
The Conference on Inclusive Capitalism


AsiaNet 56825

共同JBN 0559 (2014.5.26)




*「Conference on Inclusive Capitalism(包摂的な資本主義についてのカンファレンス)」は企業や投資家が金融危機後の社会再構築の先頭に立つための道筋を示す



26日、当地で開催される前例のないカンファレンスは世界トップの機関投資家、資産運用管理会社、企業、政府系投資ファンド、金融機関の指導者が一堂に会するものになる。「Conference on Inclusive Capitalism」出席者の目的はただ一つ。資本主義制度を刷新できる実行可能な方法を見つけ、資本主義を経済的機会均等および繁栄の共有を推進する包摂的なエンジンに変えることだ。


「Conference on Inclusive Capitalism」に参加する個々人の能力および彼らが代表する資源の規模を見れば、ビジネス全体が一段の進歩を遂げ、共同作業にコミットすれば現状を変革できる時代が来たことが分かる。「Conference on Inclusive Capitalism」は商業活動のすべての分野において社会的恩恵、経済的恩恵の両方を増大させようとするすべての努力を支持するものだ。しかしながら、「Conference on Inclusive Capitalism」はビジネスが特に重大かつ深遠な影響を与えることができる3分野があるとして、これらに焦点を当てることにしている。




「Conference on Inclusive Capitalism」の創立者兼ホストでEL Rothschild and Co最高経営責任者(CEO)のリン・フォレスター・ド・ロスチャイルド氏は「『Conference on Inclusive Capitalism』は過去30年間にわたる資本主義の発展結果によって引き起こされたいくつかの深刻な『ずれ』に対応しようとするものだ。一般大衆のビジネスに対する信頼のほころび、所得格差の世界的な増大、資本市場で増大する短期主義、体制の高潔さや価値の危機などである。『Conference on Inclusive Capitalism』の核心はすべての人の機会創出のエンジンとしての資本主義の役割を回復することに関したものだ」と述べた。「われわれは『Conference on Inclusive Capitalism』を通じて今日の体制に存在する希望の不平等と戦おうとしている」



「Conference on Inclusive Capitalism」共同ホストでロンドン市長のフィオナ・ウルフ氏は「包摂的な資本主義は単なるグッドアイデアではない。資本主義が生き残るための重要な転回になる。エコノミストでなくとも不平等の行き着く先が心配になるはずだ。資本主義は人類に奉仕するものだという道徳的な主張を保つためにはより多くの人に、より多くの方法で還元する方法を見つけなければならない。これがわれわれに課せられた挑戦であり、われわれはそれを認める必要がある」と述べた。




午前9時05分  英国皇太子殿下

午前9時15分  クリスティーヌ・ラガルド国際通貨基金(IMF)専務理事

午後1時35分  ローレンス・H・サマーズ・ハーバード大学教授、チャールズ・W・エリオット(同教授)

午後5時  ビル・クリントン元米大統領(42代)・クリントン財団創立者

午後8時  マーク・カーニー・イングランド銀行総裁


上記にリストアップされている講演はロイター通信がプール取材を行い、LiveUのスタンダード・デフィニションで生中継する。詳しい情報とフィードの入手方法についてはinclusivecapitalism.press@edelman.com に連絡をとられたい。


▽Conference on Inclusive Capitalismについて

Conference on Inclusive Capitalism (包摂的資本主義についてのカンファレンス)を開催する、というアイデアが浮上したのは金融危機から数多くのネガティブな影響をうけた投資家や実業家に実行可能な打開策を示すためのグローバルな会議を開こうと2012年5月、シティ・オブ・ロンドンがE.L.ロスチャイルドを招へいしたことに起因する。ネガティブな影響とは、不平等な所得格差の拡大、大型の企業・金融スキャンダル、一般社会の実業に対する不信の増大、長く続く高い失業率、それに企業経営と保有に関する短期的なアプローチのまん延である。

会議はE.L. ロスチャイルド がFinancial Times Liveやエデルマン、それに下に列記した各種財団からの奉仕活動や惜しみない支援を受けて企画された。アフリカのTony Elumelu Foundation、米国のロックフェラー財団とフォード財団、英国から Gatsby Charitable Foundation とBlavatnik Family Foundation、中国からSunshine Kaidi New Energy Group、それにブラジルから Entrepreneurial Citizenship Institute (ICE) などである。

