◎タイ亡命政権樹立を前向きに検討 タクシン元首相の法律顧問

Amsterdam & Partners LLP

◎タイ亡命政権樹立を前向きに検討 タクシン元首相の法律顧問


共同JBN 0571 (2014.5.26)

【ロンドン2014年5月23日PRN=共同JBN】5月22日のタイ国軍による違法な軍事クーデター宣言に対応して、タクシン・シナワット元タイ首相と民主主義擁護の「赤シャツ集団」(Red Shirts Movement)の法律顧問、ロバート・アムステルダム氏は、2014年5月22日におけるプラユット・チャンオチャ将軍による違法な権力掌握という事態に伴い、亡命政権の樹立が検討されていると言明した。アムステルダム氏は繰り返し、「タイ軍事政権の行動は全く正統性を欠いており、タイ国内法と国際法の破廉恥な違反行為である。国民を代表する合法的な行政権は直近かつ完璧だった2011年7月3日の総選挙における明々白々たる勝利にのっとり、依然としてタイ貢献党にある」と述べた。








ソース:Amsterdam & Partners LLP

Consideration given to Formation of Thai Government in Exile



Following the declaration of an illegal military coup by the Army of Thailand

on Thursday, Robert Amsterdam, counsel to former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin

Shinawatra and the pro-democracy 'Red Shirt' movement, stated that active

consideration is being given to the formation of a government in exile in the

wake of the illegal seizure of power staged in Thailand by General Prayuth

Chan-Ocha on May 22, 2014. Mr. Amsterdam reiterates that the actions of the

Thai military junta lack all legitimacy and constitute flagrant violations of

both Thai and international law. The only organization in Thailand with a

popular and legal mandate to govern remains the Pheu Thai Party, on the

strength of its clear victory in the last full general election of July 3, 2011.

"The military coup carried out by the Army of Thailand does not have any

legitimacy nor does the Army of Thailand have a mandate from the people of

Thailand to govern the country.  Those who have the mandate of the people of

Thailand, secured through free and fair elections, are now considering the

formation of a government in exile," said Mr. Amsterdam.

Mr. Amsterdam also raised the question of the unlawful detentions of

pro-democracy activists currently being rounded up by the junta stating that "I

denounce the illegal detention of all political leaders in Thailand. Given the

Army of Thailand's human rights record, we are extremely concerned for the

safety of the political detainees, and we urge the international community to

remain on high alert."

Mr Amsterdam also stated that a number of foreign governments have already

expressed their willingness to host such a government in exile under

internationally established rules and practice.  He emphasised that the Army of

Thailand has no legal authority to govern and has acted in violation of both

local and international law.

"Make no mistake, this is an illegitimate military coup that must be penalized

with the full strength of sanctions and diplomatic measures to ensure the

safety and security of the Thai people," said Amsterdam

Robert Amsterdam serves as international counsel to the United National Front

for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) of Thailand. More information can be

read at http://robertamsterdam.com/thailand.

Source: Amsterdam & Partners LLP




