◎乾癬に関する世界保健総会決議、活動主体にとってのマイルストーンに - 研究に取り組む製薬業界は、意識向上、研究、情報公開へさらにフォーカスするよう要望

International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations

AsiaNet 56699



乾癬に関する世界保健総会決議、活動主体にとってのマイルストーンに - 研究に取り組む製薬業界は、意識向上、研究、情報公開へさらにフォーカスするよう要望を追加

ジュネーブ、2014年 5月9日/PRニュースワイヤー/ --

・ 乾癬は世界で1億2500万人が罹患している慢性疾患であり、特効薬が存在せず、痛み、皮膚の発疹、重症化に陥る;

・ 患者の多くは治療のために取り得る手段があるにも関わらず、放置されたまま、回避しうるはずの苦痛や関連疾病への高い罹患率に苦しんでおり、個人、社会、医療システムへの多大な経済的負担となっている。

・ 世界保健総会では、世界中から保健省の担当大臣が集結し、世界的に、そして地域および国として取り組む議題に乾癬を取り上げるよう促すことができる。

本日、International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (http://www.ifpma.org/、IFPMA:製薬団体国際連盟)は、乾癬にスポットライトを当てるべくアクションを求める呼びかけを開始しました。研究に取り組む製薬業界は、第67回世界保健総会での乾癬に関する歴史的な決議の採択に向け、今後の閣僚級会談を歓迎すべく、活動主体として参加します。「今回の決議は回避しうるはずの苦痛、そして個人にとってのみならず、生産性の喪失、医療サービスや薬のコストという意味での社会にとっての経済的負担を食い止める必要性を認識する上で、重要なマイルストーンとなっています。」と、IFPMAディレクター、Mario Ottiglio 氏は述べています。



情報元: International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations(製薬団体国際連盟)

The World Health Assembly Resolution on Psoriasis Represents a Milestone for Campaigners. Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry Adds its Voice by Cal


The World Health Assembly Resolution on Psoriasis Represents a Milestone for Campaigners. Research-based Pharmaceutical Industry Adds its Voice by Calling for Greater Focus on Awareness, Research and Access


    - Psoriasis is a chronic, painful, disfiguring and disabling disease

affecting 125 million people worldwide for which there is no cure;

    - Many go undertreated despite treatments options causing avoidable

suffering  and high rates of psoriasis associated illnesses; and substantial

economic costs to individuals, society and healthcare systems.

    - At the World Health Assembly, health ministers from around the world can

contribute to raise the psoriasis on global, regional and national agendas.

    Today the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and

Associations [http://www.ifpma.org ] (IFPMA) launched a call to action to bring

Psoriasis out into the light. The research-based pharmaceutical industry joins

campaigners in welcoming the upcoming ministerial talks for the approval of a

historic resolution on psoriasis at the 67th World Health Assembly. "This

represents an important milestone in recognizing the need to stop the avoidable

suffering and the substantial cost not just to individuals but also to society

in terms of lost productivity, cost of healthcare services and medications" -

says Mario Ottiglio, Director at IFPMA.

    Psoriasis is a chronic, painful, disfiguring and disabling non-communicable

disease for which there is no cure. It affects more than 125 million

individuals across the globe. It puts an enormous psychosocial burden on those

affected with 89% of people suffering from shame and embarrassment, 62%

experiencing depressive symptoms. Children with psoriasis are hit particularly

hard by the psychosocial impact of the illness, while later in life, psoriasis

increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Increased sick leave (average

26 days/year), is just one aspect of the associated economic costs of psoriasis

upon individuals, societies and healthcare systems.

    A number of treatments are available, but their full potential remains

unrealized within healthcare systems and many people with psoriasis go

untreated. In a report released today, IFPMA firstly calls for measures to

increase global access to current effective therapies and healthcare services.

Secondly, the research-based industry recognizes the need to increase research

efforts from molecular science to psychology and economics as well as fostering

innovation to boost the development of new therapies. Thirdly, IFPMA supports

the need for greater awareness of the public health impact of psoriasis and

support for organizations that can help connect people with psoriasis with

organizations and professions that can help them.

Source: International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and





