◎ハーマンミラーがLiving Office構想を発表


◎ハーマンミラーがLiving Office構想を発表

AsiaNet 56962

共同 JBN 0628(2014.6.11)

【ジーランド(米ミシガン州)2014年6月11日PRN =共同JBN】


2013年、ハーマンミラー(Herman Miller)はLiving Office(サービスマーク、リビングオフィス、http://www.hermanmiller.co.jp/living-office?utm_source=PR_News_Wire&utm_medium=PR&utm_content=body&utm_campaign=2014_06_living-office )構想を発表した。今日的なオフィスデザインへのアプローチで、悟りの域に達した、人間がより中心におかれたフレームワークである。企業が受け継ぐべきリーダーシップを現代的仕事場の中に継続しながら、Living Officeは、個人と組織のユニークな目的、キャラクター、アクティビティーに合うようにしながら、すべての人々にとって根本的な「したいこと」と「必要なこと」に対応する。最終的にハーマンミラーのLiving Office が求めるものは、より自然で望ましい仕事場であり、すべての人々にとって、より大きなコネクション、創造性、生産性、繁栄を可能とするインスピレーションである。



Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140611/116856

Living Office立ち上げのモメンタムに基づいて、ハーマンミラーは今週、団体・組織が自分たち自身のLiving Office を導入するための新しいツール、情報、ダイナミックな新しい家具デザインを発表する。


Living Office では、場所は団体・組織のユニークなカルチャーと目標達成のための戦略的なツールのパワフルな表現である。適用されるデザインの原則は、すべての人間のための基本的ファクターとしてスタートする。そしてすべての個人と企業は異なる職責を果たすため、診断用ツールはそれぞれのユニークなクオリティーに焦点をあてる。


Living Office はすべての人々が職場で直感的に求めるものを理解することから始まる。人々とビジネスが繁栄できるオフィスを創りだすためには、ハーマンミラーは組織が認知とフィジカルなニーズのみならず、個人とグループの経験とモチベーションを調和させるスペースを開発しなければならない、と信じる。また人の体験をモデリングしたLiving Officeツールは、これらの諸側面における自然なインターラクションから成る。









ハーマンミラーのグレッグ・パーソンズ氏(Greg Parsons、Herman Miller's Vice President、New Landscape of Work)は次のように語っている。「今日、技術の力によってどこでも働けるようになった。それなら会社に出勤する意味は一体どこにあるのだろうか。Living Officeが目標としているのはミュージシャンの舞台やレコーディングスタジオにあたるものを知識労働者に提供する-つまり人々が最高のパフォーマンスを発揮できるように最適化した環境を提供することである。人々のモチベーションを深く理解することと、スペースデザインにおける必然的帰結によって、Living Office はパフォーマンスと満足度を高める」




それぞれのLiving Officeは事業の目的と優先度の理解に依存にしている。ハーマンミラーの目的の定義は、個々の組織が世界へ何を提供し、その報酬として何を期待するかにある。事業の優先度は、人材採用や革新の促進といった目的の達成を助けたり、妨げたりする事柄である。

個性とは個人や組織を他との比較ではっきりと識別できる価値観や特質の明瞭な組み合わせだ。Living Officeは組織の個性について議論を深めるため、さまざまな特性を8つの二元性に当てはめる。それは継続と採用、統一と多様、フォーマルとカジュアル、クローズとオープン、現実と仮想、ローカルとグローバル、独立と依存、指示に従うことと自分で決めること、である。



組織やチーム、個人の働き方はすべて異なる。このためハーマンミラーは、仕事を構成するユニークな作業への理解と対応が、それぞれのLiving Officeの設計に不可欠だと考える。同社のModes of Work研究と関連するSettingsは、人々が働く1日のニーズの全局面を明確にしサポートする。





▽Public Office Landscape(パブリックオフィス景観)

Publicは、個人のデスクを含めたオフィスのあらゆる部分を大きな協力の場に作り替える。イブ・ベハール氏とfuseprojectの設計により、デスクと移動空間、グループ空間のすべてを統一したデザインにすることで、通常業務を支援し、くつろぎを感じる世界初のオフィスシステムとなった。視覚的に一体化され、ボードや保管スペース、座席の各モジュールは、共同作業と単独作業の流動的な移行を可能にした幅広いセッティングに対応している。Publicシステムの中心部分であるSocial Chairは新しい人間工学に基づき、機能的で耐久性のある軟らかな椅子で、さまざまな人がいろいろな姿勢で利用できる。Publicはデスク、グループ空間、さらにはオフィス全体で仕事を推進する目的意識の強い交流を促す新しいオフィス空間のプラットフォームである。

