns 60 years of increasing peacefulness

      New model identifies countries at risk of descending into violence and



    - The ten countries most likely to deteriorate in peace in the next two

      years are Zambia, Haiti, Argentina, Chad, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nepal,

      Burundi, Georgia, Liberia and Qatar

    - Global violence impacted the global economy by US$9.8 trillion or 11.3%

      of GDP in the last year, an increase of US$179 billion YOY, through

      upward revisions of China's military expenditure and the number and

      intensity of internal conflicts

    - Syria displaces Afghanistan as the world's least peaceful nation while

      Iceland maintains its status as the most peaceful country in the world

    - Georgia showed the largest improvement in peace levels, while South Sudan

      experienced the largest drop and now ranks as the third least peaceful


    Terrorist activity, the number of conflicts fought, and the number of

refugees and displaced persons were the key contributors to the continuing

deterioration in global peacefulness last year. This confirms a seven year

gradual, but significant downward slide, which overturns a 60-year trend of

increasing global peacefulness dating back to the end of the Second World War.

    The economic impact of containing and dealing with the consequences of

global violence last year was estimated to be US$9.8 trillion, according to the

latest Global Peace Index [http://www.visionofhumanity.org ] (GPI) released

today. This is equivalent to 11.3% of global GDP - equal to twice the size of

the 54 countries in the African economy.

    Steve Killelea

[http://economicsandpeace.org/about-us/our-leadership/steve-killelea ], founder

and Executive Chairman of the IEP, observed, "Many macro factors have driven

the deterioration in peace over the last seven years including the continued

economic repercussions of the Global Financial Crisis, the reverberations of

the Arab Spring, and the continued spread of terrorism. As these effects are

likely to continue into the near future; a strong rebound in peace is unlikely.

    "This is resulting in very real costs to the world economy; increases in

the global economic impact of violence and its containment are equivalent to

19% of global economic growth from 2012 to 2013. To put this in perspective,

this is around $1,350 per person. The danger is that we fall into a negative

cycle: low economic growth leads to higher levels of violence, the containment

of which produces lower economic growth."

    The Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP), which produces the report, has

also developed new statistical modelling techniques to identify the 10

countries most threatened by increased levels of unrest and violence in the

next two years. These models have a 90% historical accuracy. Countries with

higher levels of risk include Zambia, Haiti, Argentina, Chad, Bosnia and

Herzegovina, Nepal, Burundi, Georgia, Liberia and World Cup 2022 host Qatar.

    The new methodology analyses a data set stretching back to 1996, and

compares countries with the performance of states with similar institutional


    "What is transformational in this analysis is our ability to compare a

country's current level of peace with the potential for it to increase or

decrease in violence in the future.A country's potential for peace is shaped by

many positive factors including sound institutions, well-functioning

government, low levels of corruption and a pro-business environment which we

call the Pillars of Peace. These models are revolutionary for assessing country

risk; positive peace factors tend to align over longer periods of time with

actual levels of violence thereby allowing real predictive accuracy," said

Steve Killelea



    "Given the deteriorating global situation we cannot be complacent about the

institutional bedrocks for peace: our research shows that peace is unlikely to

flourish without deep foundations. This is a wakeup call to governments,

development agencies, investors and the wider international community that

building peace is the prerequisite for economic and social development."

    In the IEP's current assessment, Cote d'Ivoire recorded the second biggest

improvement in the GPI 2014 with reductions in the likelihood of violent

demonstrations and in the number of displaced persons, while the largest

improvement occurred in Georgia, as it gradually returns to normality following

its 2011 conflict with Russia.

    The most peaceful region of the world continues to be Europe while the

least peaceful region is South Asia. Afghanistan has been displaced at the

bottom of the index by Syria due to a slight improvement in its peace while

Syria continued to deteriorate. South Sudan experienced the largest drop in the

index this year falling to 160th and now ranking as the third least peaceful

country. Major deteriorations also occurred in Egypt, Ukraine and Central

African Republic.