包摂的な資本主義(Inclusive Capitalism)とは自覚した資本主義、倫理的な資本主義、善良な資本主義に力をそそぐ人々による称賛に値する努力の一部を示す用語である。社会のすべてと地球という惑星がうまく働き、世界の経済をより持続可能にするあらゆる努力を意味している。資本主義を維持するためのすべての努力は一般からの幅広いサポートが欠かせない。それが維持できるのは市場がより多くの所得を分配し生活水準を上げることによってのみ可能である。包摂的な資本主義は利益の追求を動機とするだけでは、危険な不平等の拡大、汚職や信頼の崩壊、公衆衛生へのダメージ、グローバルな環境破壊に対抗することはできないことを認識している。その核心にはビジネスや投資家は社会における自分自身の役割を自覚する必要があり、自身の責務を自覚して行動を変えなければ社会からの信頼は得られない。 「Conference on Inclusive Capitalism」の遺産を長くとどめるために参加者が書いたエッセー集が出版される予定である。エッセー集は資本主義をより包摂的にするための各参加者の提言が含まれている。

情報の更新と資本主義をより包摂的にするための閉会後の進行状況については以下のウェブサイトを参照: http://www.conferenceoninclusivecapitalism2014.com 。また、イベント、参加者とのインタビュー、包摂的な資本主義に関して代表者たちが提示した共同見解リーダーシップのハイライトの映像も公開予定。

ソース:The Conference on Inclusive Capitalism

"The Will to Make Capitalism Fairer; The Means to Do It"


LONDON, May 26, 2014 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The Men and Women Who Control a Third of the World's Liquid Assets Come

Together to Make Inclusion and Fairness the Bedrock of Global Business

    Equality, opportunity & responsibility lie at the heart of a unique London

conference addressed by Clinton, Lagarde & Carney

    The Conference on Inclusive Capitalism provides a pathway to putting

business and investors in the vanguard of society's recalibration post

financial crisis

    Speakers: H.R.H. The Prince of Wales - Bill Clinton - Christine Lagarde -

Mark Carney - Lawrence H. Summers - Paul Polman - Sir Charlie Mayfield - Jin

Liqun -Eric Schmidt - Lord David Sainsbury

    250 global delegates from 37 countries and 35 business sectors represent

assets under management worth approximately $30 trillion - a third of the

world's investable income

    An unprecedented conference bringing together leaders from the top

institutional investors, asset managers, corporations, sovereign wealth funds

and financial institutions from around the world will convene here today. The

delegates of the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism share one purpose: to find

practical ways to renew the capitalist system, making it an inclusive engine of

economic opportunity and shared prosperity.


    Since the financial crisis, a well-documented debate about the role and

purpose of business has emerged. Leaders have questioned whether the public

will continue to support a system which nurtures growing inequality, permits

and even rewards unethical behaviour, and suppresses the importance of social

purposes in favour of a primary focus on the next quarter's results.   

Bold and co-operative responses are urgently needed from those with the power

to make capitalism and free markets inclusive of society as a whole. The

effects of rapid technological innovation, growing globalization of business

and ideas, and increasingly constrained resources makes a unified response more

imperative than ever.

    Because of the stature of the individuals present and the scale of the

resources they represent, the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism represents an

epoch when business can step up to commit to collaborative action that

transforms the status quo.

    The Conference on Inclusive Capitalism supports all efforts to increase the

social and economic benefits of all areas of commercial activity. However,

there are three areas where the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism believes

business can have significant and profound impact, and on which the Conference

will focus:

    Promoting responsible behavior that underpins the integrity and fairness of

the system and safeguards the interests of people and companies working within


    Building ladders of economic opportunity through enhanced education, skills

training, job creation and innovation

    Investing for the long term by focusing on the greatest return for all

those with a stake in capitalism's stability, instead of just the quickest

return for shareholders.

    "The Conference on Inclusive Capitalism seeks to respond to the serious

dislocations caused by developments in capitalism over the last 30 years: the

fraying of public trust in business, worldwide increases in income inequality,

increasing short-termism in capital markets, and a crisis in the integrity and

values of the system. At its core, the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism is

concerned with restoring capitalism's role as an engine of opportunity for

all," said Lynn Forester de Rothschild, CEO, EL Rothschild and Co Host and

Founder of the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism. "Through the Conference on

Inclusive Capitalism we will fight against the inequality of hope that exists

in the system today."