▽すべてのためのLiving Office

Living Officeは個人や組織に仕事の新しい景観に取り組む戦略を提供する。人々とその情熱を最優先することで、なぜ、いかに、どこで作業が発生するのかを考え直す手段となり、われわれ人間が負債ではなく資産であることを認識させる。Living Officeは誰のためではなく、それぞれの人のためであり、すべての人に繁栄をもたらすものだとハーマンミラーは強く訴える。

▽ハーマンミラー(Herman Miller)について

ハーマンミラーの感動的なデザイン、創造的な技術、戦略的なサービスによって、人々は素晴らしいことを成し遂げ、組織は本領を発揮することを助ける。受賞歴のある同社の製品とサービスは、2013会計年度に約18億ドルの売上高を生み出した。ハーマンミラーのデザインは世界中の美術館にある永久保存のデザインコレクションに収蔵されており、その一方で、革新的なビジネス手法と社会的責任に対するコミットメントによって、ハーマンミラーは認められた世界リーダーとしての地位も確立することができた。ハーマンミラーはDow Jones Sustainability World Indexの構成銘柄に含まれた。同社の株式は銘柄シンボルMLHRでNASDAQ Global Select Marketで取引されている。

ソース: Herman Miller, Inc.


Mark Schurman

+1- (616) 654 5498 or


Ron Reeves

+1-(616) 654 7238 or


Herman Miller Brings Living Office(SM) to Life


ZEELAND, Mich., June 11, 2014/PRN=KYODO JBN/--

         A global leader in modern design offers new insights, tools,

          and furnishings that enable organizations to create their

                       own unique landscape of work

   In 2013 Herman Miller introduced Living Office (


),  an enlightened and more human-centered framework to approach contemporary

office design. Continuing the company's legacy of leadership in the design of

the modern workplace, Living Office addresses wants and needs that are

fundamental to all humans, while adaptive to the unique purpose, character and

activities of individuals and organizations. Ultimately, Herman Miller's Living

Office seeks to inspire and enable a more natural and desirable workplace,

fostering greater connection, creativity, productivity, and prosperity for all.

   To view the multimedia assets associated with this release, please click:


   Photo - http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20140611/116856.

   Building on the momentum of its Living Office launch, this week Herman

Miller unveiled new tools, information, and dynamic new furniture designs to

help organizations achieve their own Living Office.

   The Power of Place

   In a Living Office, place acts as a powerful expression of an organization's

unique culture and a strategic tool to realize its ambitions. The guiding

design principles start with those factors that are fundamental to all humans;

and because all individuals and companies work differently, diagnostic tools

then focus on those qualities that are unique to each.

   A Human Experience Fundamental to All

   Living Office begins with an understanding of what all people intuitively

seek in a workplace. To create offices where people and the business can

prosper, Herman Miller believes organizations must develop spaces that balance

the experiences and motivations of individuals and groups, as well as their

cognitive and physical needs. The Living Office tools for modeling the human

experience also account for the natural interaction of these dimensions.

   Human Motivation

   Herman Miller has identified six key work motivations, informed by

independent experts and the company's own primary research, and considers each

in relation to the individual, group, cognitive, and physical experience.

-- Security: People desire health, safety, familiarity, and competence.

-- Autonomy: We naturally seek freedom in our actions and decisions.

-- Belonging: Humans want meaningful connection to others.

-- Achievement: We strive for excellence and take pride in our


-- Status: We want recognition for our contributions.

-- Purpose: People want to make a meaningful difference.

   Greg Parsons, Herman Miller's Vice President, New Landscape of Work, noted,

"Today's technologies allow us to work anywhere. So why come to an office at

all? Living Office aims to provide to knowledge workers what the stage or

recording studio offers to musicians- an environment optimized to inspire and

enable people's ultimate performance. By deeply understanding human motivations

and their corollaries in space design, Living Office enhances both performance

and satisfaction."