    Europe once again leads the world in terms of its overall levels of peace,

with the Scandinavian countries performing particularly well. The top five

positions remain unchanged from 2013. Most of the improvements in peace are in

the Balkans, an area that has traditionally been the most turbulent in the


    North America's score deteriorates slightly, mostly on account of a rise in

terrorist activity in the US, related to the Boston-marathon attack in April

2013. The region retains its position as the second-most peaceful in the world,

largely on account of Canada's score.

    The Asia-Pacific region remains among the most peaceful in the world: it

ranks third, behind Europe and North America, and suffers only a very modest

deterioration from its 2013 score. The Philippines saw a deterioration in its

'relations with neighbouring countries' score on the back of tensions with

China relative to the South China Sea dispute. Countries in the Indochina

sub-region, as well as North Korea, continue to be at the bottom of the region.

In contrast, New Zealand, Japan, Australia, Singapore and Taiwan all rank in

the top 30.

    South America scores slightly above the global average, with the strongest

improvements coming from Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay. In contrast Uruguay,

which retains its position as the region's most peaceful country, sees its

score deteriorate as a result of a rise in the number of police and security

forces. Internal tensions underline the trends in the two lowest-scoring

countries in the region, Colombia and Venezuela.

    Peace in Central America and the Caribbean remains challenging, but the

region manages to improve slightly compared to its 2013 score and ranks only

slightly below the global average. Jamaica and Nicaragua are the biggest

improvers through improvements in their domestic safety and security scores.

Mexico, which continues to be mired in a vicious drug war, falls slightly due

to an increase in the number of internal security officers.

    Sub-Saharan Africa sees the second largest deterioration in the regional

scores but still fares better than Russia and Eurasia, Middle-East and North

Africa as well as South Asia. Four out of the ten countries with the largest

negative score changes come from this region, topped by South Sudan and the

Central African Republic.

    Russia and Eurasia shows a modest improvement in the rankings, and benefits

from positive score changes from all but four of the twelve states in the

region. Undoubtedly, the key event in the region is the crisis between Russia

and Ukraine. This caused both Ukraine and Russia's performance in domestic and

international conflict to tumble. Russia remains the least peaceful country in

the region and one of the poorest performers globally, ranking 152nd.

    The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) remains in the headlines as

numerous conflicts stemming from the Arab Spring continue to escalate. Egypt

and Syria are, unsurprisingly, the two countries that see their overall scores

deteriorate most, with Egypt suffering the second-steepest decline globally.

    South Asia remains at the bottom of the overall regional rankings; however

its score did improve more substantially than any other region. All countries

in South Asia improved their overall scores, especially their domestic peace.

The recent elections in Afghanistan proceeded without major incident in early

April, with its political terror score improving, however being partly offset

by increased terrorist activity and military expenditure. Other improvements

are in the levels of political terror, as well as in the number of refugees and

displaced people in Sri Lanka and Bhutan.


    GPI report, video, and interactive maps are available at:


    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GlobPeaceIndex (#peaceindex)

    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/globalpeaceindex

    About the Global Peace Index

    The GPI is the world's leading measure of global peacefulness produced by

the Institute for Economics and Peace [http://economicsandpeace.org/about-us ]

(IEP). It gauges on-going domestic and international conflict, safety and

security in society, and militarisation in 162 countries by taking into account

22 indicators.

    About the Institute for Economics and Peace

    IEP is an international and independent think tank dedicated to shifting

the world's focus to peace as a positive, achievable, and tangible measure of

human well-being and progress.

    About the Risk Assessment Models

    A number of country risk models have been developed by IEP based on its

unique data sets. These models measure peace and violence in order to assess

the relative probability of countries deteriorating or improving in peace. The

output of these models proved to have good predictive capabilities when

compared against history. Using a combination of two models Ukraine, Syria and

Egypt were all identified as being in the top 20 countries at risk in 2008.

IEP's model has, on average, a 90% predictive validity in identifying the ten

countries most likely to deteriorate in peace in the ensuing two years. The

validation was run for five two-year periods from 2006 to 2010.


    Global Contacts

    GPI press office at Hill + Knowlton Strategies:

    GPI team



    Metin Parlak



    Sophie Nicholson



    SOURCE: Institute for Economics and Peace