    Key note speaker, Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF, said:

"In the past, economists have underestimated the importance of inequality. They

have focused on economic growth, on the size of the pie rather than its

distribution. Today, we are more keenly aware of the damage done by inequality.

Put simply, a severely skewed income distribution harms the pace and

sustainability of growth over the longer term. It leads to an economy of

exclusion, and a wasteland of discarded potential. The recognition of this fact

by the conference on inclusive capitalism is incredibly important for the long

term prosperous future of all."

    Conference delegate Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever commented "The very essence

of capitalism is under threat. We have to bring this world back to sanity and

put the greater good ahead of self-interest. This important gathering of global

business and financial leaders provides us with the opportunity to reach a

tipping point where business, government and finance work together to develop a

new ethical framework for growth."

    Fiona Woolf, Lord Mayor of London and co-host of the Conference on

Inclusive Capitalism, said: "Inclusive capitalism is not just a nice idea -

it's a vital turn to make if capitalism is to survive. You don't have to be an

economist to be worried by the direction of travel that inequality is taking.

If capitalism is to retain its moral claim to serve humankind then it must find

ways of including more people, in more ways, in its returns. This is our

challenge - and we must accept it."

    All media

    The Conference will be held under the Chatham House Rule, with the

exception of the keynote speeches, which will be on the record.

These will be streamed live at the following times on


9:05am - H.R.H. The Prince of Wales

9.15am - Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund

1:35pm - Lawrence H. Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor at Harvard

5:00pm - President Bill Clinton, Founder of the Clinton Foundation and

         42nd President of the United States

8:00pm - Mark Carney, Governor, Bank of England

    Due to the Conference being under The Chatham House Rule we will not be

able to accommodate requests from media to attend the conference.

    The keynote speeches listed above will be pooled by Reuters and transmitted

via LiveU in standard definition.

Please contact inclusivecapitalism.press@edelman.com for further information on

picking up the feed.

    Please contact the press office at Inclusivecapitalism.press@edelman.com if

you wish to conduct any media interviews with a spokesperson for the


    About the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism

    The idea for the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism originated in May 2012

in response to an invitation to E.L Rothschild by the City of London to

organize an important global meeting that would provide actionable pathways for

investors and businesses to take in response to many of the negative impacts of

the financial crisis; such as increases in income inequality, large-scale

corporate and financial scandals and the fraying of public trust in business,

historically high and persistent unemployment and short-term approaches to

managing and owning companies.

    The conference was organized by E.L. Rothschild with assistance from the

Financial Times Live, Edelman, and numerous volunteers and the generous support

of the foundations listed below Tony Elumelu Foundation from Africa, the

Rockefeller and Ford Foundations from the US, the Gatsby Charitable Foundation

and Blavatnik Family Foundation from the UK, Sunshine Kaidi New Energy Group

from China, and the Entrepreneurial Citizenship Institute (ICE) from Brazil.

    Inclusive Capitalism is a term that is part of all the admirable efforts

made by people who stress conscious capitalism, moral capitalism, good

capitalism and all other efforts to make economies of the world more

sustainable by making them work better for all of society and for the planet.  

All of the efforts hold that capitalism requires broad public support to

thrive, which will only be maintained if the market delivers broad-based gains

in incomes and living standards. Inclusive capitalism recognises that profit

motive alone cannot be counted on to prevent dangerous growth in inequality,

corruption and breach of trust, or damage to public health and the global

environment. At its heart is the view that businesses and investors must be

conscious of their role in society in addition to their bottom line, and have a

responsibility to change their behaviour when public confidence in markets


As a lasting legacy for the Conference on Inclusive Capitalism a collection of

essays authored by participants in the conference will be published. The essays

will contain proposals by conference participants for making capitalism more


    For updates and information on progress towards making capitalism more

inclusive please visit http://www.conferenceoninclusivecapitalism2014.com post

conference. In addition there will also be footage from the event, interviews

with those that attended and highlights of the collective thought leadership

produced by delegates on the subject of Inclusive Capitalism.

    SOURCE:  The Conference on Inclusive Capitalism  