   The company has research-based examples of how these six motivators connect

to the design of the office. In Herman Miller's global study on individual

preferences and attributes, people who said they were motivated by connection

and belonging cited preferences for a "personal oasis" at work that supports

"self-identity and ownership." They also expressed desire for work environments

that "do not look or feel like an office, but seem more like home," that "flow

between casual and formal," "reflect team space," and "enable and encourage


   In the same global study, people who said they were motivated by meaningful

and engaging work cited preferences for "busy, interactive" work environments

that offered "freedom to explore" and "different perspectives and viewpoints."

Providing people the option to select work settings that best serve the task at

hand supports their desire for autonomy.

   Purpose and Character

   Each Living Office relies on an understanding of business purpose and

priorities. Herman Miller defines purpose as what an organization offers the

world and what it hopes to receive in return. Business priorities are those

things that either impede or aid the achievement of purpose-such as attracting

talent and stimulating innovation.

   Character is that distinct set of values and traits that best define a

person or business in comparison to others. Living Office utilizes a spectrum

of character attributes in eight distinct dualities to facilitate a

conversation about an organization's essential nature. They include: Constant

to Adaptable, Uniform to Diverse, Formal to Casual, Closed to Open, Physical to

Virtual, Local to Global, Independent to Interdependent, and Directed to


   Herman Miller believes that a workplace that expresses character helps

people align with common goals and aspirations, while offering a variety of

spaces with their own distinct character contributes a feeling of vitality and

guides utility.


   Because organizations, teams, and individuals all work differently, Herman

Miller believes understanding and accommodating the unique activities that

comprise work is critical to the design of each Living Office. Its Modes of

Work research and associated Settings define and support the entire spectrum of

needs as people move through their workday.

   Knowledge and Tools

   Working with many of the world's leading researchers, subject experts and

designers, Herman Miller is introducing this new knowledge with related

services, products, and technologies to support its progressive vision.


   Designed by UK-based Sam Hecht and Kim Colin, Locale helps organizations

better utilize and manage open offices with a system that enables seamless

transitions between work done together and alone, and in seated or standing

postures. By removing visual and physical obstacles and condensing the

architectural scale of an open plan office into a tightly knit neighborhood,

Locale helps people stay better connected to their work and each other. During

the design process for Locale, Hecht and Colin drew on their own office for

inspiration―a highly efficient space that accommodates different work styles

and behaves like an energetic international neighborhood. The design drew upon

the notion of a thriving English high street, which serves the community and

broader city simply and effectively, by arranging a variety of local activities

and services in close proximity.

   Public Office Landscape

   Public transforms every part of the office―including the individual

desk―into places for greater collaboration. Designed by Yves Behar and

fuseproject, it's the first office system to support casual work and provide

comfort, at the desk, in circulation space, and in group areas―all within a

consistent design vocabulary. Visually uniform and modular surfaces, storage,

and seating can be configured into a broad range of settings that encourage

fluid transitions between collaborative and focused work. The Social Chair is

the core component of the Public system, bringing new ergonomics, functionality

and durability to soft seating while accommodating a range of people and

postures. Public is a new landscape platform that encourages the purposeful

interactions that drive work forward―at the desk, in group areas, and

throughout the entire office.

   Living Office for All

   Living Office offers individuals and organizations a strategy to respond to

the new landscape of work. By putting people and their passion first, it is a

way to rethink why, how, and where work happens, while recognizing our humanity

is an asset, not a liability. For that reason, Herman Miller declares a Living

Office isn't for everyone―but for each of us, with greater prosperity for all.

   About Herman Miller

   Herman Miller's inspiring designs, inventive technologies and strategic

services help people do great things and organizations to perform at their

best. The company's award-winning products and services generated approximately

$1.8 billion in revenue in fiscal 2013. A past recipient of the Smithsonian

Institution's Cooper-Hewitt National Design Award, Herman Miller designs can be

found in the permanent collections of museums worldwide. Innovative business

practices and a commitment to social responsibility have also helped establish

Herman Miller as a recognized global leader. Herman Miller is included in the

Dow Jones Sustainability World Index and trades on the NASDAQ Global Select

Market under the symbol MLHR.

   SOURCE: Herman Miller, Inc.

   CONTACT:  Mark Schurman

             +1-(616)-654-5498 or


             Ron Reeves

             +1-(616)-654-7238 or





